
Chapter 248

Hearing her own private phone ring she became curious to know who it was that thought so highly of her. This was because her private phone hadn’t ringed for decades what normally rang was her commercial line also known as the business name. Looking at the caller ID she frowned, it had no name label to it. “Hello, who is this please?” she asked calmly, she had to be nice as possible; it could be someone very important.

“It is me” said a warm calm voice

Hearing the voice she immediately knew who it was “Whoa, it very strange honey, did I offend you?”

(Looking confused) “How would you offend me and why such a question?” she asked trying to place a right answer to it. She was the one who was supposed to ask such questions. She would always try reaching out to her but the pain in the *ss woman would make things very difficult for her to be.

“If this is who I think it is then, you are indeed a shocker. I wasn’t expecting your call at all. You really had to call on my private number; this phone hasn’t ringed for ages. If I am not mistaken dear, you are the first caller”

“That is because over the years you have becomes a tight unbearable pain in the butt” she said up straight, she was always very straight forward and honest, so she had nothing to hide.

“I know, I get such compliments so many times, I know something is up yo, so tell me what it is, i already have itching ears”


“You’re always so very busy, I know you would hardly have the time to listen. You must be doing something very important and you wouldn’t like to be disturbed”

“Speechless”, “If you knew that very well you wouldn’t have called, it’s been so many years and I actually forgot you had this type of attitude. You would never change for sure”

“How on earth would people like me change? We were created to kick many bad *sses like yours and put them up in the right place. We have tried reaching out to you but all we do get are voice message and always a busy and uptight schedule. It was necessary I called you today, but as well you have something more important to do” she said in a depressed tone. This was actually another type of pain you get from a love one. Just imagine having a close friend and anytime you try reaching out to him or her all you get is the 'Busy code'. They eventually see your calls but they don’t call back. All you would think about is the word “snubbed and deserted” those two words would try to generate a kind of sad and depressing thoughts in you; they could even ruin your entire day affecting your moods. This was the same way she felt about it though she gave herself a few lines of understanding because sometimes  she herself could be so busy with work that they day would be far spent before she realizes it.




Hearing this she suddenly felt bad, over the years she had drown herself in work to avoid thinking too much. Though she had been the one at fault but she believed it was better that way but she didn’t want her loved ones to think that way at all. She always had them at heart even though she was physically busy. But as the saying goes “Too much of everything is bad’ she was over doing it and it was eating up her whole time that she barely has enough time for herself. If she was a human now, she enough she would have been six feet below the ground from all the work loads and stress. She could tell right from wrong, so she knew this was very important than anything else.


“Whatever it is, you know it can wait nothing is as important as what you are about telling me (pauses for a moment) so tell me what is happening? You now have my undivided attention” she said absorbing the whole silence to avoid being too curious. Hearing the silence from the other end her heartbeat accelerated. “Does it have anything to do with the children? You should speak up” she said sounding very depressed this was because she wasn’t someone who would just call and kept mute. This only meant there was a very big problem. “Why the hell are you silent? It’s beginning to piss me off” she said sounding really pissed. Just as always the call was unexpected because she got it from her match, her ‘kind of person ‘is the right phrase to use. Someone who could change you whole mood without having to meet you face to face, that person could only be the one who knew you way back in time better than you even know yourself. It was more like speaking to your own reflection or better still your own shadow.

(Sigh) “It seems you have forgotten your real background, all this year’s you’ve been very busy that you have also forgotten about our existence”

“Cut to the chase, I am not in the mood for games” she knew her better than anyone else.

(Smiles) “I would be going back home. It’s been a long time since I last visited”

Hearing that statement he immediately understood the home in question “What?! Why?!” she said sounding shocked

“These are items we can’t talk about on the phone”

“That’s true, should I meet you at the hospital?”

(Laughs) “What hospital? What planet are you really on?”

(Confused) “What’s your [point?”

“I am not at the hospital now, if you really what to know what’s really happening then I could keep this call on and you trace my whereabouts”

“Is it that complicated? It sounds more like a hide and seeks game to me. We are no longer children you know”

“Okay I would hang up now” she said with a smile.

“Don’t you dare, I would find you in a minute. Just hold on”

“Okay then” she said with a smile, she knew of the fact that she wouldn’t let her hang up at all. Though everyone had chosen his or her own way to live and each of them are always very busy on how to balance things. This act of business had separated them and it made them lose some of their bonds together. There was a saying which goes thus ‘Out of mind, is out of sight” this was the case with the four of them and this was also extended to their children as well. Thank goodness they had bounce right back, it would have led to an internal bond breakage. Sometimes it was very wise to learn from other people’s mistake than learning from your own mistake. Their childern chose a different part and it seems to be going well. The closer they are to themselves, the stronger their bond, and the stronger their bond, the more connected they become. Didn’t choose the same part the adults chose.

“What they hell are you doing over there in Australia? You travelled out of the country and it happens to be that I am the last person to find out about it”

(Chuckling)”Indeed you are really the last person to find out about it” from the way she spoke, Clara found it more interesting. It seems she had underestimated Beatrice level of been busy. It seems she had been dead busy, she kept herself away from the world and sure enough she had a hunch that she didn’t even know the whereabouts of her children. “Where is Roselle and lylic?” she asked with a smile

“What do they got to do with you travelling so far away?” she asked

“Just wanted to know their whereabouts, don’t tell me you have no idea of where they have gone to?”

“How could that be possible? They must be in a shoot somewhere having fun” she responded confidently

(Laughing) “What a good mother you are, Tina must surely be very disappointed in you. You have done a good job by raising her daughter well. If she was dead her ghost would have been haunting you till death”

“Speechless” she was indeed mute this time around, she could hear the mockery in Clara’s tone, so sure enough she must have given the wrong answer. Now this was not entirely her fault she care less about the children, they were old enough to take good care of themselves. Where as Lylic was there to keep her daughter Roselle in shape. She raised them both and knew their personalities very well. Roselle was just like a volcano, while Lylic was more like a glacier. Both dangerous, but they suit each other. “So where are they?”

“I am sure you are also not aware of Roselle being poisoned?”

“What, I am really not aware, how is she now?” she asked with concern

(Laughs) “Is it me or is my thoughts, you don’t sound so shock like I expected”

“Nope, I can clearly read all the curses you want to lay out. I shouldn’t be worried, she had tasted a lot of poison when she was younger so a little poison would not kill her” she said sounding very confident

“Speechless,” “(sigh) I see, anyways I know that for a fact. Selom is pregnant” Clara said cutting to the chase\

“What?! My god child is pregnant? I had paid her a visit abroad and she didin’t day anything to me about any guy”

(laughs) “There you have it, you are always behind the world, so it’s not surprising that you would miss a lot of things”

“I would book the earliest flight as soon as possible, wait patiently for me okay. I would be there as soon as possible” Beatrice said and immediately hung up the call. She couldn’t help but frown. Why was it that she was always the last person to find out things? Now she was indeed pissed. What a mother she really was she had been so busy with earthly matters that she forgot about her own kids. Her sister Tina would really be disappointed in her and to top it all up Clara would be visiting the heavenly realm. This only meant there was more to it than what was on the surface.  “Someone come in now!” she shouted

“Mater you called” An old looking man said with his head slightly bowed

“Why on earth I am the last person to know that my children are no longer in the country? When has this been going on?’ she asked sounding very angry

“It’s almost passed three month” he responded sounding a bit guilty

“Passed three months? And I am just hearing about this now?’ she said clenching her fist “why wasn’t I informed? Are you all courting death?”

“Master this isn’t the case; you had strictly given out a warming that we shouldn’t come into your office to give any bad news. You even said even if the news was pertaining to life and death we should keep it to ourselves. That in due time you would ask us all about it when you are in the best mood” he said stressing ever word, making her remember those words by herself. Now she had recalled everything, she indeed said those words. “I really say those words?” she asked looking at him

“Yes you did” he replied. “I had said bad news, but my children disappearance was not a bad news, it is good news, in fact it is the best news ever” she said laughing out loud. She was indeed a very irresponsible mother


“Book me the latest flight to Australia; it has been a long time I travelled around the world”

“Surprised” “Master you have been busy because you have been travelling all over the world. You just came back from china just a few weeks ago”

“Clash, I wasn’t talking to you I was talking to myself. If I said it’s been long I travelled around the world, then yes, that’s what I meant” she said glaring at him “My flight shouldn’t be delayed, I would make sure to teach those little girls a few tricks they would never forget. I know it must be all Roselle’s idea, I am sure she had lylic leave without having to inform me” she said with a frown

Hearing this he didn't know how to respond to it at all. His Master wasn't someone you could give a comforting words to, if you tried that she would slap your face right back with her words. Her words were always very terrible. "I am really a very bad Mother right" He heard her say. 'Was she asking him such a question? How could he give an answer to that kind of question?'

Looking at the shocked look on his face, she frowned "I need a sincere answer" she said glaring at him

"Yes Master, you are a very terrible and irresponsible Mother " he responded sincerely, after all she had said she wanted a sincere answer and this was it.

Beatrice wasn't expecting it at all, even though she had said she wanted a sincere answer, she wasn't expecting it to be so bad, she couldn't help but give him a terrible glare and this made him shiver. "Master you had strictly gave me an instruction and I stuck to it" he said sounding helpless

You have no common sense, just because I said it doesn't mean that I mean it. "I already know how bad I am, but was the word 'terrible and irresponsible ' needed?. That's not being sincere at all, it's an act of being so stupid and over doing things." She said giving him a stern look "Go prepare the necessary things needed for my flight " she said waving him off. "Sincere answer my *as" she muttered and this words rendered the old man speechless. She felt the old man needed a good sincere beating.

Now her thoughts have been contaminated, Clara always had a way of leaving her scent after a conversation. She always had a way of impacting others negatively with vulgar words. She had to really praise that type of rare skill, she hadn't said the word *as for years. But all thanks to Clara's love and kindness, she had surprisingly said the word and she didn't feel bad about it. Clara needed an award for that, she was a really impact to herself and others as well.

Receiving her order he immediately left, Beatrice on the other had was busy with a flashback. She played those memories over and over again and they were so interesting. This were past memories of how she, Clara, Teresa and Tina’s childhood days. When they were still teenagers, they haven’t been promoted to the role of the goddess, they were very mischievous, they would always give their parents something to worry about, when she had Roselle she began to feel sorry for her parents, she now understood what it means. It was something very tiring and stressful; sometimes she would feel like she was going to die of a heart attack.

 This was the rule of nature, if you were ones stubborn as a child, you get a child who has a higher degree of stubbornness. That way you would have a better understanding of how careful and loving your parent was with you when you did yours.