
Chapter 283

This place reminded her so much of there home back in the heavenly realm that was why she felt so much comfortable and sleot off like a baby. This was actually the first time she had so much peace sleeping, this is because anytime she forces herself to sleep all she thinks about is her daughter, her husband and those surrounding them. The future was something very tiring to think about so soon. But what she had just said was nothing but the truth, she would never leave her friends behind no matter what, they were always there for each other till death. Even death seems very difficult to seperate them. Her friends were not just her friend they were more than that, and Clara was going to the heavenly realm just for her own daughter's sake. And she didn't even care about her return.

"Can you take her off me?"Elyrex said looking at Teresa for help.

"Help just when I slept over it, I just remembered that the only person who beast the name 'Elyrex' was none other person than you Dad. No wonder my Dad and Beatrice kept talking about the face, I couldn't understand it then at all. What happened to your old face? You look more handsome and younger than your present look. If I didn't know you from birth, I would think you to bethe devil himself." Teresa said giving him a lazy look, She wasn't willing to give him a hand, because she approves to it hundred percent. When she said Clara was like a leach, she was making an understatement, it was the truth when it comes to clingyness.

"Speechless" , "I wonder why the sudden change, she was very fine yesterday night, No I mean this morning, No Sorry what I mean wat that she wasn't like this then till this Point" He said hitting himself on the head. He tried separating himself from her but it was to no avail.

"Wonder why I changed suddenly? You shouldn't be, I use to wonder why you left the heavenly realm nfor the demon realm and after sleeping over it, I found the answer"

"And what answer was that?" He said looking at her

"At the time you met the Devil, your wife was pregnant then right?"

"Yes she was, what does that got to do with this?" Elyrex said pointing at the strong grip Clara had on him.

"It means you went to get a very rare herb as precious as the one we are going to get for Selom" She said smiling at him

(Looking confused) "I still don't understand how that is related to how clingy you are currently" Elyrex said with wide eyes he wasn't getting her point at all.

"That was why you got there in tye first place because you loved your wife and your kids" she responded

(Scoffs) "But he still left us behind didn't he, so his efforts were useless "

"That's what you think, but I know better " Clara said holding him tightly. "I wouldn't let you go, you have a lot to tell me "

Elyry could not help but shiver, this was unexpected if he knew that this would be the result he would have kept his mouth shut. But he couldn't help it he ruined the whole thing himself, he didn't have to look up to his friend for help, he knew he wouldn't interfere at all.

"I would tell you all you need to know, can you let go of me now. " He said with a pleading tone.

(Smiles)"Then you would have to sign this" she said handing him a paper. "It has to be by blood then the agreement is achieved, I have already signed my own part " She said looking at him, without wasting time he snatched the document and immediately slight his fingers a little and signed. He didn't even go through tye document. Seeing him signing it, Clara immediately loosen her grip and before they could knew what was happening next, he disappeared.

"He didn't even go through the document, no wonder he signed the devil's contract without any stress" Beatrice said sounding disgusted. Both women had placed a bet and Clara won. Elyrex just had to find a way to work on those bad habit of his or else he would out noy only him but also his family in big trouble. Clara was already on cloud nine, she was not onl living the moment but also feeling it as well.

(Laughing) "it seems if you frustrate him a little and hold a strong grip on him, he would sign whatever he is given. Too bad he isn't too Rick, I would have made him gone bankrupt, he would sign all his asseta to me. I told you, he was in such a hurry then that he didn't have the time to go through the Devil's deal and he just signed it. Now luckily for me, this will work well in my favor " Clara said proudly.

Through out all this Blaine didn't say a word to help his friend at all. His girls were always right no matter the means they take, as far as they were happy with it then he had nothing else to say that to give in to them. But he was also very curious to know what kind of documents Elyrex had just signed. He wasn't aware of this part at all, he had overheard the conversation between them and how Elyrex spoke about the Devil. If there was anyone who could identify the devil in no matter form he chose, it was him and his friend Elyrex. They had met him face to face on several occasion, his suddenly disappearance was something they had never predicted. Going back to the heavenly realm was a good opportunity, they would find out everything they needed to know about the Demon realm. And since they would still have to pay the Demon realm a visit nothing about the devil would be hidden.


They all headed to the health organization to get the lists of hospitals and their addresses.If possible their year of establishment matters as well. This is because they would help traxe the authentication of the hospital using this process.This became so serious that Kent lost every patience in him.It became like a wild portion that could render one heartless.But Kent could control it without letting it get the best of him. Why was he so reserved about his own sample? This is because they were in the human realm, if it had gotten misplaced somewhere in the immortal realm, he would not have stressed himself.

 The sample missing meant that if it was already surviving in the woman's womb then things just got more complicated. This is because that child would carry his genes since he was an immortal and how is the mother of the child going to explain how her child has an extraordinary power. What they would do is that they would title him as a freak or better still an alien disputing the fact that real Immortals exist. And if those samples get off on the wrong hands then it is worse than anything else.

Teaching the hospital the men immediately got off, they alighted the car whole Kent immediately locked it with the car remote. These men were all in suits and just by looking at them one could tell they were not just ordinary men. The Car Kent had driven over was worth millions of dollars.

They all kept a serious face as the got into the building. Since it was Lee's idea then he was their spokesman, all they had to do was to follow in his footsteps.

Getting into the hospital, Lee immediately looked around. A tour around the city wasn't indeed a bad idea. I found it a little pleasing. "Please can I get the latest result for a process which took place Seven months ago? I want to know if there was any mix with the sample and where they came from? " Lee said forcing a warm smile from his face 

"But sir...why have you requested this details?" The nurse at the reception said, looking at him. Kent on the other end was already getting too pissed. He felt that the nurse was asking too many questions.

"I'm in search of a missing sample. I am a scientist and I work on such things. There's a lot I want to investigate" Lee said, bringing his identity card out of his pocket. He immediately showed it to her and she was wowed. Indeed she had heard about him, she heard how very good he is. (Smiling) "Sorry I asked, but it's against the company rules to share confidential information about the hospital to the public. This wouldn't be safe at all" she said sounding helpless 

(Scoffs) "Lee seems to be handling the case very well, he has been so friendly and he is also making her laugh as well" Joey could help but give out his comment. They were sitting at the lobby like good gentlemen, if they all walked to meet the receptionist all at once that would be very bad because she would have fainted or better still they would have scared the hell out of her. She would feel like she wants to be kidnapped by them.

"Yes sure, he always does things in a right and pleasing way trust me if it was Kent (Sigh) This would be his statement ' I am Lark Kent and I am here to check all the records from start. If not found, there will be great trouble in the city.I will use all power in me which might hurt everyone.Stay alert In Case any information reaches you.' And I bet the nurse would have already pissed herself in terror, because his face would be as cold as ice and as scary as death itself " Strings said out loud, his words were so funny that even Adams him self couldn't help but chuckle. He had been dumb the old time but had no choice than to be well behaved. Kent on the other hand also found it very funny all he gave off was a smile and then he was back to the motion less, emotion less self.

Finally as the men watched from a far, it seemed the nurse had agreed to what ever she was being told. She immediately left the desk to go look for something. After a few minutes of checking she was already back with some piece of paper.

"So sir, you had spoken about a kind of sample so what kind of sample are you insearch of?"The nurse said lookit through the papers she held in her hands.

"it's my sperm sample.I must get it within a month. I'm certain someone somewhere and somehow knows about its destination or even...what happened to it.I will figure this out in no time. Please keep watch.All ears and eyes open "Lee said sounding like he was giving the nurse more bloody advice than himself.

The rest of the men didn't know what was funny in all Lee was saying to the nurse. All they could see were her smiles.

"But . finding a sperm sample which is yours...that is difficult to find.There are many samples out probably..they misplaced it at the hospital where it was taken. If this happens to be above me them I would be left with no choice than to seek my boss"

(Smiles) " If that's the case then there's no problem at all" Lee smiled. Kent on the other hand was already getting very impatient. Even if they were far off he could hear the whole conversation. He immediately gets up and walks to the desk

"say that to me no more.even if someone have it in her, we would have to figure it out"Kent replied

"Sir, to be sincere this is more like looking for a ghost sample, we have to search everywhere and make some findings but that would be very difficult. And bases on the fact that the sample the young man spoke off" she smiled out at Lee leaving Kent all by himself "it's already been 6 months or more gone, such a sample is more of like looking for a needle in a hay stay" she said sincerely,bit wasn't just as simple as A B C 

"You don't have to worry yourself, I have that already sorted out get me the director of the hospital" Kent

"Sure, that would save me from a lot of trouble" The nurse said, heaving a sigh of relief. Finally she wouldn't have to crack such complications afterwards, it was better she stayed far from Itm picking up the hospital line she pressed a number which immediately connected. "Boss, some men are waiting for you downstairs. They need to see you now or should I have them sent to your office?"

"Sure Rosy, send them up to my office immediately, '' he instructed. Dropping the phone she smiled at Lee and Kent " This way please " she said heading upstairs. Strings, Adam and Joey thought about following up but they felt no need. Getting them to the man's office, Rosy pointed at it and immediately left them there. She immediately winked at Lee who was surprised by her gesture.

Lee and Kent got into the man's office, where Lee made an introduction of everything while the man stayed and listened carefully.

"And how will you do that?"The director asked

"It's very simple, the record would tell me if there was indeed a swap in samples or not and if there isn't there would be nothing to worry about " Lee explained again.

"oh there wasn't any swap in samples with the other hospital at all. If they were, ke , being director of this hospital I would know this. And this hospital is too small compared to theirs so there wouldn't be such a thing. (Laughs ( The hospital you mentioned is the biggest here in town, so it would be in our dreams for them to make a partnership with this hospital. Here, these are the necessary documents I have to back up what I just said . But it seems there's more to it than this." He said looking at the men strangely" Goodluck with that.I have done as requested "The director said, looking at them. All the points he just made weren't senseless at all, they were clear facts.

Collecting the documents the men immediately went through it and in what they saw, it was the other way round. It was this hospital that would normally transfer their patient to the next hospital for better treatment. So they had nothing to search for here at all.

Without wasting time they both left and went down the back stairs. Kent looked a little bit disappointed somehow but he was happy they were making headways. Just by looking at their faces one would tell that the news isn't in any way pleasant.

"Kent...this sample should better surface."Joey said sounding exhausted. It was like he was the one who had been doing the job of going to meet the nurse and the director.

****Author's Note 

Hello my lovely readers, I am sorry for the late updates please bear this with me. I have a lot on my plate, I only have time to type in the evenings. Please I'm Sorry. Thanks alot for your understanding please keep the comments coming ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗.