
Chapter 261

'it was all your fault, you killed them. You killed them, this is what you always do. You drive away your loved ones from you, first it was your grandfather now your mother and elder brother. They didn't deserve this at all"

This was the painful part of her memory and this flashback was affecting her physically, she couldn't breathe from the pain and immediately fainted. These flashbacks were deadly to her real self. 

Cecelia laid on the ground crying her hearts out, it was as if she was losing her senses. Her head felt so painful, she couldn't bear it at all. She felt like dying would save her from all the trouble. She was the one to be blamed, if she hadn't overreacted then, if she had just listened to her brother and gone to get something to eat from the kitchen. If she had been so obedient and had walked to her room quietly,all this wouldn't have happened. Now she remembered, they were going to the store to get her something to eat.

" You have to fight it, learn to accept these memories. Learn to acknowledge them, trust me you will feel better" Lylic said rubbing her back. Ever since the incident at Cecilla's old house, Lylic had somehow grown connected to her and she could tell that the girl was in trouble. Lylic also felt so guilty, this was because her mother was the one who turned down the request of changing Sophie's fate.

"I can't fight it, it's so painful. They all died because of me, I am a spoilt brat" She said shakingly

"Is that all you remembered, stop fighting those memories Cecilla, there should be more to it. Think deeply,you won't be able to think of what happened next if you don't let go of this one." Lylic said rubbing her back gently "Just follow the sound of my voice and I will help you"

Following the sound of Lylic's voice she became more calm and faced her past memories. Everything became more clear to her, she watched the past scene when she was taken to an unknown hospital by her father. She remembered walking down the hall way looking so scared, but her father gave her comforting words and held her hand "Don't be scared, I am here with you"

"Dad, where are we going? I suddenly don't feel comfortable. We are supposed to stay beside mom. What are we doing here?" 

"Don't worry darling, you will find out very soon. All daddy is trying to do is to help you, I would always want the best for you" he said with a warm smile. Cecelia's sub consciousness followed her Into the memory. With her father's guidance, she walked into someone's office.

"Cecelia, you look very beautiful," The doctor said, approaching her with a smile. She had never seen such a face before, so she was somehow uncomfortable "I want you to sit here" he said pointing to a stretcher.

"Go on, do as he says" Jackson said looking at his daughter

"Dad, I don't feel comfortable"

"You would darling, just trust me" 

Cecelia immediately followed her father's instructions and laid down. After a while she woke up from her past memories (sobbing) "My Dad had wiped off my memories" She said giving Lylic a hug. What she needed now was warmth and comfort.

"I am sure he has a reason to" Lylic said patting her on the back. After some few hours Cecelia was now back to Normal. She can never know the secret behind it all until she asks her father "Dear, we have a lot of work to do over at the house. We are expecting some visitors and I have some specific instructions I want you to pass out" She said with a smile

Now Cecelia had nothing to be afraid of, she had overcame the pain if her past memories and wouldn't feel threatened by it.


****At Sammy's grandmother's home

"What exactly do you think you're doing?what are you trying to do?"Sammy's Grandma questioned him

"Grandma, I am getting us ready to go home…I could see In your eyes…you miss the old man a lot yet you've refused to go back to him with me"Sammy yelled "you had promised me that we would return, you also called Sam and told him to get things ready. What happened?" He said, sounding very confused. Everything was just perfect yesterday. What happened then?

"Silly boy….what do you mean by that? Haven't I sacrificed enough for you? Why not appreciate it? Your grandfather wants to kill you and it seems you like being beaten up. I know this isn't your doing but the Old man's" Lily said looking at him. She had thought over it last night, she would only go back if her grandson wanted to go back on his own accord, not the old man's.

"Granny, he wants to kill me but he hasn't done that yet"

"Speechless," "So..? You want him to kill you before you get satisfied?"

" No way grandma, Grandpa wouldn't do that. He knows I am the baby of the house, if I die the whole house does with me…(sigh with helplessness) Grandma how much more am I to say than this?Go back to the mansion"

"On one condition! Tell me why you keep insisting I go to the mansion?"

"Ok granny…it as simple as this…I've forgiven him and want you two together"Sammy replied

"Oh ..is that? That's not bad…but I insist,I won't go back to the mansion. You speak like the Old man and not my grandson. So sorry darling I am not moving an inch from this spot" Lily said, stretching her legs in the sunlight and paying more attention to the novel she was reading.

Sammy on the other hand was helpless, yesterday he felt his plan went so smoothly. How was he to know there would be a big change today? 'Oh I am so frustrated, ' he said, looking like an Injured warrior who had accepted the fact that he had been defeated. All he has left is to surrender. Lily looking at his state couldn't help but chuckle, if he wasn't open enough to tell her what's in for him, she wouldn't go anywhere. She knows her children too well, Sammy was too smart to be tricked by the old man.


Grandma Lily could sense something fishy going on with Sammy but couldn't figure out what it is.She kept staring at Sammy like he was a stranger and remained silent observing his actions.

"Don't give me that look granny,I'm serious about this"

"I've said nothing,let's talk about something else"

"Talking to you is useless then"Sammy angrily spoke out and ran out of the sitting room.

"Sammy dear,come on…let's talk about this!" Grandma said trying to convince him.

Sammy went in and shut the door against his grandmother to calm his nerves. This was just a risk he was taking, just maybe his grandmother would come around if he formed his annoyance.

'Convince her' was all Sammy could hear as a torment from his grandpa.

"I don't have time for this grandpa! I've tried all I could but couldn't.Torment more,I care less Grandpa! It's all your fault, she agreed to it yesterday but today she doesn't want to. Do you have something to do with it? Sammy replied with his nerves all alerted and filled with anger yet couldn't believe he said such to his grandpa. It's his Grandfather's wish for his grandmother to come back home so why would he have something to do with it?

"Oh ..I'm not surprised by this action of yours,you've got some nerves Sammy,get my wife back within 48hrs you are…"

"Grandpa,I know!!! Stop saying it over and over again! Don't make a fool out of me. I was the one who agreed to this in the first place, I'll get her back to the mansion within 48hours,just give it time" Sammy said sounding so depressed.

"You should be the man of your word and don't let me down, you know what is at stake. You know what I would do if you don't keep your own end of the deal" The Old man threatened.

"Listen, Stop threatening me. I chose to do it so I would…If you would keep making things so difficult then I can't do this since it's that easy why not do it all by yourself!"Sammy said, walking out of his room in a careless manner. It seems everybody wants to piss him off.

"Ouch,watch it dear,who's chasing you!"Granny asked

"Nobody is chasing after me grandma, things are just not the way I want them too" he replied

(Laughs) "I know you very well Sammy, I think tye right phrase is that things ain't working the way your grandfather wants them to. So he is paranoid right?"

"Grandma just move out of my way, I need some Air. You don't have to worry, I am Alright."

"You bumped into me yet lost concentration and expect that I take things to be alright?"

"Granny ..you complain alot.."


Sammy immediately walked out if the house he had to think of another way to go back to the old man's mansion. He had never thought there would be a day, he would have to draft out plans just to return to the old man. Ever since he was young he had been thinking of many ways to run away from the old man but now here he was thinking of a way to go back to him. Life was indeed filled with unexpected twist and turns. He was already so frustrated, if he was with his elder brother, he wouldn't have to stretch out even a muscle. 'Oh brother, I miss you to death. I promise when I come back home to you, I would never leave your side. Till death do us part' Sammy said this words. Looking at the big sheddy tree, he smiled and sat beneath it. The Air here, was so cool and refreshing that his senses were begining to work properly. 

Now he could as well walk back into the house and find a way to communicate to his brother, that way all his problems would be solved. After all ever since he had came visiting his grandparents he had no time for his brother, he was always too busy trying to survive or he was busy trying to heal and recover from Poison. Other times, he was dying. All this cases were life threatening, he hadn't enjoyed himself ever since he came, how could he have the time to talk to his brother?

Sammy went into the house again and walked pass his grandmother in the sitting room, she had her eyes on him but he didn't care. This was actually the First time he wants to be angry with her and even ignore her. This was because she had never refused him before. He could tell she was just behind him but he didn't care, getting into the room he immediately locked himself in. Beside his wardrobe is a full computer system, he logged online and called his brother. At a time like this he was sure his brother would be online.

"Yo, brother what happened to you? You look terrible" Sammy said bringing his face closer to the screensi he could observe his brother properly "Did you get into a fight? Were you fighting with anyone or you were training?" He asked again

Just as usual his brother was silent he didn't answer his question. Lark Kent kept looking at his younger brother to make sure he was okey "How comes you've looses weight?" He asked coldly with a frown

(Sheepish smile) " I never knew I had loosed weight, maybe it's the environment"

"Should I come and pick you up?" Kent asked coldly

(Shivers) "No brother I am okay, it's just that the old man has been putting me to test several times and it's been a tough one" Sammy said with difficulty, he could feel his elder brother clenching his fist in anger. The relationship between his brother and the old man is more than terrible. They were just like fire and water, too bad! "But I am okay now. I just have a situation at hand"

"Sammy….how long will it take to bring my woman back home? You know how it'll be if I get angry.Bring my woman home"His voice echoed all over

"Your woman your ass, you chased your woman away not me. So stip rubbing it on my face"Sammy replied in anger

"Who are you talking to?" Kent asked looking over the room, all he could see was his younger brother.

"I am talking to the Old man, he is tormenting. I regret signing that contract " He said with a sigh, though the contract is a big benefit to him

"What contract? Why would you sign a contract with him?" Kent asked coldly this time he was very angry

"Calm down brother, there's a lot you need to know. I need your advice on this" Sammy immediately explained the whole story to him.

"You want to find a way to force Grandma back to the mansion? Ummm, all this years my teachings has gone to waste"

"Speechless," "I need a solution and I know you have one"

"Sammy…open the door! Sammy, who are you talking to? Is your grandfather there?" Grandma said while she hits the door hard 

"Grandma,I need some time alone. It's not grandfather, I am talking to my brother"Sammy shouted

"Ok dear…I'm off to sleep, goodnight, send my regards to your brother. Tell him I miss him" She shouted

"Yes grandma, he heard you and he misses you too" he replied back

"What an old woman you are! You're old yet smart! At Least agree to go back to the mansion,here you are bidding goodnight? Gosh!"Sammy said smiling

"Sammy I heard you, I am still Infront of your door. You should show me some respect boy"

"Oh grandma, don't you miss your husband?" 

"Wait a minute! He's my husband and not yours.Suit yourself! I haven't done wrong by taking your side. Stop being ungrateful"

"Grandma, goodnight sweet dreams and Brother sent his regards as well"

"If you had opened this door, I would have seen my precious grandson. I miss him"

"Goodnight grandma "

Finally he could tell his grandmother had gone to sleep, so he continued his discussion with his brother. "You're indeed ungrateful " Kent said 

"Speechless "

"What can I do to take this old woman back to the mansion? I have 48hrs left! How?"Sammy said looking at his brother for help

"That man won't let me be until you get back to the mansion,what don't you understand?" He mumbled to Kent's hearing

(Smirks) "You wouldn't have signed that contract,the best way to torture that old man is through his wife. Anyways you got yourself in this while mess. So figure a way out by yourself "

(Speechless) " I can't believe this, (sobs) I need your help, he wants me to die of torment. Big brother Help me " He said giving him a puppy look

"No way, you got yourself in, so pulk yourself out"

"He he he, Fine fine, but you haven't told me why you look like this. What happened to you?"