
Chapter 276

(Lily immediately Steps in)

"Why do you look so worked out?"Granny questioned

"This luggages alone are enough to work me out.Gosh. I am so tired! And there's nobody to give me a hand" he said sounding very frustrated.

"And where's the old man?, He has lots of explanation to do"

"Granny…come get some rest.Let the old man be. I had let him yet to go drop the goods and viola he isn't here again. The old man is kinda strange."

"What's so strange about him?"

"Grandma just go and have a good rest, my back aches alot and yours would feel the same"

"You were the one rushing to come over and now you're running away?" She said looking at him with wide eyes

"Common grandma…your health is all I care about"

While Granny and Sammy were speaking…Lily felt a warm kiss on her cheek.Seems the old man is in for a hide and seek game.

"(Whispers) I've missed you alot my princess"Grandpa said

"And what's wrong with you granny?why the red puffy cheeks? Are you blushing?"Sammy asked chuckling 

"(Laughing) Granny…you're really blushing. The Old man…show up..and your face has already sold you out. This is embarrassing "Sammy continued. He wouldn't let them have their space untill he wants to. 

"It wasn't a mistake when I said I've missed you alot baby.." The Old man said hugging her tightly, his show of love was clear and he wasn't ashamed.

That was the old man talking to the old lady in romantic tone addressing her as his baby. He've missed her alot yet hid it away from her "So shameless" Sammy couldn't help but complain. All his stress was just for nothing.

"Common…you're both old for this..gosh,I'm off to my room"Sammy mumbled. He couldn't tolerate the shameless act any longer.

"Wait"Grandpa said


"Gosh…granny…you never wanted…" he couldn't help but stutters, he remembered what he went through, he had to convince her countless times before she agreed to it.

"I now want to…"Granny replied in a funny tune.

"She no longer know what she wants because of a kiss"Sammy mumbled heading to his room leaving some of the luggages behind

"Uh-uhn..take the luggages with you"granny said pointing at them

"Rrrrrrh..So annoying"Sammy said to himself dragging the luggages along. He didn't feel like using his powers again. He felt they wouldn't work now 

(Romantic session and confession)

"Nice…"Granny said with her fingers on grandpa's ear

"Easy old lady…"

"You'll have to explain the health status of my grandson to me"

It seemed like the old man tied back her senses with some little love display yet she came back to her senses.

"(Smiles) I'll explain it all to you later Let me have some conversation with my grandson ok? You just got back,take your shower and have some rest,we have some game to play(wink)" 

"You're right"Granny said walking away gently.

"hmm…the mansion looks so dusty…so dirty.Old man…you haven't learnt anything from me.Not a bit"Granny said while she check around

"While you weren't here…I wasn't too."Grandpa said

"And what do he mean by that?"granny asked

"Why not go have a shower and stop asking questions? "



**At Sammy's room

"We've secured a deal..he'll surely fulfill them else.."

"Else what Sammy? I'm a man of my words,while I give 40% of my powers to you…we'll act up so that the old woman won't notice"Grandpa said

"You have no option than that"

"(Nods) I hope you're aware of what it takes to recieve power from the mighty man I am?" Grandpa asked

"And..what do you mean than that.You never made mention of that during the agreement.What if I don't have what it takes and can't meet up?"Sammy asked

"Silly boy, the last time I transferred some of my powers to you, you didn't notice the disturbance in your system. I had to stabilize it for you using the posion."

"Don't try to convince me wth your words, you didn't stabilize anything old man, you tried to kill me. I wouldn't believe you so tell me what are the requirements?"Sammy asked

"I would tell you later , it seems your grandmother is done bathing. And you look terrible, how did you become so weak? Just the load made you this exhausted?"

"Yes as you can see"

"Then have a good rest, we would talk about the next process and the requirements tomorrow " The Old man said and immediately disappears. Now Sammy had no strength at all, he just sat down staring at the space.

“How weird of you to call at this right moment when i needed no hear from you. What’s up with you” Sammy said sitting on the chair as he rolls over. He sounded very exhausted, he was so tired that he tired falling asleep but nothing was working. Sammy just sat in front of his laptop, looking at the blank screen. He was so lazy to do anything on it, video games would make him less bored but he felt his fingers were not up to the tasks. Some days are just so lazy, even eating a meal would seem very difficult. He had thought about calling his elder brother just now when his own call came in. he had lied to the old man when he said the car broke down, actually he got so tired of driving and pressured his grandmother to take a taxi. He also left some job for butler Sam, by sending him a message of where their car was parked so that he would bring it home alongside himself.

(Smirks) “You have succeeded in taking grandma back to the old man right?” Kent asked

“I have, finally I won’t have him hunt me down in my dreams. You won’t believe what I had to go through; thank goodness the wound didn’t leave a scar. You won’t believe it big brother; the old man took control over my body and made me hit my head so hard on the wall. My skull was broken but all thanks to grandma’s care I am still alive” Sammy couldn’t help but complain, seeing his brother frown, he smiled just as always his brother cared about him. (Sigh with relief) I am finally free” he said stretching his arms like a free man who was finally released from jail after forty years. Sammy couldn’t stop himself from rolling the chair that had wheels on it. It was already a habit, through the video call Kent already felt so dizzy.

“Can you stop rolling your seats? Get your ass at a spot. I have something very important that I would like to discuss with you. I had told you what to do if you can’t tolerate the old man, don’t get yourself killed. I am sure he wants to test all your skills to make sure you’ve been practicing”

“Owh (looking confused) is that what you want to discuss with me?”

“No, that’s not it; I am just giving you a quick reminder”

“Owh thanks, I forgot to tell you this, grandma has some extra ordinary skills as well. She can use the invincible skill. She used it and I couldn’t sense her presence at all. That’s how the control thing came in place. The old man was very angry that I couldn’t sense her presence while she had been in my room for so long (laughing) I never sold the old man out, I thought about bringing the contract terms out so as to lure him out then he took such a drastic step and almost got me killed” Sammy explained all this in one breath without having to stop. He was talking like he was being paid per word, like a talking machine. Kent couldn’t help but wonder where he got such a skill from, they were all the quiet type in their family. It seems that during his creation, his own salivary gland had extra saliva in it. That’s why he could talk nonstop without his throat getting dried up from all the stress of words pronunciation. This is the best grammatical way to put it, it suddenly sounds less insulting.

“That’s good to know, you should be very careful next time. What would have happened if it wasn’t grandma but an enemy? Just be more sensitive next time and work on building your abilities”

“I would brother don’t worry, I would be getting about forty percent of the old man energy”

“With that being said, let’s get back to the main topic. I have something of very high importance and it’s delicate” Kent said with all seriousness, he knew how playful his younger brother could be sometimes.

“Owh is that really the case? You look so serious. Should I ring the alarm?”

(Speechless) “Stop playing I need your full attention” he said frowning

“Go on, what do you need my help with?”

“Grandma had asked for a sperm sample from me, so I gave Poco Lee the job of extracting just two samples from my system. My initial plan was to let her have the sample then I could trace its movement and get them back which I did, but unfortunately the sample brought back does not belong to me” Kent explained as he massaged his temples

“Really! That’s a very bad thing to do big bros, why did you give her the sample in the first place when you knew you would take it back?” Sammy sounded like an adviser in chief; he spoke like he was cautioning a child against what he did badly in school.

“Are you lecturing me?” Kent said glaring at him though the screen

But Sammy did not care at all, he wasn’t afraid of his brother at all, his glared meant nothing to him” What does it look like I am doing? If you had done that to the old man, i wouldn’t have a problem with what you did but you did it to my lovely grandmother” Sammy said at the verge of tears.

This rendered Lark Kent speechless; this wasn’t what he was expecting at all. For several days he couldn’t sleep so he thought of letting his younger brother know all about it. It was once kept as a secret but now it’s already becoming public. It had to become public because they needed a clear solution. “Any Help would Help’ this was the code. “Are you playing with me right now?

“How would i? You are so boring, the last time we spoke on video call, you looked so terrible and didn’t tell me about it. (Smiles) But it seems you were left with no choice but to spill the beans. So what do you want me to do about your missing sperm sample?’

“Find it!”

“By reporting the case to the authorities? I am sure if I dialed the number 911 they would give me a positive feedback in less than twenty four hours” He couldn’t help but look at his brother strangely. How was finding his brother’s sperm his job?

Hearing this Poco Lee who was outside the video coverage busted into laughter, “Lee is that you? That’s sounds like you” Sammy said bringing his face closer to the screen. He was very eager to see him, he knew who it is that had just laughed but he couldn’t see his face. “Where are you? Are you hiding away from me?’

(Laughing) “I wouldn’t hide from you kiddo, it’s nice to see you. If you did call 911 what would you say to them?’

(Chuckles)” that’s not a problem (clearing his throat) “Hello this is an emergency, my brother’s sperm is missing and he wants it found”

(Laughing) “They would hang up immediately, if it was that easy we would have found it by now. But your answer felt so good kiddo” Lee said giving him a thumbs up. The both have a mutual understanding when it comes to pissing Kent off. They both rendered him speechless “How are you doing? I overheard your discussion about being controlled. Are you okay?”

“I am doing just fine, I believe in the saying ‘Something goes for something’ “Sammy said with a smile


(Laughing) “You’re wrong kiddo, the right word goes like this ‘Nothing goes for nothing’” Lee corrected

“Whatever, what I just said still made sense didn’t it?”

“It did. I am happy you are safe. I got my hands full; I would like to go back to what I was doing. Goodnight kiddo, it was nice seeing you”

“Same here Lee, let me talk to my brother now” he said waving him goodnight, Lee waved him back and walks away from the screen leaving him and Kent. “So brother, is there anything else?’

“I want you to find the missing sample”

“and why the hell will I do that, you didn’t let me in at the initial process so count me out now bro, I won’t give a helping based on the fact that you cheated my grandmother” Sammy said sounding very serious with his words.

(Speechless) “Fine go to bed then” he ordered

“What? Is that you talking? That’s so not you, what happened to offering me money?” he asked sounding very surprised

(Speechless) “Goodnight little brother” after he was done wishing him goodnight he immediately hung up on the call. It was already evening at his grandparents place but over at his place it was barely morning. Now this call just made everything worst. “I don’t think he has any information and looking at how exhausted he is, I feel he wouldn’t be able to move his muscle for days” Kent said sounding depressed.

(Laughing) “It seems your call didn't yield any result, so what’s the next step to take?” Lee asked looking at the iceberg. He was happy he spoke to Sammy, if there was anyone Kent could lay his life for it would be for his younger brother. He doesn’t want his younger brother to suffer and at the same time he would always let him have his way. In the actual sense, if Sammy really wanted to help then he would and it would be of good use.

“What’s the calling end on the boy's side?” he said massaging his aching temples, it was more frustrating than he thought.

“Nothing good at all, I had personally gone to the hospital to trace the sperms movement, guess what?”

(Giving him a deadly glare) Lee knew he wasn’t a fan of word puzzle) Asking him to guess is the worst choice 

“Fine, you are such an alien. We actually didn’t find any clues; some videos had already being deleted. I had personally fixed that video and I didn’t find anything suspicious. You can have a look at it as well” Lee said handling over a system to him with a paused video. After watching it for over five times he didn’t find anything suspicious as well this was the video in which the men he had sent got the sperm sample, there wasn’t a swipe at all, so how could they have the wrong sample then?

“Could it be that the woman under your grand mother’s care is pregnant with your child? ‘Lee said looking at him. Based on their research his grandmother still took a good care of the woman, could it be that it was Kent child?