
Chapter 245

Selom immediately moves away from her claws "You can do anything just to make money, so a premature delivery wouldn't be a thing "

(Yulk) "It would be nice if the Actress in question wasn't you, you wouldn't have the strength to do it and as a film director, I wouldn't want to waste my money you know?" She said sounding very serious like she meant every word. "They just left now and I don't have to keep whispering,now darling I don't have to send chills down your spine, that could also lead to premature delivery it doesn't have to be travelling and acting "

(Smirks)"You are very considerate"

"Thanks for the compliment, let me go get our clothes ready. I think I already have something in mind" She said rushing into the forest of clothes as she called it.

Selom felt funny, she had to confess this pregnancy brought a lot of blessings and happiness to her. She had never expected such am outcome. Her feud with Roselle no longer existed and they've gotten a lot of things as achievements. Life was really filled with something unexpected, there was always something to hope for. Just Incase someone feels like giving up, that's a wrong perception, because there is always something it's just that you haven't looked so close enough.

After almost half an hour searching, Lylic was finally out, she looked like someone who has just narrowly escaped death. She was sweating profusely, and Selom found this very weird "Why are you sweating?" She said sounding very surprised. 

It was indeed very surprising, she had a room filled with clothes, Lylic wasn't exaggerating when she called it a boutique, it was more like a small mall. The room containing her clothes is about 40 square meters. The room had Air conditioners (AC) installed in them. One could get him or herself lost in it without directions but this shouldn't be the same case for Lylic. 

"You should know why I am sweating so much. I almost got suffocated in there " She said sounding very tired.

(Laughing)" What happened to the AC? Why are you sweating this much? You look like someone who just crawl out of hell" Selom really found her looks very funny, she was curious to Know what her answer would be. How on earth was she sweating in a room which had more than one AC?

"That's exactly what happened, stop asking too many questions okay? quickly make your choice don't let my efforts go to waste, I got these two dresses, I think this colour is called royal green, while this is called Onion purple" She said raising the clothes high up in the air "So which one would you pick?" She said with a Bright smile

Selom looking at the dresses was helpless, she had mentioned similar dress design, in note the coli should be too vast but this one here was vast "Anyone" Selom said giving her an insouciant shrug. She didn't care what colour, she would look good in any kind of color.

"I thought as much darling, the colours are no where similar to themselves that's why I disapproved it in the first place. Though we look alike but the dress would make us look totally different "

(Looking dumbstruck) "Then why did you select it if you thought so much about it?"

"I had too, I was finding it very difficult to breathe. So…I just picked whatever my hand came in contact with" she replied

"Speechless" What does she mean by difficult to breathe? "For about half an hour you found it difficult to breathe? You picked those two dresses for almost half an hour darling. What happened to your powers?"

" I forgot I had one"

"Speechless "

"Don't give me such a look, I thought I had to be human for once "

"Even a human would be faster than you, a snail would even do better"

This rendered Lylic speechless, she wasn't expecting just a blow. "Ouch, your words are hurtful " she said gripping her chest tightly

(Laughs) "I could change my mind and you would have to go meet Phil all on your own. After all I am pregnant and at this stage of my pregnancy it is expected of me to sit still"

"Sit still my *SS you would never sit still"


"Here you go, this dress is much more better" Lylic said throwing her another set of dress. This dress has a V-Line pattern, it also had a royal blue color with bright gems around the neck line. Giving the dress an exquisite design, beneath the dress was a soft silky linen, giving off a fluffy feeling. Selom picked the cloth and ran a check on it, she had no memories of buying the dress or even wearing it. She had also gone through the memories of people gifting her lovely dresses but this particular dress wasn't one of them. The dress must have been designed in a general form, because just by looking at it, she didn't have to bother about it not fitting. Even with her big protruding belly it would fit her orefectly. "You got this dress in there? She asked sounding surprise

"Not really, I had just modified the dress myself. I had seen a sewing machine in there and decided to get myself busy"

"Wow, I never knew you could make such good dresses. This is really so unfair of you, how could you be a fashion designer and I am the last person to know about it?" Selom said sounding hurt.

"You are actually the first person to know about this even Roselle is not aware. You're my first ever client and you would be my last "

(Smiles) "That's better, I should be your last client ever"

(Shocked!) "I wasn't expecting such a statement, I was expecting something like an encouragement. What happened to 'Your skills are so good why would you hod it all in? Darling you should explore more and make more dresses. Your work is excellent and I love it so much ' What happened to that kind of good statement?" Lylic said sounding very disappointed.

(Laughs) "If I say those long words how then would I become your last ever existing client? You don't need any source of encouragement darling, so I should be your one and only client. I can't wait to try this on" Selom said sounding very excited. She was indeed someone who was selfish and she doesn't need to be ashame of her selfishness. After all being selfish isn't a crime was it?. After she was done wearing the dress she felt much more happy, she felt comfortable in the dress. The dress did gave off the aura of royalty even though it looked so simple. "I am really very impressed, when you make a comeback it should be in the fashion industry and I would voluntarily sign up as your model for life" Selom said with a smile

(Laughing) "That way you wouldn't be my one and only client"

"I know, I can tolerate a thousand client at most. And I am still contented with the fact that I am your first ever client, I am indeed very honoured" She said giving a slight bow

"Drama Queen, let me get into the dress. I hope it fits me perfectly as yours"

(Chuckles) "If it doesn't, you can go for tye other dressed, Royal green would be the best, it goes in line with that eyes of yours." She said loudly to Lylic who was heading for the dressing room. She had just worn her own dress her but her sister was going elsewhere to change, she found it Strange and fishy. Looking at the cloth was couldn't help but marvel, this only brought her realization to something new. She had missed a lot of things in both her sister's lives. Even though they did meet then, it wasn't the same as staying closer to themselves now. 

She doesn't want to miss anything else again, she wanted to be there for them while they also remain there for her as well. Lylic came out with the same dress looking as exquisite as ever, now it was time to change their identity to that of Brianna and Bianca . But they both came to a mutual understanding that they would only change their identity half way through the journey. The only problem now was how they could sneak away from the mansion without anybody's knowledge. It was very easy to do so but with the old man around, it would be very difficult and Selom would also gave to leave the mansion without having to take Skeleton along.

"It's now time to leave but now I feel it would be impossible" Selom said with a frown

(Smiles)" I just thought about using Williams but the young man would get into big trouble this time. (Pause a for a minute) We could make use of Skeleton, he is the best man for this job" Lylic said giving off a mischievous smile.

(Laughs) " why is it that anytime we plan to pay Phil a visit we get people into trouble "

Lylic couldn't help but chuckle there were already a thousand years old but were more like toddlers . Just the look on Slwom face, she knew she had already agreed to her request. After all they were women who loved having fun and they also loved playing games.

Selom immediately summoned Skeleton, appearing before them he looked more confused. They women were well dressed, it seems they had a very big event to attend. Seeing how surprised he looks, Lylic chuckles even more. They were just going to eat dinner and Skeleton had already mistook them for women sho were attending an important event.

"I need you to create a barrier immediately we leave. It should last for about 10 minutes after we have gone." She instructed

But he was more confused "Master, why do we need to create a barrier after you're gone? Is there any trouble?" He asked. Though he had no right asking his Master question but ever since he had started walking with her, he found her very easy to follow with. In several occasions when he gets confused he asks her some questions and she always gives him her attention and later gives him an answer. He thought it was only common with her but he had also found out that the whole family wwre the same. They didn't treat their people as a slave, rather as a family. So he knew she would not get upset with his question.

(Chuckles) "This is how it goes, if we leave the old man would sense it immediately. We are actually sneaking away from home and we don't want to alarm anyone" Lylic explained with a smile.

"I am still confused Mistress, how would a barrier help?"

"It would help distract the old man, that's why she had said it should last for 10 minutes. But if he is busy enough, I am sure he would not notice but we wouldn't risk it. It had happened many times when we were little, so trust me we know exactly what could happen this time" This time Lylic had her eyes on Selom, it was such a pity to use such an innocent young man as a sacrificial lamb. It wasn't something new, Williams was also very new to the system but now he was a very good player and now has the guts to drag the old women by their hair. He was now their coach, Skeleton now would let to cope with the old man and before they would know it he would also become an expert when it comes to handling him.

It was just a wish they knew could never be fulfilled. Skeleton was in for a big hit, they didn't give him a welcome beating into the squad, the old man would surely give him one. Lylic and Selom felt like Laughing their hearts out this was because Skeleton looked more innocent than a child but what could they do? He wouldn't only get a good beating from the old man but a life threatening scolding from the two old women. His cup this night would really be over flowing with water, they just had to pray a little prayer for him and that prayer was that, 'the old man should get too busy with his discussion to notice their absence ' that way the whole world would be saved.

It would be a shame going out to have fun and they are being dragged back home by the old man. To avoid such, it was better to have an innocent lamb in place to take all the heat from the furnace. It wasn't as if the old man would place the lamb in the furnace and burn it but he would skin the lamb alive for a while. So this lamb was really worth it 

"Okay then, I would do just as instructed. Please stay safe " he said with concern. He knew they were more than strong to take care if themselves but he still felt happy saying it. After all they were sneaking out and it is believed that bad things do happen when someone sneaks out.

"We will, but I think you would need that more than we do. Good luck" Lylic said holding Selom's hands the immediately disappears. Skeleton was dumbstruck by her last statement , this only meant he had gotten himself in trouble. Just as instructed he immediately set up a barrier as the left. All he needed to do was wait for about 10 minutes then he could bring it down but was that really all there is to it?


What could we say about the heavens, there were things which mere mortals couldn’t understand even at that this stage there were few things even the immortals themselves could not explain. They were immortals who have lived more than a thousand years but things related to the top most heavens weren’t of knowledge to them. These five doctors were now faced with a dilemma; they all didn’t have an idea of what is to be done.

“All I can say is my travel to the heaven realm would be a necessity” Clara said nodding her head after much thought.

Teresa was silent there was nothing she could say for now, she knew Clara better than anyone else. If she had said those words it only meant that she had taken days to think it all through and since it’s been decided nobody would be able to change her mind. After all she knew why Clara must be doing this; her husband Ken had left for long and had not return “What if you don’t return?” she said making the whole atmosphere more tensed than it already is. This wasn’t just thrown to Clara as a question it was more like a tool for sober reflection. Clara was aware of the whole thing, Tina had also gone to the heaven realm and it’s been about a hundred years and nobody had heard a word from her not even her own daughter. The question Teresa had just asked indirectly means ‘What if the same thing which happened to Tina happens to you? Miss’ Roselle on the other hand had nothing to say, this was a topic relating to the elders alone, she was still a child and couldn’t interrupt them, she just had to listen with full attention.