
Chapter 249

The heaven realm was a place which was filled with utmost good, and the Saint. The energy present there was good and all Vibes were positive. Evil thought or bad energy never existed here in this place. Still to describe this place which was flawless; it could be said that it was filled in a sense that there was no evil. But even at that there was always a saying that 'among a basket filled with eggs there must be one bad egg or more'. 

Based on the fact that there was no evil in Heavenly room one would find 2 or 3 out of a 1000. And this sense of Evil was due to the taste of power and fame. There were some cases where someone has been instigated to become evil and sometimes being evil could be due to an exchange or the set of mind. The Devil himself was a saint at first but his corrupt mind turned him evil. This rule applies not only to Immortals but to mortals as well, the mind could turn someone good or evil. 

This is where the world 'Humanity' comes in. Humanity is just a rule of nature, it could be called a law that governs mortals in the human realm. It's a natural phenomena that helps protect the interest .of every human being and helps them stay alive. It is never biased as the day, it gives you exactly what you give out. This rule is to help humans stay away from evil, there is a saying which goes like this 'Humanity not followed gives birth to wi, and Karma gives rise to pConsequence. And when Consequences is met then the circle of Humanity begins all over again' This is Joy Oluwaseun's Quotes.

Life they say is filled with Choices but for me, I would say Life is filled with Labels and with a price tag on it. One should seek good and expel evil to the maximum. Who says good doesn't pay? It does, what is more confusing is that it takes longer time to take effect compared to evil but at the end of it all it still paid you well. The good Selom's Father once did would surely take effect. One good could change a million lives positively. This good would keep flowing from one generation to another generation. This also applies to evil as well, One evil done could destroy millions of lives.

By this time Clara, Blaine and Elyrex were preparing their journey to the Heavenly realm. Elyrex was the Old man's real name from the heavenly realm, he never changed his identity. It was just that when he came to the human world people gave him the title 'Old man' so it kind of became his name. And people barely know the name 'Elyrex' . 

There is a powerful meaning behind each and every Immortal. The name was as precious as gold, this was because it gave them their true essence. From their heavenly names one could tell the immortals true form. It was more like reading someone's destiny, Fortune and Star just to know the future. This was the same as the heavenly name, you could tell the Immortal's personality, his or her true form, background identity, the level of power they possess and also their strong shield. The date of birth is very vital for every immortal, it detects their characteristics and their essence of absorption.

Beatrice had just arrived at the airport looking around. She had to confess it has been many years since she had actually come in contact with her family and also does she loved so much. Facing them now she had the urge to cry it wasn't the tears of regrets neither was it the tears of sorrow it was the tears of joy. 'Such a refreshing environment' she said with a sigh of relief. She was still very young and had a lot of places to explore. Now she had to prepare her mind for a day of ceaseless lectures of 'how to become a good mother ' to her children. Looking around the Airport she couldn't see any familiar face waiting to welcome her, she had texted Clara an hour ago and had also texted her immediately the place landed. How could there be nobody to receive her from the airport, not even the staff? "Clara" she said, gritting her teeth in anger, she must be messing with her. But calming herself down, she immediately dials her number.

"Hello what's up with you, can you give me a ride over to your place because I just arrived at the airport now. And I had texted you all this time, even before the plane landed, you didn't get my message?" She said, trying to sound as polite as ever.

"I read your message, I didn't miss any details of your arrival. I never thought you would book a flight?"

"Speechless" "It has been quite a long time, I think we shouldn't start off on the wrong foot. So what were you expecting? That I exhaust all my energy just because I want to see you? Really?" She said sounding displeased

"You want to see me? You came all the way just because you got interested in a Gossip. So how does your coming benefit me?"

This rendered Beatrice speechless, she could as well make use of her energy and appear right Infront on Clara if she wanted to. But there were certain rules which had to be followed, she didn't want to get angry, so she kept telling herself to remain calm, she didn't want an outburst. "I was expecting you or at least someone to be waiting for me here at the airport. You could do yourself a favor by picking me up, how do I find my way without direction?" She said sounding very calm as possible 

"You can always find your place anywhere in the world darling. So why would I come pick you up? Find your way here, you ain't a child and you deserve no special treatment" Clara said with a smirk, she had a voice filled with disdain. Both Roselle and Lylic were very dear to her and she wouldn't tolerate anyone messing with them, not even Beatrice. How could she be so careless and know nothing about the children's whereabouts? What if something had happened to them? What if they were lost and needed a reason to come home? 

It was just like a puppy who wanted to taste the love its Master had for it, one day it went out and hid itself hoping that the Master would come looking for it. But it got disappointed after hiding for a day and it saw nobody coming to look for it. Nobody called out to it or tried to find it, it just needed a reason to come home and that reason was that its master seeks it out. After waiting for a few days, it got so heartbroken and disappointed that it went into the woods and no one ever heard from it again.

 "What the hell! you must be kidding right darling? I just took a flight which was about 16 hours and 24 minutes long and this is the welcome service I get? Really? you gotta be kidding me. This is no way to treat a guest, so leave whatever you're doing and come pick me at the airport right now and don't dare piss me off because you won't like it when I am angry" Beatrice with a slight frown on her face. Clara always had a way of making her feel terrible. She could sense that she was getting back at her for something but she didn't know what it was.

"What does that have to do with me? You did the travelling not me and since you're coming over to see me you can as well pick a taxi from the airport to this place you're not the Queen of England darling neither are you the king of Paris so get those old ass of yours out of the airport and come right home" Clara said and after she was done talking she hung up the call.

 Beatrice was struck by lightning from a thunderbolt. Literally, she was dumbfounded, she wasn't a 'Queen of England nor the King of Paris' Does Paris even have a king? What does she mean by that? Hell yeah she wasn't a royalty in the human world but she was a royal princess from where she came from. " You gotta be kidding me. Did she just shut me up by hanging up on me?" Beatrice said giving a sarcastic laughter 

She had always known this is what would happen after all she wasn't so surprised she had it drafted in her thoughts but was still caught unaware. From the way Clara spoke she knew she wouldn't be coming over to pick her up from the airport, there was no room for negotiation, so there was no need to call her repeatedly. Even if she called her own daughter, Roselle wouldn't pay any attention to her but calling Lylic would be different but she wanted to surprise them. The last she heard from her daughter's was relating to the Stephanie case. This was the family she had chosen to hide herself and her daughter's and the rule was that since she had chosen this family she was somehow related to them. It was an easy task for an Immortal to fit into the family, if a DNA test is to be conducted, surprisingly it would be a match. This was a mystery only the Immortals could understand , ever since she had chosen the right spot in the human realm, she had been so busy tending to their affairs. She was also the goddess of Rain, she had to tend to that as well. Handling two jobs at once wasn't such an easy task, the whole human realm was hers to protect.

Let the Truth be spoken, just the thought of stopping a taxi gave her goosebumps. It has been over a century since she hadn't taken a taxi. Now she doesn't know what it means to take a taxi. What she had been expecting was a grand welcome from all her family and friends, it seems she overestimated Clara's love for her. 

 With how things turned out, she knew where the love lies now. So much expectation of joy and happiness, how could she expect such a thing when the person in question who knew about her coming was a psycho? Clara had a decent means of madness for sure. But now she had no choice, she would have to feel that same feeling she hasn't felt for over 100 years and that would be stopping a taxi and getting into that same taxi. 

After a series of calculations Beatrice finally got out of the airport and stopped a taxi. Getting into the taxi she gave him the map address of where she was going. It was very easy to send, since the taxi had a map GPRS system. She was also very curious to know the house they were living in now in Australia though they were immortals but they had to confess they had a lot of properties, assets and many other things one could think of.

 Sometimes being an Immortal could be more interesting than one could ever imagine, even though there was a higher responsibility attached to it. 45 minutes later they arrived at the entrance gate Beatrice alighting from the car, was stupefied, this was because she was familiar with the surroundings. 

Luckily for her, she had some cash to make payments. After paying the driver off she got into the building. She had a lot of smiles on her face because she was about to surprise a lot of people, her children and any other person in the family though she had no idea. Just looking around, she had sighted a lot of experts in the shadows, they were all looking at her and from the looks she gave them they eventually understood what was happening and who she was. It was not something difficult, just by looking at her appearance one could tell and from those beautiful faces and eyes of hers one could see the resemblance. A part of her was Roselle's another part was Lylic's and surprisingly another part was Selom's.

Beatrice loved the surprised look on her face, since she was very happy she decided that it should rain and immediately at the thought of rain, the rain began.


"Are those raindrops?" Selom said, looking through the window. She had Lylic lying beside her, she had fallen asleep in her room and was turning all over the bed while she slept at a spot. But she knew she was already awake. "I spent the whole night, giving you a massage. I need to rest, stop making noise" Lylic said placing a pillow above her head.

(Laughs) "You don't believe me, see it's raining?"

"We are in Australia darling, it can't be raining. If you had paid more attention to History you would have known that there is barely what we call 'rainfall'. If you search on Google you would know that 'Australia is a land of extremes with temperatures ranging from highs of 40°C in the central desert regions to below freezing in the higher regions of the country's southeast. Sometimes these extremes can be experienced on a single day.Australia’s exceptional aridity is the result of a unique combination of factors. Cold ocean currents off the west coast means there is little evaporation to form rain clouds, while the Great Dividing Range that runs down Australia’s east coast prevents rain from penetrating far inland.' It's impossible for it to rain in a season like this. So Darling you need to do more research and Google more, it would boost your IQ okay? So with all my explanation, can you let me sleep?" Lylic said still having the pillow over her face. With all the long geographic and historical report with those tiny voice due to the pillow covering her face, Selom still heard everything she had said. But she wasn't joking, it was really drizzling and she kind of liked the feeling and felt sleepy. As the rain drops pressure increased, Lylic immediately took the pillow ofc her face and walked to the french window. Opening it up, she walked to the terrace. It was raining heavily. "How could this be possible? I didn't do anything to the weather, neither did you and I am sure nobody did except if…..'

"Except if what..?' Selom asked

Lylic immediately shakes off the thought from her mind, it could not be possible. "Forget about it, I wasn't going to say anything "

"You were, so complete your statement, except if what..?"

"Except if Mom was present?"

"Asin your mom?" Selom said sounding shocked

"Not my mom, my mom" she said 

"Oh, you mean godmother?"


(Laughs) "If she was indeed going to come, I am sure the whole world would know about it. Is there any other explanation for the rain?"

"Another explanation could be that you may be due for labour "

(Laughs) "If I was due for labour I would be the first person to find out about that don't you think so?" Selom said with her eyes widely open. She felt like giving Lylic a good knock to correct her reasoning.