
Chapter 252

Selom and Lylic were already downstairs seated for breakfast but Teresa was no where to be found. By this time the rain pours has drastically reduced, Selom still felt slightly sleepy. There were delicious meals on the table and both couldn’t help but salivate. As for Lylic it didn’t take long before her mood change. The meal reminded her so much of what had happened at Phil’s place and Selom seeing this couldn’t help but chuckle “Are you sure you are not in love with him? Cause the Lylic I know is barely affected by anything” Selom said looking at her; her eyes were directly on her because she sat exactly opposite her.

“It all your fault that I am beginning to think too much, I can’t get my mind off the whole scene. This is somebody’s feelings we are talking about. (Sigh) A lot of people would get hurt in the process, just from the look Harley and Flin were giving me, I am sure they’ve already set the wedding date or maybe the wedding  ceremony has been done”

“You girls are something else, you are currently on the dining table and all you girls are doing is noise making. Where are your table manners?” Teresa said glaring at them. “Here Selom have this” she said handing herb a plate of hot soup

“Mom, you made this?” Selom said tasting it, feeling the taste she pauses for a second “Mom, you made this yourself? It taste just the way my god mother makes it”       Selom said with a smile, her hormones and taste bud were now very sensitive so she couldn’t be wrong

“Really, so what you want to say is that your own mother can not make this soup to be as good as that of your godmother right?” Teresa said with a sad tone

“Aunt, where is mine?” Lylic said looking at Teresa

“Are you pregnant?”

“Speechless” “Aunt I never knew you to be someone who was partial you know? Where is my plate?”

(Laughing) “That’s true honey, I am never partial, you soup would be here in a minute”

“Come to think of it aunt, Roselle is no where to be found, isn’t she at home?”

“She is darling, but she is too busy to come down for breakfast, the maids would take her meal to her room”

“No way, don’t worry she would be coming down for breakfast” Lylic said sounding very confident. She had a plan off her sleeves “Darling, are you guys awake? God mother needs your help” she said with a smile through the mind link

“Godmother, what do you need our help with?” came the little girl’s voice

(Smiles mischievously) “Can you guys get your aunt down for breakfast?”

“Sure, that’s a very little task to do godmother, just give us few minutes and it would be done” the voice said with confident.

“Thanks my darling, you both are the best” she said with a broad smile on her face, this was clearly seen by Selom and Teresa.  “You are talking to him right?” Selom said looking curiously at her

Lylic held the spoon, looking at it as if it was the love of her life; she looked so cunny like a fox. “I just want to bring Roselle’s ass down here, from the look of things it seems mom is here” she said with a cunny smile looking at Teresa

“Darling, that’s why I love you best. You are my favorite and would always be” Beatrice said coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot soup. She had a splendid smile on her face as she looks at her lovely children. “Aunt, so it’s really you” Selom said with a smile on her face, she was indeed very surprised. Looking at the way she was dressed Lylic and Selom couldn’t say much about it, just by looking at her they already knew what she was up to and what she was trying to achieve”

“Yes darling, you were right. Only I could make a good soup as that, you mother and aunt can’t do better”

Selom and Lylic immediately got up to give her a tight hug, they had to be sincere to themselves, and they’ve missed her a lot. Through all this time Selom was seated and this made her pregnancy well  hidden from sight but getting up, her baby bump became very clear and this made Beatrice very surprised “Oh my God, darling what a big belly you have there, how many month are you gone” she asked. She had to be careful with Selom, so she wouldn’t suffocate or give her too much squeeze because she felt like squeezing them tightly. “Come sit down and tell me what happened, it seems I have missed a lot. How many months are you gone now”

“You have really missed a lot, you’ve missed a lifetime” Lylic gave a sarcastic reply. They just care less about her, this was her nature somehow very similar to Clara. Lylic and Clara could have the title ‘HEART BREAKERS’ written on their forehead, it would suit them perfectly.

“Seven months now” she replied rubbing her belly

“Whoa, the last time I visited you didn’t tell me you had a man in your life darling” she said serving them their dishes; it has actually been ages she had done this motherly duty. Now she felt freer than ever and also liked the feeling of being there for her kids.

(Laughs) “Man in her life? She has nobody, she is still a virgin. A virgin who is pregnant”

“What? How is that possible? You’re still very wrong to choose such a part, you are very beautiful and men would be dying to have you as a wife. Why would you choose such a part of being pregnant while you’re not yet married” she said sounding confused, she didn’t understand why her beautiful god daughter would choose such a part. All she thought about was the surrogacy process and that of the IVF, but while would she got into that.

“Mom before you jumps into conclusion why not we wait for Roselle to get her ass down here? You would be very shock to hear things all by yourself.” Lylic said looking at Beatrice. She was raised by this same woman after her mom had left her to the heavenly realm for some duties. Tina and Beatrice were blood sisters, you could hardly tell the different between them, so Beatrice was good as her own mother too. Selom was still very curious, earlier Lylic had a cunny look on her face and from the distraction she noticed, she knew Selom must have been talking to her child.

“Lylic Darling, you were talking through the mind link with someone just now who was it?” she asked sipping her soup

“My godchild, I had just promised aunt that I would bring Roselle down for breakfast didn’t i? So I am keeping to my words, I don’t like the way she isolate herself from the family. We love her and the earlier she knows this the better” she said with a sigh. She can’t even remember the last time, she and Roselle had gone to catch real fun. Ever since the incident of having to relocate Roselle has become a new person. She was no longer the spoilt brat she knew then. And she was currently not happy about the change.

“Really?" Spoilt brat?” Selom and Beatrice who were in her thoughts said out loud

“Yeah” she said sounding embarrassed, she would have created a barrier over her thoughts like a lock spells that way she would not have to face such a thing. “You need to have seen what a spoilt brat she was, Roselle would spend millions on something which was not eve worth it” she said sounding depressed

(Chuckles) “And now that she isn’t the spoilt brat you once knew you feel bad about it?”

“You call spending so much money as being a spoilt brat?”

“Yes is there another name for it?” Lylic asked with interest

“It’s called enjoyment and lavish spending”




This statement rendered all of the women present speechless. “No wonder she had such an upbringing, Lylic is indeed very lucky that she didn’t turn out worst” Teresa had to give out such a comment. She sudden wished that Clara would just appear immediately so she could help her solve this problem.

“What happened to my upbringing? Are you in anyway saying I am not good at training up children?”

“Yes” they all shouted in response, now Beatrice felt sold out. If she asks the same question she had asked the butler back at home, she knew she would get the same answer so it was best to keep it to herself to avoid heart breaks.



Upstairs Roselle was busy with a map she had been studying overnight; ever since Lylic and Selom left6 she had her own troubles. This was because she had the duty of being the eldest sister, even though they all were born on the same day. The three women had conceived the same day and also they got into Labour and gave birth at the same time. Roselle was just about two minutes older than Lylic and Selom. So she always took the role of being the eldest and it wasn’t just that, Roselle felt she didn’t have to get their hands dirty when she could do the job all by herself. She was just half way through it when she heard a voice that kept her in shock “Auntie, how are you doing? Can you come downstairs for breakfast” the little voice of a boy said. It wasn’t like he wanted too though, but his sister had to make him, so he had no choice.

Roselle stopped whatever she was doing and kept looking around in shock, she couldn’t believe her mind at all. Was he creating a mind link with her? “Auntie, can you come down for breakfast we are all waiting for you” the voice said again. This time she was sure she heard right. She wasn’t hallucinating at all. “Of course, I would be down for breakfast” she said with a smile. She couldn’t explain how she really felt but she was very happy and felt like shouting on top of her voice from the excitement but her strong cold side wouldn’t let her.

Getting up she immediately freshen up and got herself ready very quickly, she didn’t want to starve an infant or keep them waiting. After she was done, she thought of finding her ways to the dining room, using her power but on a second thought, she decided to walk down the stairs. Coming down through the stairs she could her some noises coming from the dining room. She immediately stopped in her tracks; this was because she felt she had heard a voice which sounded like her mum’s voice. But she immediately shakes the thoughts off and walked to the dining room and to her surprise her mother was sitting beside Lylic.

“We have been waiting for you” Beatrice aid with a smile

“You girls have a lot of things to explain to me. How could you leave the country for months and I happen to be the last person to find out about it? Are you guys trying to piss me off?” she said looking ate her daughter who was still standing and also at Lylic.

“Darling come have a sit” Teresa said pointing toward the seat which was beside her. ‘That’s because of your carelessness” she said giving her friend a glare

(Laughing) “Darling, I am not ready for your own side of the lecture. Clara would soon be here, so you can as well save the task for her. It’s her Job to do”

“I almost forgot (Teresa said placing her palm on her forehead) Clara has gone to pick up her son Steve from the airport”

“No wonder she isn’t around, she would have clouded the whole place with a good sermon for you” Lylic said looking at Beatrice.

“It would be good to have Steve around” Selom said with a smile

“Tormenting him would be a very nice thing to do. I would love to get his ass kicked and now how good he is in martial act”

Roselle on the other hand was quiet she had a strange look of happiness on her face; Lylic knew what it was all about. After all she had made things work, and she also knew that Roselle didn’t want to say much. Things were just getting more interesting.

“I want you all to do away with your powers for now because it seems Steve didn’t come alone. He came with the woman he is already engaged to” Teresa said looking at the three girls, she needed their full attention and she got it. These girls looked so innocent but they were far more mischievous than anything else. But Teresa felt strange this was because she didn’t find any trace of the two old men, they had slept over as of yesterday night and they didn’t say anything about leaving so early in the morning. They were the problems now; it wouldn’t be nice if they were to appear suddenly in front of the young lady’s sight. How would they explain it to her then? Would they say it was magic?

“(smiles) Aunt you don’t have to worry, we already know she is human, trust us, we wouldn’t cause any trouble” Lylic spoke as the spokeswoman for the three of them.

“That doesn’t stop you guys from having fun if you decide to” Beatrice said with a smile

“Ayah, I was very lucky I hadn’t given you my daughter to raise, only God knows what would have happened, maybe she would have been more than pregnant” Teresa said with a sigh of relief




“Speechless” “Teresa your words are poisonous, don’t blame my upbringing at all. I trained Roselle and Lylic all by myself. At least Lylic turned out well from my upbringing”

Selom and Lylic couldn’t control their laughter, “Aunt Beatrice, Really? Did I really turned out well” to them it really sounded funny, how was she that sure that Lylic turned out well? Her words were so amusing.

“Yes you did darling, even Roselle turned out very well, and I am indeed very surprised” Beatrice said proudly. It was as if she wasn’t talking about her children as well. She sounded like she was talking about a food recipe.

Roselle on the other hand was disappointed, though she had nothing against her mother. Her mother had always been there for her and she understood the responsibilities she had it was just like her aunt Tina who had to urgently go back to the heavenly realm foe some business. She had to leave her own daughter behind for the greater cause of good. That was why she never blamed her mother for anything. They were immortals and they still had a lot of years together which they would live together without regrets.

*****Author's Note To Readers

Hello my lovely readers, i am really sorry for the late updates i am currently facing some little issues, but i promise to post everyday no matter how late it is. Please bear this with me, i love you all so much. To those who found time to drop a comment i really appreciate you guys, your comments keeps me going. #Much love