
Chapter 266

On getting to the Airport, Clara's face was already so purple from anger. If she lays her hand on Beatrice she would be dead for sure. This was a big ruin to her pains and for heaven's sake she had spent over four hours in the traffic all because of the stupid rain, all thanks to Beatrice's kindness. That alone was enough to piss her off, but now what she was more worried about was that her son wasn't here alone; he had taken his bride to be alongside himself. Her plans were to leave two or three days from now. How could she do that now? 

She hadn't told anybody before she left because she barely believed he was here himself, he had to call her on a video call before she could believe him. But his presence could be something Beatrice was capable of doing, and the weather change was enough to make her feel that Murdering her would be the best decision she ever made. She had thought about telling Steve about her journey but on a second thought she decided not too, this was because she felt he might not see reasons with her. But now it seems Beatrice gave her no other option, if she had known, she would have come pick her up from the Airport when she had the Chance. A good accident would a bump on the head would do both of them a real good.

Immediately she alighted from her car, she looked around at the crowdy looking place, this was all thanks to the rain though it was still drizzling, it could get someone soaking wet. She quickly searched around looking for Steve "I am already at the airport, where are you?" She said through a mind link. 

She could sense him but it was just that tye place was so crowded that she couldn't see him, luckily for all humans the plane had landed before the outbrust of rain. It wasn't a down pour, it was an outbrust. The wind were stronger and the drops were heavier and the cloud was dark and cloudy. Even the lighting gave off a whole new and different vibes. What was more strange around here was the ran itself. If there was really a shot going on presently, one could easily assumed that it was an artificial rain.

"Just a few minutes, stay where you are mom, I will found you." Steve replied back

A few minutes later she felt a tap on her shoulders, she didn't have to turn around before she could know it was her son. She could smell him already . Turning around she gave him a tight hug " What a Surprise darling, you're welcome" she said, patting him on his back slightly. Looking at the lady beside him, she smiled broadly "Who do we have here? Darling you are also welcome" she said separating herself from her son and going to give the young lady a tight hug too.

"Thank you so much Aunt"

"Don't call me Aunt, okay? You are my daughter in law to be and in less than 2 months from now you would be part of my family. So you can call me mom just like my son does" Clara said with a smile.

Looking at her she felt this would be a difficult task for the young lady. " If you don't want to call me that, then you're free to call me Aunt for the time being. I don't want to force the word 'mom' on you"

"Thanks for your understanding aunt" the young lady replied with a smile

"Mom, can we go now? We have been standing for some minutes now " Steve said sounding a bit impatient. He was actually very impatient, he really wanted to see his sisters.

(Laughing) "you haven't told me who got you here in the first place. You were coming and you didn't bother to tell me " she said, forming annoyance.

"Oh oh, Sorry mom, I just wanted it to be a surprise . Anyway, my aunt took charge of everything. I didn't have to move a muscle, " Steve said, squeezing his mom in a hug. He doesn't want her to be angry at him "Mom you can't be Angry, because if I did tell you I was coming then it's no longer a surprise visit you know? So don't be angry"

"Is that so?I was so shocked to her the news that you are already at the airport. Any ways darling, I am not angry at all. Let's get going "

After they were all done with the pleasantries. Clara drove them home, and on getting to the gate, Clara was amazed. There was a drastic change in the environment, she could sense it and it was vividly visible. She was just gone for four hours or maybe approximately five hours but the place was already looking like she had walked into the wrong address. 

The Guards ( fighters) isonr the word fighters seems to be an understatement. They were assassins in the making, who were on guard at the gate were no longer dressed in the code of red and black. But white, weirdly white. Normally there were about 30 men standing within the premises of the gate entrance. 4 men stand in guard at the gates while about 26 men stand guard in a straight line, 13 men at the right and another 13 at the other side. If one were to enter this premises, one would walk quietly in between these men, it was more like becoming the spot light while walking on the red carpet. If it was a foe, he would have been died just on the set entrance of just an inch.

Now the guards present at the gate were just two in number and she couldn't find the remaining 26 men. Getting into the gate, one would be able to see the whole place clearly. The spot which was meant for those men were decorated with flowers, light purple looking roses. Steve and his bride- to -be were impressed with the whole place, it looked more like a royal palace. Clara on the other hand was dumbstruck, 'So many changes what was the need' she muttered. Another thought crossed her mind 'Could it be that while she was away the whole place had been attacked and now their enemies had claim the place as theirs ?'

The flag which had the embroidery symbol was no longer raised high to the Sky, this made her think a lot. There was still a long way to go, from the gate entrance to the mansion was about a half and hour walk for humans. But for them it was just a few minutes, she couldn't use her powers and she had no problem walking. Her future daughter in law was creating a conversation with her, but sometimes Clara would be so blanked out that she wasn't responding to the young lady's words.

Steve could tell that there was a change in his mother "Mom, what's wrong, you look disturbed" he said creating a mind Link 

"Steve, something is wrong. Mama feels very strange "She responded

"What could that be?" He asked again still connected through the mind link

"I have this thought in my mind, it seems that this place had been invaded while I was away. There is a lot of changes"

"Try mind linking Aunt " he suggested

Clara couldn't help but smile, why hadn't she thought about that. She immediately heaved a sigh of relief and tried creating a mind link with Teresa but it was blacked out. She couldn't help but frown, she tried creating a link with Roselle, the same thing happened. She immediately became tense. She was afraid, she didn't want to try Selom and Lylic and get the same results so she didn't try. So she thought about Beatrice, to calm her tensed nerves she breathed in and out a couple of times and heaved a sigh then she connected the mind link to Beatrice and to her surprise it got connected.

"Where the hell are you guys, are you in any source of danger?" Clara said, sounding very worried. This was a drastic change and see had to be there on alert as always.

"Danger? Why would you think so?" Beatrice asked

"Where are you guys?"

"We are at home" she replied and cut the link.

"Shocked " Clara didn't want to rush things so she walked alongside her future daughter in law. Now she was less tense, at least she had spoken to Beatrice and if there was really a problem she would have alerted her. Clara felt bad earlier she could tell that the young lady was trying to initiate a conversation with her but she was too tensed and calculative to reply her. "How was the trip?" Clara finally spoke up, she didn't want to look like one of those cruel and rude mother in-laws

"Aunt it was indeed very stressful but I have to say, I enjoyed myself and also the ride. I haven't travelled such a long distance in a long time" she said with a smile

"That's good to hear, it's enough that your enjoyed yourself. You would be meeting the rest of the family very soon. Then you weren't introduced to them because Steve kept rushing things"


(Laughs) "I am just joking " she knew Steve better than anyone else, so it was better she doesn't take things too far 

"Aunt, it would be very nice getting to meet them. Steve has told me everything about his sisters and I would live to meet them in person" she said with a warm smile.

"That's good to hear dear, they are also very eager to see you too" she smiled back. She felt it was strange, the Teresa she knew would have been by the gate waiting to welcome them but she couldn't even find a trace of her. From the way Beatrice spoke, she felt they would have to settle things out with a good fight. Every one knew of a fact that Clara was a woman of few words she was a woman of action. All she felt like doing now was to get the heat off her head and Beatrice was the one suited for the Job. She hadn't seen her for ages bit sh could already tell that the woman must have developed weak bones.

Steve and his future to be wife kept admiring the lovely flowers. It was a wonderful piece of art which was decorated with flowers and trees in different shapes and sizes. It was just so amazing, and they all smelled so nice, she perceived them and felt refreshed. She hadn't seen anything like this before. The whole place looked similar to the palace of England. She would have mistaken this place for England, this was because she was opportuned then to meet the Queen in the palace.

Following Clara's lead, they all got into the mansion and again she was dumbfounded. She wasn't the only one who was shocked, Clara was very shocked as well. Just immediately after the entrance, there were maids waiting to welcome them with their heads slightly bowed like they were Royals. Looking at the maids and the uniform way they were all dressed she couldn't understand a thing. They barely had female servants, Cecilla was one amongst them. When she and Teresa had stepped into this house there was no one to welcome them in such a grand way, so where were all this routine check coming from? No No Clara didn't find this pleasing at all, but she could tell her that her Future daughter in law was pleased with it.

"You are all welcome" They said in unison

"I would take you to your room now so you can freshen up" A strange looking maid said approaching the young lady. It seems she was pleased with the treatment and the welcoming parade, because she had a very bright smile on her face. The young lady immediately followed the maids, leaving Clara, Steve, Cecilla and the other maids in the big sitting room. She couldn't help but take a closer look at the ladies dressed as a maid, they all look familiar but she couldn't recall where she had seen their faces 

"Steve, go along with her, I need to talk to them" she instructed. He immediately obeyed, because he knew she had something in her mind and he was also very curious that he hadn't seen any of his little sisters. None of them showed up to welcome him and this made him feel sad.

After her son and her future daughter in law were out of sight, she frowned "What's this all about?" She said glaring at them

She was more interested in Cecilla because her eyes were directly on her. "We are just following orders"

"Who's ordering?" She asked 

"The three mistresses" They all replied

"Speechless " "They set all this up and I don't see them anywhere around? What's really going on? " she said with a frown, she was thinking it had something to do with Beatrice, maybe the woman wanted to piss her off further.

"Ma'am they are currently not at home. It had just stopped drizzling, so it seems they went to get some items" A maid called Josephine answered. Josephine was not just an ordinary maid, she was one of the best fighters in the women Squad. The woman Squad is called 'Freedom' Clara had just taken notice of her just now. 

It wasn't entirely her fault, they all had their heads bowed, the only person she could recognize easily was Cecilla. No wonder they were able to gather so many female maids, they were all from the fighting Assassin Creed. "No wonder I found you all so familiar, you're all from the training field right?" She asked. The word 'training field' was more like a secret code. Secret codes were very important to use just in case there was a spy amongst them.

"Yes ma'am" they all replied 

What were those girls really up to? Sure enough Beatrice must have given time a heads up, so it wouldn't be as a surprise "We had a new visitor today, she came in while I was away, where is she?" Clara asked 

"She is upstairs in the guest room "


Without wasting time, she heads to the guest room immediately. Opening up the door she could tell that the room was filled with a lot of fragrance. The fragrance was about to blow her away from the entrance. "You are an old lady already, not in your sixteen. What's wrong with you? Even the young ones don't make use of so much perfume " Clara couldn't help but complain as she closed her nose in anger. It was as if it was an offensive smell and not a pleasant one.

"Aiiiihh, Is that how you greet an old friend? It's been centuries dear. You still have the habit of nagging non-stop. You sound as if the fragrance is offensive. Here, perceive it, it's nice" Beatrice said, spraying the perfume on Clara's face.

(Coughs) "Are you insane? Stop that right now" she said moving away but all her route for escape was blocked by Beatrice. She was bent on making Clara's life a living hell out of anger, so she wouldn't give up until she achieved it. Clara had no choice than to use her powers to create a barrier, this was her only escape route.