
Chapter 238


"It seems you both are so much alike"

"She has no where to go too, she has been out for so long. Of course I should be worried"

"You both are something else, she gets worried when you are away and you get worried while she is away. Both of you are grown up adults, so relax" Roselle said, reading her magazine as usual. She was tired, she had to deal with both her aunt's and now she had Selom and Lylic to deal with as well. "Ma'am you are pregnant can you stay at a spot and stop pacing around. You are making my eyes kind of dizzy"

"So you ain't worried?"

"Nope, I am not. I wasn't worried when you ran away for days, Lylic has only been gone for just a day, so why would I be worried"

"Speechless", "I didn't run away"

"You did"


"How long would it take the old man to get here?" 

"A day at most, he should be on his way by now. Why? What are you thinking about?" She asked, she knew Roselle very well, she was a woman with few words, just a question meant she was thinking of something.

"I am thinking about the Old man who attended to Jackson's injury"

"What's your plan?"

"He kind of looks very familiar, it's as if I had known him somewhere" Roselle replied

" (Smiles) I find him very familiar as well. His presence would indeed lighten my mood from worry"

Just as the two women finished talking, Skeleton appeared. This wasn't surprising at all, he was in a way connected to his master, so he could tell if his presence is needed. "I would have to bother you to go bring the old man over" She said finding a soft place to rest her butt. Lately she has become more nervous and uncomfortable than usual. Her feet would get swollen and sometimes she would feel sitting down was as painful as hell. Nobody could solve her problem at all, but thankfully she had learnt to control her anger. 

Roselle and Lylic had to buy her a different couch and pillows made purely out of hundred percent cotton. This was to give her a fluffy feeling and make her comfortable. They also changed the rugs into something hair, where she could easily place her feet, they gave off a calm and tingly feeling beneath her feet. 

Skeleton immediately disappeared, he couldn't waste any more time. He had also noticed a change in his Master, she was becoming more nervous. Though he knew it was something very normal with pregnant woman when they approach delivery, but he didn't like the feeling.

Selom on the other hand rested her back comfortably on the pillows and also placed her bare feet on the rug. Closing her eyes, she drafted into her dreams. This was far better than having to struggle or better still pacing around. Roselle looking at her had a smile on her face, she just recalled the scene whereby Selom had made her give her a massage. Now the carpet was doing the Job, she didn't have to worry. But frankly speaking she felt happy about the whole pregnancy. She had never for once regretted the decision she took.

"Come out now, she's already asleep. What took you so long?"

"Master, there is more to this than what it seems"

(Frowns) "What information do you have for me?"

"It's bad news, I think someone had deliberately tempered with the initial sample we were supposed to use"