
Chapter 265

"You are right Sammy I guess we should leave right now let me get ready quickly" granny replied, she got up from her bed and headed towards the rest room to freshen up. As for Sammy, he looked all dressed up and she didn't want to delay him.

"Ok granny get ready.I will package your luggages and mine too I hope Grandpa will be happy to see me" 

Lily suddenly halted "Why will you say that Sammy? you know your grandpa loves you a lot he will surely welcome you back" granny replied

"Are you sure about that granny? If he loves me it's seems he has a problem showing it"Sammy said, he had recalled the old man's sincere words. He somehow believe what the old man said. It was just that the old man had a rough way of showing out his love.

"I know that old man very well he loves his grandchildren and want what's best for them trust me on this" granny said with a smile on her face. She found those words very difficult to believe herself, even though she was the one saying it. (Sigh) " it's just that the way he shows that love is somewhat different and abnormal " Now wiry this being said, she felt much better. The sentence earlier was barely convincing.

(Laughing)" Oh Grandma, it's really very abnormal, you said the right word" He happily said, it was indeed very abnormal, even an alien would show his love for someone in a normal way. It was said that aliens find human existence as a threat to them but he was sure an alien's love for a human would be better than that if his grandfather's.

"Darling you look more handsome with those smile of yours, it's suits you best. I am happy whenever you smile. Keep smiling" Lily said with a warm smile 

"Thanks grandma, you are the best and I love you so much granny"Sammy replied with a warm kiss on her cheeks, his grandmother was indeed the best and she was a real Beauty.

"I will always be here for you Sammy"granny replied with a warm smile on her facem she wanted him to know that, even if her husband acts all weird and stubborn like a tyrant, she wants her children to understand this to the fullest.

"Granny thank you for being here for me always" He hugs her tightly "If you hadn't been there I would have died by the old man's hands" Sammy continued

"I don't agree with that, my lovely husband would never drive his offsprings to the point of death"she said seriously, he could be anything but he was definitely not a murderer.

"Awwwn, now he is your lovely husband? Love can really sell me out" Sammy said sounding very disappointed, he was beginning to regret his decision about taking her back to the palace.

(Smiles) "If you are offended by my show of love, go get yourself a girlfriend and take your butt off my face "

(Laughing) "What did you just day grandma? Where did you hear that from?

(Looking at him strangely) "Where did I hear what from?"

"Grandma you just said 'Get your butt off my face' (laughs) What's that suppose to mean? Where did you hear that word from?" He asked again

"Isn't that tye latest trend going on? Darling I might be almost a thousand years old but I still follow trends. Don't look at me like I am so old fashioned and all I do is read novels. I barely look like a woman in her 40's so darling sorry to burst your bubble, I am still a modern woman no matter the age" Lily said proudly

"Yo, Yo Grandma, my ribs are cracking. My grandmother is already trending and wild too"

"You can say that again darling, I am still very young and beautiful. I still got my vibes and styles " she said turning around proudly like a peacock displaying it's lovely colours

"Yes Yes, Grandma you are always on point " he said laughing his heart out. Here he was thinking that all she did was reading all day and he found it funny. It seems she had a lot of hobbies he wasn't even aware of.

"But Jokes apart honey, you are old enough to get a girlfriend, what's really stopping you and Kent from falling in love? Did your grandfather fed you a 'Do not ever fall in love's Kind of potion when you boys were little?" She asked

"Can he really create such a thing and stop us from falling in love?"

"I don't know, I was just asking" she gave an insouciant shrug. "Did you remember him feeding you any liquid when you were younger?" She asked again to make sure she wasn't right

"No he didn't come near us when we were kids all he did was give us strict training like we were destined to join the American US Army" He responded

(Heave a sigh of relief) "That k goodness, if he really had that kind of potion, I am sure your father would have been the first he would have tried it on" 


"Darling you have to be sincere with me, why are you still single? Could it be that your heart was broken at a very young age?" Sh asked sounding very worried, this was the question she was dying to ask bith her grandson, the were giving her a cause to worry. If this was the case she could find a solution to their problem. Atleast Sammy was still very young compared to that Lark Kent of a child.

"No grandma" Sammy replied truthfully, he didn't have tye chance to fall in love and even if he did the girl would have to be as cruel as the old man to be able to break his heart

"What of Kent?"

"Nope, he has no record of such. Except if he has and hasn't told me about it but he hates girls, they were more like flee. (Laughing) Trust me, I know what I am saying, he almost killed one for touching his shirt. She was hospitalized for months" He said laughing, it was indeed a funny sight to behold

"What?oh goodness he did that?!" She shouted a bit, but after thinking about it again, she wasn't surprised. She had recalled one time when she brought some girls to him, they didn't return in one piece at all. Butler Sam had to bring back those girls to her in pieces, so she wasn't surprised. Even when she tried getting sperms out of him without his permission it was hell, she had to find a way so he could give it to her willingly and how did that turn out? She ended up with a pregnant woman carrying a child she doesn't even know who it belongs to. So yeah, anything about Kent wouldn't surprise her at all.

"Yes grandma, he did"

"Okay! Let not talk about him, let's talk about you. When will you get yourself a girlfriend? It shouldn't be difficult to get one with those top looks of yours. What's happening?" 

(Gives a sheepish smile) "I already have one in mind she is very beautiful"

"Wow, that's strange,I wasn't expecting this, I need to get a full gist on this one. I wouldn't miss this for the world " lily said smiling happily, she was about going to take her bath but this feels more importa shent than anything, it was even more important than going back to her husband house. Her bathing can wait, finally, Sammy was about to leave the bachelor squad.

"Grandma, if I start to tell you this story, it would be a waste of time. I could tell you on the way home, you need to go freshen up"

"No way, this is more important" She said looking at him "Okay, just give me a hint then, I am already so curious. When and where did you meet her? How long have you two known each other? And when are you planning to get married? Darling when do you intend showing her to the family? Dies your parent know about her already?"

(Speechless) " grandma I never knew you could talk this much. Woah, this question are too much for me to give you an answer. Calm down Granny, ask your question one at a time"

That was an insult but she didn't see it as one though "Ummn, I think I would go with this question 'when do you intend showing her to the family?'

"When I get a chance" he replied

(Lily immediately gives him a spanking) "Ouch Grandma, what was that for?" She said rubbing the pain off. 

"What's that supposed to mean? Has there been a time you never had a chance?" She said with a frown, they always had the chance, she always presented ckear chances to them, so what was that suppose to mean?

"Granny, don't tell me you are getting Angry over nothing? Don't be angry, what I mean is that I… granny the lady in question is.. is that I really haven't… like what I mean " Sammy stutters, how could he say it out loud?

"Really? Are we doing this now? It seems I would have to change my mind about going back to the old man's house" Liky said walking towards her bed. It seems he wasn't willing to talk about it.

"No grandma, it would be embarrassing to say this so I am kind of finding a good way to say it."

"Just say it, I would not find it embarrassing. So spill it out, I can take any shit, I took your brother's shit, so I can take yours"

(Speechless)"Granny the thing is that, I haven't really… I didn't actually ask her out yet. Granny, she knows nothing about me, I didn't even approach her or say a word to her. I met her on that fateful day at our family business"

(Looking confused) "what family business? She walks at your Grandfather's company?"

"No, I mean the Restaurant, "

"That was your first time seeing her?"

"Yes, I took a liken to her. But I didn't ask her out. So I can't really promise you anything that was why I felt embarrassed saying it out cause I haven't taken the move yet"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, this things happen. And I am happy you finally found a girl you have a liken too, now I am fully rest assured. I thought you were gay, I would have handed you over to your grandfather immediately, he would definitely make you straight right away"


"Don't give me such a look, you scared the hell out of me then when you said you hate women and children, I almost died of a heart attack. So have you tried finding her, do you know where she lives?"

"Not really" he replied

"What do you mean by not really? When you like someone you are the man so it is expected you take the first move."

"Grandma, I wanted knowing more but if you remember I had passed out in the restaurant and woke up here"

"Yeah, that's true darling. I forgot about that. Your grandfather spoiled your fun" She said with a frown

"No not really, you don't have to get angry. When I got better, I kind of make some calls"

"(Smiles) Tell me more about it darling, so you found her? "

"I did try finding her but got no result but I have this hope that I would definitely meet her again and when I do I would master up courage and approach her"

"That my boy, and grandma here, would teach you all the tricks you need to know. She would never turn you down, my grandson is so good looking that no woman can turn him down. If I re-called clearly there was an interesting story you wanted to tell me then after your dinner at the restaurant, is it about her?" She asked, trying to recall what he had said that night.

"Yes Grandma , it's somehow related but I can't tell you now maybe I would tell you on the way back home"

"It's okay darling, I am very happy for you. And I would give you all the help you would need from me. That lady would become my daughter in law for sure. She wouldn't dare turn you down" Lily said proudly. She was the first girl Sammy got a liken to, so she would find ways to get her for her child. He wouldn't be heartbroken ever!

" I'll Forever Love You.Thank you so much"Sammy showed his gratitude, he knew he could always count on her.

"That's enough dear go and get ready so that we can leave, stop giving me those sugar coated words of yours. Hurry up, start packing up" After she was done talking to him, she stood up and walked into the washroom leaving Sammy alone I the bed room.

"What an awesome idea Sammy you have finally found a way to bring back my old princess I am proud of you Bravo" grandpa said in a happy tune through waves "I will prepare for her coming. see you at the mansion."

"It's a very bad habit to eavesdrop on a personal conversation, anyways I have kept the end of my bargain it's now your turn to keep yours" Sammy said 

" That's not a problem, we still have unfinished business. Come back soon" he continued

"Indeed, I hope you are happy now that I lied to the old woman just to bring her down to the mansion you will have some explanation to do when she arrives" Sammy inform

"I have that under my control that is no big deal. you played it well I will handle it. she is my woman I know how to handle our issues. Whereas that wasn't actually a lie, you really have a day to live"grandpa said

(Shiver) "What!" Sammy said "Are you playing a joke on me?" He said sounding shocked. What was that suppose to mean?

"I am not dear, haven't you been told that words are powerful and the tongue is meant to be tamed?"

"I have, what does that have to do with me?"

"I am just kidding, thanks for bringing my wife back home to me"

Sammy couldn't believe his ears for the first time his Grandpa showed sincere gratitude saying thank you it was like something about him changed totally. He was beginning to think that his grandmother's absence really brought him back to his senses.

"I have done my part Grandpa I will forever be free from your trouble . And yes you should have this at the back of your mind grandma was here because of you, she wasn't here because of me "Sammy sounded like he was giving the old man his warning

"I don't mind, Just like the way I can kill you for her. Once she's in my own mansion all your crimes will be forgotten. That she ever left the mansion , wouldn't be a story you would live to tell, trust me so you don't need to worry about it, I will handle it."he replied

(Speechless) What does such a statement mean? The old man just said he wouldn't live to tell the story? Then what would he live to tell then? This was clearly a threat, there was no two ways about it.