
Chapter 261

"Goodnight kid brother " Kent said cutting the call off.

"Oh brother, you won't change at all. I did the calling hung up"Sammy said with a smile, it seems his problems were left unsolved again.

An idea suddenly popped into his head, his grandfather tormented him in his sleep, that was why he hasn't been having a good sleep. He could as well use the same trick as his, his plan now was to trick his own grandmother into making a promise and when she does she would keep it by all means. So with a wild smile, he got up from his seat and heads to her room 

"Granny…."he shouted while unlocking his door heading to grandma's bedroom. At the rate of his shouting since it was already night time, he was sure she would hear him call out to her. Happily jogging like a teenager he arrived at her door post "Grandma, I am coming in" he said and got in

"What's it again? Tired of staying indoors?" Lily seeing him was helpless, she was just about reading herself to sleep. She had just taken her bath and changed into her night gown but this kid wouldn't stop pestering her.

"No No grandma, why would I be tired? Anyways I came to give you a last chance. Would you go with me to the mansion or not?"

(Speechless) " Is that even a question?" Lily said, bringing off her reading glasses and placing it on the edge of her pointed nose.

"Not at all, it's an answer" he gave a sarcastic remark.

(Helpless) "I already made my terms very clear, I won't be going"

"However you want it! We're leaving for the mansion tomorrow" Sammy stated, he was so serious that Lily almost believed him.

"Really? You've got some nerves boy….come and take me to your grandpa if you can! I'm going nowhere!"She said with a glare heading back to the bed to take her blanket. Lying down, she dragged her blanket and covered herself up with it, then she placed her books on them and out on her reading glasses properly.

"When you're done standing there like a tree…shut my door and go to bed!"She ordered

Seeing how serious she was, he knew he could negotiate things with her if he used force "Birds of the same feather, damn it"Sammy said

"Excuse me little boy…and who was that to?"She questioned

"Who else if not you? Is Kent here with us?"He replied

"I'm not in for this tonight! I'm going nowhere buddy…the old woman here still possesses lots of youthful blood,wanna try me..you bring it on."

"(Laughing) hold it there granny,the last time I checked,you are…" He couldn't complete his statement, he wanted saying the last time he checked she is "Human" but now it all turned on his he had remembered what happened that fateful day he was almost killed by his grandfather, he had spilt his original being into two places, if he remembered clearly, his grandmother and grandfather had a terrible fight that same day. He had witnessed her flying and also using a whip with his own eyes. She was no longer a human being, how could he forget all this? He could have made millions with such news if he sold it out to his father and another millions to his elder brother.

Lily reading his thoughts was very disappointed "Aiih, you are worse than your grandfather. All you both know is how to make profit out of everything" she said nodding her head in disappointment

"That Old man is nothing but an Ass" Sammy said with full confidence but after a few minutes he regretted such a statement. He felt the room temperature suddenly felt chilly. He couldn't help but shiver (clears his throat) "What I mean… (coughs) what I actually mean is that I am nothing like him" he said sweating 

This was the reason she didn't want to go back to the old man, she can't afford such a risk. Sammy was too afraid of him and she knew he wouldn't feel comfortable over there and she didn't want that "whatever! I've made my decision and I would stick to it"

Granny still feel uneasy about this whole plan Sammy was putting up,she could sense her husband hands in it.While her refusal to Sammy's request,a beautiful smile follows yet she played strict.

"You're here because of me…and I'm willing to go back to grandpa,what don't you understand?"

"(Nods) That's your choice not mine! It was my choice to be with you over here You never chose it for me Now…leave my room and shut the door" she said giving him a stern look. She knew it wasn't his decision, he had been having fun over here and surprisingly the next thing he wants to go back? No way!

"Granny..I'm serious about this whole thing, we're leaving tomorrow"Sammy concluded

"Shut the door…"

"Granny .. please.."Sammy said heading back to the bedroom

"(Smiles) Sammy…tell whomever sent you that I've made my decision

"And…what decision is that?"Sammy asked looking so ignorant 

"Well…. nothing changes,I'm going nowhere,sweet dreams"granny said while she drags her blanket to her face.

(Shuts door)

"Old man..I can't do this! If I can't fix this the nice way…you can..Emm…come get her for yourself.I am done"Sammy mumbled

"Two dramatic old beings!"Sammy said heading to his room

"If I don't plan out how to take this old woman to her husband,I'll cease to have a proper breath,gosh"Sammy said

Grandma, having her eyes and ears all alert,stood Infront of Sammy's door placing her ears to it to get any kinda detail as to why he wanted her there. A sneaky move always wins. She just wanted to be sure it wasn't his decision, cause she had been reading his thoughts and it had nothing about the old man in it. At least he could have sold the old man off in his thoughts. Could it be that it was his own personal decision? Anyway she wanted to be sure.

"I must figure it out!The poor boy is being chased by his grandpa.That stubborn husband of mine (Smiles) Let's see if I am right or wrong! (Smiles) We are too old to be playing such a game of hide and seek" Lily said, trying her best to use the invisible spell though she had never tried it before on anyone but during her self practice, she did it a couple of times and it worked. If she tried it out now, she knew her grandson wouldn't sense anything. He was too occupied with his plans for her to return.

"Grandpa…where are you? Show up now!"Sammy requested with his hands on his head in confusion. He had no choice than to breach the contract, his brother was right when he said he shouldn't have signed the contract in the first place.

"Oh…I see….I'll love to watch them both"Grandma said in a cunning tune moving closer to the door, she used her powers and made herself invincible, after that she got into his room. Just as she had predicted, he didn't sense a thing.

With her eyes focused at a point, she looked around the room. She again focused her eyes again on Sammy to check if he would sense her presence but he didn't "It seems the Old man was right, his skills are now deteriorating and this was bad"

"Grandpa,we need to discuss..where are you? Show up! I'm losing patience" He called out again, sounding impatient. The man who was bent on tormenting him now is refusing to show himself? That's weird

"Wait a minute..this is unlike grandpa.He avails whenever I request to see him but…there's no sign of him at all.What could be wrong?"Sammy said and questioned in a low tune. (Smiles) "Could it be that he was already dead?"

Lily hearing this was speechless, was that what he wished for his own grandfather?

"No, No, he shouldn't die yet, at least if he really wants to die he should do himself some good deeds by passing all his powers to me. (Sigh) I am so tired of having to train over and over again " Sammy muttered

"Speechless " (laughs) "No wonder the old man has a problem with male children, they are difficult to raise. You're such a bad old man, they all want you dead" She said, chuckling lightly. Sammy had been calling for the old man but he didn't show up, if he did she would have sensed his presence. 

"(Surprised) why the silence? Shouldn't he have shown up if really they were to meet? Am I being paranoid about this whole thing ? Or….is Sammy trying to play a game?"Lily Reckoned

Grandpa knew the old woman,his wife, was standing behind Sammy's door,he had refused to respond to Sammy's call which got them both surprised as to why his presence wasn't seen nor any sign of him around. His wife was Virtually in his room, but the boy was so stupid and senseless to notice. He felt like chopping his body into pieces. 

The old woman knows that her husband doesn't joke with important meetings and is certain he'll show up if indeed,he has a meeting with Sammy. She was also very sure of her skills, he knew nothing about her level of prowess and invincibility would be one of the things he least expected, so he would have shown up by now. But unknowingly to her, the old man was already in the room, he was just so quiet. Then she used to sense his presence because it was just 40 percent invincibility but now it was about 78 percent, no being on earth could sense his presence, not even his wife. Even immortals couldn't sense him at this stage. Every immortal has his or her own type of reservations and he himself had millions of them in store.

"Sammy must be playing a trick"She concluded. She was just wasting her time waiting for someone who wouldn't show up. It seems it was actually the little boy's idea. Now she felt bad, she had been so hard on him just for nothing. "What in God's name is in that brain of his? I wonder why you are so eager to go back to your grandfather, he almost killed you. I haven't forgiven for that, such a joke on your life was too expensive "Grandma muttered to herself. She was just so worried, this was a gift given to mothers. They always put their Children's interest first before anything else.

"Are you trying to play a game grandpa? I seeked your presence yet you've refused to show up.Dont blame me for anything that hapoens afterwards"Sammy said feeling disappointed.

Grandpa, knowing the old lady was still in the room, was very careful, he didn't want to piss her off again. She might not forgive him for real if she finds out he was behind this… figured out a way to give Sammy answers to why he didn't appear to him instantly to receive his call. If the fool keeps calling his name, he would draw more suspicion and he knew Sammy, his grandson could get do angry and spill the beans, he could be so stupid to a point that he could bring out the topic about the contract or better still the fool could bring out the contract out in the open.

His silence was beginning to annoy Sammy, and just like the old man predicted, the thought of bringing up the contract came to Sammy's mind. So the old man had to think fast, if he could injure Sammy in a way that it wouldn't seem like he did it then his wife would show herself to him. It was very easy, all he needed to do was use the same contract as a weapon since he had Sammy's blood on it. He could control Sammy through this process and get him injured. The Old man puts his plan into action, with his control on Sammy, Sammy walked to the wall on his own accord and hit his head on the wall very hard.

"Ouch…."Sammy said aloud slowly falling to the ground.

Lily experienced the whole scene, she couldn't understand why he did that. It came so sudden, and he was already bleeding"What's wrong Sammy? She said and immediately revealed herself "What did you do that for?" She said hitting him on the head

"Ouch, Grandma, it hurts so much, " He said, rubbing his head in pain. He immediately pushed her aside "Granny …I never seek for your help. And you're present already, How? How was this possible? You were in my room this whole time?…"Sammy asked looking so surprised, he had locked his door and if he replayed the scene she appeared out of nowhere. No wonder the old man didn't show up, bumping into the wall must have been the old man's idea "Old man I hate you with passion, why must all your plans involve me getting hurt or injured?"

"That's not important.What happened to you Sammy, what the hell did you do that for?"Grandma asked, rubbing his shoulders like he was catching a cold. 

"I hit my head not my shoulder" He said moving away from her

"Come here dear, you are already bleeding" She said sounding very worried

"Grandma, please leave me alone. I don't need your help"

"Why would you hit your head so hard? " She questioned

"I wish I was the one who hit my head but too bad I didn't" Sammy said moving closer to the wall. It seems he would use himself as a threat to his grandmother.

Lily Seeing him walking back to the wall, was tense " What did you mean, why do you wish you were the one who hit your head?"

" Because I am not the own who got my head….(sigh) Frustration did " Sammy said looking more closely at the wall, it seemed he was about to hit his head again on it. How he wished he could say that all this was the old man's fault but he couldn't. The best he could do now was to use this to his advantage.

"What are you trying to do? Whatever you are thinking, stop it right now. That would leave a scar on your face" She shouted 

"Grandma, I suddenly feel less pressure hitting my head on the wall felt good, I feel less burdened and less frustrated " Sammy said with a smile.

"Don't try it, listen to me Sammy, Grandma doesn't want you to do this. Am I the one making you so frustrated?" She asked, sounding very worried. "Why the silence? What's running through your mind? I asked a question yet you remained silent"Granny said feeling pissed

"Ouch…it hurts"Sammy said, touching his neck from behind with a gentle rub. It would be suicidal hitting his head on the wall again. He just thought of using it to his advantage. He could feel his spinal cord screaming in pain, the old man was really very heartless. Could he find another way to alert him? 'Oh Goodness '

"Did you get into a fight with someone, that you feel so frustrated about it?"She said acting ignorant