
Chapter 249

She wasn't disturbed at all about her daughter being poisoned, it wasn't just based on the fact that her daughter was already a venom herself it was because from Clara's tone, she knew she had nothing to worry about.

What was more surprising to hear was the news on Selom's pregnancy. It was indeed a shocker, she still had a hard time believing it. It was something she didn't want to acknowledge but instead of thinking too much about it she could as well have a little patience and get to know all about it when she flies out of the country.

What she was now regretting was that she was beginning to miss most of the important events in her Children's life and she didn't want that right from the beginning, she would have to change a lot of things and give herself a real makeover. Even if they were luckily being Immortals, she had to make the right choices so she wouldn't end up in regret for the rest of her life.

 This was why making the right choices was always very important, when you make the right choice you wouldn't drown in the sea of regrets with others who made the wrong choices. Now all was in the past, she had a lot to catch up on 


"You can't do anything right, this wasn't what I had asked for. What's wrong with you? Do you want to kill my child?"

"I am sorry ma'am, I would go make things right"

"You better do, if not I would hold you responsible for what ever happens to my baby" She said, rubbing her stomach. Her child was a very important piece of her life, she wouldn't tolerate any mistake.

"You've asked for mango juice right?" He asked

"Yes I did, I am allergic to peach so what ever jiuce you can make other than that one would be healthy" she said pointing to the fruit juice he held in his hands (pauses for a second) "And you can't just refer to me like I was your slave, it's either you use the word ma'am or Madam"


"Ma'am is there anything you would need apart from a fruit juice?" Ayoung Butler said, looking at her. He had to say this, he had worked with many types of people but this was actually the first time he felt disgusted looking at a woman.

 Her behaviours were indeed very disgusting but he had to bear it after all she was carrying the master's great grandchild. "Few of my friends would be coming over, so I would like you to make everything ready "

"Ma'am wory due respect you won't be entertaining any visitors for today"

"What! Who the hell do you think you are? Who are you to decided what I can and can not do? You're just a mere servant you have no right to say a word against mine " She said in anger.

"That's the order i got from above, if you have a problem with it, so have every right to call and ask questions. If that is all then I would be taking my leave" he said and immediately left. If she wasn't pregnant with his master's great grandchild, he would have given her a good beating even though he was someone who hate to lay his hand in a woman.

Looking at his back view she felt like killing him. Who was he to talk to her in such a manner? What on earth would she tell her friends now? She had promised them a very good view in Ocean and also a nice time on the yacht. Now all of a sudden a change of plan? And they expect her to accept it? No way! But what could she do, if she wasn't in this situation she would have taught him a good lesson, he was lucky she is heavily pregnant.

Walking over to the sitting room, the young man felt his blood boiling from anger, of all the women in the world why did his Master have to choose her? What on eartun did they actually see in such an arrogant and spoiled woman? He clenched his fists in anger "Why the hell did I have to deal with this kind of woman, ain't there another type of assignment that I could do yo keep myself busy? I might end up killing this one out of anger" he said 

"Calm down Son, your really have to work on that kind of anger of yours

 What we need currently is the child she is carrying, nothing else matters at least not until our master says otherwise."

"Of all the women in the world Dad,why the hell did you pick her?" He said glaring at him, "She is so annoying, that I feel like snapping her beck off her shoulders''. It was actually his fault to deal with, if he had chosen someone nicer, there would have been such a situation where he would get angry about it.

(Laughs) "Now it's all my fault,?" Butler Sam said giving him a funny expression, he felt like telling his son the whole truth but he couldn't, he doesn't have the master's permission yet, so his mouth had a seal on it.

"It's all your fault" he replied in anger

(Laughs) "You are just looking for a good place to lay your frustrations on, you would have killed her *ss, a little discipline wouldn't kill you know?" He said, giving him a pat hit on his shoulders.

"(Scoffs) That b*tch wouldn't be able to take a hit from me"

"Whoa, be careful with your words!"

"I wouldn't be careful with them Dad, that's what she really is and I almost killed her out there"

"You need to work on your anger issues, just be like your own Father, I barely get Angry " Butler Sam said with a smile

(Scoffs) "That's because you are abnormal Dad, so that's what abnormal people do. They don't get angry at all" He said with disdain, he stressed the word 'angry at all 'he couldn't explain it right now but he was really pissed " Dad! Just show yourself already and stop making me attend to her"

"Not yet, I don't want to show myself to her just yet."

"Whatever just have it at the back of your mind that if she messes with me and goes overboard, I would throw her off the building for real"

"Sure Sure you can do whatever you want then

(Speechless ) "Are you for real?"

"Yes for sure, I meant every word"

"You are supposed to be talking me out of it as a good father"

"You know I am not a good Father"

This rendered the young man speechless, it was really unexpected, no father would like to hear such a thing and his Father had just acknowledged being one.


"Ma'am I am really very pleased with dinner"

"You are always very welcome, you could come anytime you want "

"This wouldn't be the last time, I wouldn't make such a mistake ever " Lylic muttered

"What?" Harley said sounding like someone who could have a panic attack

(Laughs) "That's how my sister is she just being Sarcastic" Selom said

"Can you stop doing all the talking on my behalf you've literally been doing all the talking for me tonight" 

"Dear don't be angry okay, I am just watching out for you, I always wants the best for you"

(Smiles) "If that's really the case Darling them keep your thoughts to yourself okay" Lylic said and stomped off. She wanted this dinner to end in a happy way, smiling, laughing, rejoicing and all they would talk about is how good the food is. But what could she do now? All her plans came to ruin. Her own friend and someone who was more like a sister to her kept rubbing love all over her face. How could she be in love with someone and be the last to find out about it?

This was the exact way Selom made her feel. She had thought she was only getting back at her for something she did but it seems she was wrong, there was more to it. Selom successfully convinced Harley and her daughter that she was in love with Phil. She finally even convinced Phil himself, she was expecting the Idiot to man up to his feelings, they virtually had nothing together but all he did there was sit beside her giving her a nameless smile. Who does that? Now she was pissed with everyone.

"Slow down, don't be in a hurry to leave, you wouldn't leave without me would you?"

"Sure I would leave without you, what was that all about?" You ruined my dinner

"Really? Why would I do such an awful thing?"

(Laughing) " You just did, what was the love talk all about? You know better than anyone else that I don't love him. I am clearly not in love with him and you know that"

"Of course I know that, I am just having fun that's all" Selom said Laughing "I have never seen you this angry before, you look so cute when you are angry"

"Speechless" "Are you joking with me now? If you are it's not funny"

"I am not joking honey, you are really cute with that purple face of yours. You are the kindest and calmest woman ever on the planet, you are barely angry."

"Se.. l.. "

"Sshh… Mind the name, it's Brianna"

"Speechless," "That's meant for your Ass, let's go home okay "

"Sure "

Lylic could feel Selom smiling all the way as they travelled home and it was getting on her nerves. "You've been smiling and it's pissing me off"

"I know , your face says it all," Selom said, chuckling. "You don't need to be so angry darling, I was just playing with you and I find it fun, you can't blame me "

"Who then should I push the blame to? Myself?"

(Laughing)" I would stop smiling, let's go home. They must have noticed we sneaked out of the house by now"

They had a lot to face at home than fighting themselves. All they had to do was get home and face the old man. The old man had been very strict with them while they grew up. He was more than a father figure.

On getting home, both girls immediately change into their real form. The whole house was unexpectedly quiet, they immediately snuck into the room like thieves, after all it was already 23:00. They assumed everyone, including the old man, was asleep. First all they thought about was going to Selom's room, since she was on about a foot massage because of her pregnancy, Lylic had no choice than to give her a good massage.

Getting into the room, they couldn't help but shiver, this was always what happens when someone is guilty of a crime. Even if no body is watching them, they would feel there was someone on their tail. "Can you summon Skeletons" Lylic requested

"Now? It's already too late, he would be asleep by now"

"Just call him over, I want to know if he is still alive"

"He is" A voice suddenly said catching both of them unaware

"Grandpa" they both shouted in horror

"Oh, you guys still know who I am?" He said sounding very surprised

"Grandpa, I have missed you a lot" she said, running to him for a hug. Selom on the other hand sat quietly, she was heavily pregnant and it was very difficult running to the old man. They had seen him the other time earlier but never thought of giving him a warm welcome. Of course since they've snucked out, it was necessary to try such a trick on him.

Seeing Lylic act all childish and cottequish he nearly fell for it. "Young mistresses, what does this old man always say to you all?"

"Grandpa, it was just this one mistake, you can overlook it. Selom just got so hungry that she had some terrible craving " she said pushing all the blame to Selom, now they were in a tight spot, they couldn't mind link or have any inner thought they would be found out. This Old man was a Bridge Immortal, this was the second class of Immortality created after the Ancient immortal. Nothing could skip them at all, this was why they had more like a GPS sensor on them, he could sense them and track them out if he really wanted to. For the fact that he didn't, it only meant he didn't want to or he was stopped in the processing.

The Old man looked ordinary to the human eyes but if they cared to look closely they would know there was more to it than anything else. "I would let this pass and I can tell that you are lying but the craving is a really good excuse. I can smell meat all over you and I can tell you both had a very nice time. But next Dear don't piss my little girl off, she doesn't look beautiful when angry" After he was done talking, he left the room. They were already so shock so he needed to give them their privacy hit to do that, he walked up to them and gave them a light kiss on their forehead "Goodnight, Sweet dream" he said and immediately disappeared 



"Did you just hear what the old man said?"

"Yes I did, I still have a very good hearing ability"

"I guess not, you had said I looked cute when I am angry"

(Shocked) "Yeah I said that"

"Bit he just said I looked 'not beautiful ' when I am angry" she said stressing the word 'nit beautiful '

(Laughing) "you can't be serious right now, he said not beautiful and not 'not cute ' we both have different perspectives. Please come give me a massage, I had crack my back for you and I feel terrible all because of you" she said in a depressed tone

"Okay fine, I am at it already. Stop torturing me emotionally " She said walking up to her cupboard. Getting an ointment, she sat beside her, applying the ointment on her feet she began the massage.

"You know I love you right?"

"I know," Lylic replied with disdain. These were the same words which would come out when someone was having what he or she wants. So of course she was saying all this due to the good massage

(Laughing) "Your thoughts are really bizarre, you should stop thinking Dirty"

"Thinking Dirty (laughs) You are insane, I am not doing this for you at all, I am doing it for my godchild"

"You are the best god mother in the world. I wish mine was as good as yours"

(Laughing) "Tell me all about it"

"She hasn't called to check on me for years and she still remains a good godmother "

(Laughing) "it seems this massage really suits you"

"It does, I am having a good time"