
Chapter 255

About 20 minutes later they got to their destination. Getting out of the car, Kent was Indeed impressed with the surroundings, the 'Blue Mountain peak ' was located in a well reserved area. And the exterior design was surprisingly to his taste. If he was to design a bar this would be the exact blueprint. This made him more curious to see what the interior design would be like. It would be a shame if he only gets impressed by the exterior looks and then the interior looks were just a sham. It would be so bad. Stepping into the Bar, Kent and Lee were dumbstruck. Just like the exterior design, the interior design was more exquisite.

"Did you make this design?" Lee said, looking at his friend. This looked like something Kent would do for fun. But the question he had just asked sounded weird, it seems the right questions was "Are you the owned of this place"

Getting the hint from his face, Kent gave him a stern look. " If this was mine, would I be the last person to find out about it?" He asked but he had to say he was stunned, this place was exactly to his taste and the architecture piece was something he would design himself . "Interesting" he muttered

"Man, this looks like something you would do. I am suddenly so curious to know who owns this business"

"How old is this place?"

"It should be around three months now. I had heard about this place from a good customer , he is a business tycoon as well and would always visit my bar. (Sigh) Then I noticed he stopped coming over often and one day I sighted him in the casino and asked him his reason. He told me all about this place and how good it was. So I collected the address to this place" Lee said, walking upwards to the bar counter. He didn't see the boys anywhere around and what he wanted now was a drink.

" Give me three shots of tequila" He said looking at the bar tender. The bartender immediately took his order and did as told. 

Lee looked around but he was shocked to see that Kent was now out of sight "Where did he go?" He said lookiy around, he couldn't also find the other guys around. This place was very big and he was new here. He couldn't just walk around without having a certain direction in mind. Few minutes later a bar maid walked up to him, she was very beautiful and had a warm smile on her face as she approached him "Sir, please come with me" she said holding a try of drinks on her left hand. 

She held them high above her shoulders a little. She was dressed more like a cowgirl, she wore a black pointed hat on her head, a crop top which was also black. Her skirt was barely above her thighs, she wore leggings which looked more like fish nets. And her shoes were just perfect, they were black timberland boots. Her dressing was an intermediate to decent and not decent. Just by her looks you wouldn't feel she is overdressed or underdressed. 

He immediately poured the three shots of tequila into his mouth and got up to follow her. She was ahead walking through a passage far ahead of him while he walked behind. Few minutes later they were already approaching another hall which was less noisy than the first one.

"Your friends are over then at the VIP room" She said pointing in a specific direction. But Poco Lee was very curious to know how she knew it was him, she could as well mistake another person. "How did you Know I was the one? Did my friends give you my picture or something?" He asked

(Smiles) "Not really one of the men said I should walk to the bar counter and if I see anyone who had the guts to order three shots of strong tequila in one go, then I should call him over. That's the person I am looking for and based on his description I found you"

"Speechless " "who amongst time gave you such a lame description?" He said waiting curiously for an answer

(Smiles) " A man with yellow hair" She replied 

 In this place I know I am the most handsome man, you could easily tell with my looks" He said proudly. He was highly disappointed in them, how embarrassing. Wasn't there another description they could use? What was the reason they had to use his shots of tequila drink? To him it sounded like they were looking for a drunkard and not their friend.

"You are not, the most handsome man I saw was a man who kept a long face. He looked more like someone who the whole world owes money"

Poco Lee, hearing this, couldn't control his Laughter. This description was worse than his, he suddenly felt better. It seems the bar maid knew he was down and tried to help lighten his mood and he had to say, he was indeed very impressed because it worked perfectly. He knew Kent was already aware of what was happening after all they were a few meters away. He must have heard every word and this made him happier. "Take this Tip, you deserve it for putting a smile on my face" he said giving her a few dollars

(Smiles) "I don't need it, you can keep it. I wasn't trying to lighten up your mood, I was just saying the Truth. I think you should talk to your friend more, with such a handsome face, if he keeps a long face all day, he would develop wrinkles and become very ugly. If that happens even God would be disappointed because that's a total waste of hie effort and resources" 

(Laughing) "I insist, you have to take this from me. I must say I have never seen a bar maid refusing a Tip, but I am not forced to give you this, it's willingly " He said stuffing the money into her crop top. He was so precise with his direction that he could tell that he had chucked it into her bra. He could see the looks on her face but he wasn't embarrassed at all. He was a medical doctor and had seen and treated women. It wasn't as if he saw anything so there was virtually nothing to be ashamed of. Immediately he was done, he smiled and walked happily into the VIP Box. 

He had to say he was impressed, everything about this place was enough to amaze him. Their services were perfect, the structures and interior decorations were just on point. Their dress code was also very impressive. All the arrangements from the party bulbs, the colour lights and everything was perfect. The VIP Box was made of glass, from the outside you wouldn't know or see anything happening inside it. Getting into the box, all the guys were inside including the ice Berg. The 'one who has a look like the whole world owes him a large some of money '

The whole room was cool and gave off a refreshing feeling. It was fully equipped, the coach at a glance looked soft and very comfortable. Looking on the table, he was impressed just as usual they would order the most expensive wine. Thank goodness he made Lark Kent foot all the bills. There were five bottles of the most expensive wine in a bucket filled with ice. Walking towards Lark Kent's direction he sat beside him.

"Bro, it's been ages we had real fun, we haven't hang out for years"

(Smirks) "it seems you need a Brain surgery. We were at his bar just a few weeks ago and if I remember correctly, you all had fun at the casino and lost millions " Lark Kent said looking at them with disdain. 'They haven't hang out for ages, their dam *ss' he said cursing them in his thoughts.





Now the whole atmosphere was cold and quiet, getting boring. "I would open up the wine" Poco Lee volunteered, so as to ease the awkward environment.

"Larky, You also had a problem with words and actions. If I remember clearly, Joey is right to say that. The last gang out was a disaster. They ended the whole thing and we were so pissed that gambling at the casino was our only option to get over it, " Adams said looking at him. In less than a minute, Poco Lee was done opening up the wine, so he poured it into everyone's glass cup with a broad smile on his face. The last hangout was something they would never forget, the beast in Kent had risen in that fateful night.

After he was done all the three men picked up a glass excluding Kent, he just stayed in the room like he was just an observer. And from how serious he was, it seems he was being paid for the Job "Take your cup, you don't have to worry I would take you home if you ever get drunk" Lee said handing the cup of wine to him

All he got was a look of disdain and this just made Lee laugh even more "Won't it be a waste that I had to drag you over here and you get here and I still don't tell you the vital information I have , Just because you refused to take the wine I specially poured for you?" Lee said with disappointment, he was about to drop the glass when Lark Kent suddenly took it from him.  

"I am beginning to like the feeling of threatening you. Why on earth haven't I tried it all these years?" Lee said out loud

This rendered the whole men speechless. What does he mean by such a statement? "Lee, you've been doing that from the very first day you were born" This time it was Joey's turn to speak. He looked at him with disgust, How the got to the bar each time was all thanks to his threats.

"Owh, I never knew I had such Great skills" He said, sounding very impressed with himself. It was as if the word threat was taken as a good talent.





"So what's the big news? Don't tell us you dragged the four of us out of our busy schedule for nothing?" Strings asked, all this time he had been quiet but was also very curious to know what was so important. The three of them had received an urgent text message from Poco Lee, and this only meant there was a big problem they had to handle. It wasn't just a Normal get together message, it was a big problem solving message. And when it was something like that, it means they would have to use all their energy to solve it.

"We haven't had a lot of fun yet, let's not spoil the mood" Lee said sipping his wine. 

They were all experts when it comes to wine, so they knew much better than others. It was surprising that such a good and perfect wine would be present at such a place. This wine was the best and it had to cross seven seas to get to this country.  

This made Lee so curious to know who set up such a place. He had assumed it wouldn't be as good as his own place but it seemed better. Then in the whole country he was the only one who had such a fine wine but now it seemed things were about to change. His own Bar wouldn't be the best in the country again, he had to know the owner of such a place. Because he was a worthy opponent, just thinking about it now, he now had a topic to discuss.

Hearing what he just said they were all relaxed, Lark Kent on the other hand was very quiet. He knew Lee better than anyone else, since he didn't want to talk about it now. It meant he wouldn't say a word to them except if he chose to let it out himself. But he also had a feeling that it would be very worrying.

"Guys, what was your first impression when you got into this Bar?" He said looking at Strings, Adams and Joey. There was no need to look at Kent, he already knew what his first impression was.

"Mehn, I had told Strings and Joey that it could be yours. It kind of looks similar to your bar but this is more like an upgraded version of it"

"Yeah, a far better upgraded version, the strippers I had seen on the other side were not half naked like the ones at your club. The had a look of decency but that decency could he rated 25% but those at your bar, (nods his head in a negative direction) they had 0 percent decency " Joey chipped in his opinion

"If you want to piss me off, I am sorry to disappoint you but it wouldn't work. So what the hell are you saying in essence?" Lee said looking at Joey straight in the eye

"What I am saying is that there's no way this could be yours. It looks more like a club Kent himself would set up" Joey replied

"I agree with Joey, the architecture design looked more like something Kent would do. But he's too decent and reserved to build this as a side business. But he could be partners with the owner " String said

"We all kind of share the same ideas, I had the same impression about it. I had asked him about it and he knew nothing about the whole thing. Just as you said his too decent to set up a bar"

Lark Kent who was now the subject matter, the center of attraction was silent the whole time. He was also very curious as well. He wasn't as if he had two Bodies and just one soul. So it was impossible for someone else to share the same thoughts as him. The four men present turned to look at him, they all gave a strange look. This was because they had barely drunk two bottles of wine but now four bottles were now empty. All the strange looks they gave him fell to blind eyes, Kent didn't even give them a glance.

"Bro, you were not in the mood to take wine, how come you've emptied two bottles already?" Adam said looking at him

"I am the one footing the bills so I can take as many as I want. But if you have a problem with that, you can pay the bill and I would control my level of intake"

(Scoffs) "After you've taken a whole two bottles? No thank you"

(Laughing) " Let's just order more wine"

"Kent, you spoiled our night last time, so it's reasonable that you pay the bills. So stop making a big fuss about it. So tell me, I don't see Sammy anywhere "

"He had travelled, he went visiting his grandparents " Poco Lee replied. Sammy was indeed a figure. 

"That's suicidal, Kent why did you approve such a thing?" Adam said in shock

"So should I approve of him going to visit your own grandparents?" Kent asked, sipping his wine. Normal he had been sipping his wine little by little, he didn't know when he was already done with two bottles