
Chapter 237

Ken her brother had also left for the heavenly realm as well and he also was yet to return. Though this was a secret between Teresa and her, Selom and the other girls knew nothing about this. They had presumed that another war would break out sooner than they expected.

"Okay mom, just as I said Williams has gone to get the old man, he would run a check on me and I know it's nothing to worry about, I am doing just fine."

"We have just slept for a week and a lot has changed, it seems we've missed a lot" Clara complained, she wanted to ask about Williams again but she just recalled what Selom had said, she had to be patient.

"Aunt, you can get back at him when he comes back but till then I want Steve to be around, I feel like torturing him to death. He was actually the first person to break such a shocking news to me"



"What's funny? " She asked

"Ain't you being unfair? You've stayed outside the country for years and barely know your own cousin. He also doesn't know much about you either. I think the last time you saw each other and even got a lot of time to play was when you guys were little. Don't be so harsh on my son okay" 

"Yeah Aunt, that's True but we are both at fault and all thanks to him. I became pregnant"

"Nah, that's not his fault you know. You should be thanking your sister for the Job well done"

"Clara ain't you being partial? Why do you favor your son more than my daughter?" Teresa said with a frown

"Isn't it obvious? He is my son and she is your daughter. Of Course I would favor my own son"


Here we go again, they start a baseless argument with no meaning at all. Both women were Indeed something else, now recalling what had happened earlier she smiled. "He had talked to Lylic, they both had a very long conversation together" Selom said rubbing her stomach



They both shouted at the same time sounding very excited. This was great news, it was splendid news.

"Yeah, he did. You could watch it all on the CCTV camera footage. He seems to be stronger than I expected"

"Why did you say so darling?"

(Smile) "We were so worried about Lylic and wanted to interfere in the mindlink, so as to know who it was she was talking to but we couldn't get in."

(Smiling) "He didn't want to speak to any one of us, could it be because we complained about how big he was in the belly?" Teresa said, looking at Clara.

(Laughs) "Mom how could that be? If that was the case, he would have talked to me, you know. I think he is very selective" she said rubbing her stomach

"Grandson, this is grandma. We all love you so much okay" she said, placing her hands on Selom's belly. Feeling the child's movement she couldn't stop smiling. "Do you feel any loss of energy now?"she asked

"Just a little"


"Oh my God, is that how you make dough? I just showed you how to go about it a few minutes ago. What are you doing?" Looking at the slimy looking dough, she held her aching temple "What a waste of resources. You are to add dry flour to it, not water silly. Oh this girl, I feel like spanking you to death"

"Aiiih, I am sorry mom, let me discard it immediately" She said picking it and heading to the trash

"Wait, what are you trying to do?" She said with a shocked look on her face.

(Rubbing her hair) "I want to discard this, I already spoiled it"

"Bring it back silly, how on earth have you lived your life? Oh my God, all we just need to do is add more flour to it and a little sugar and then our dough would be back in shape"

"Oh, I didn't know that, I am so sorry mom."

"Stop apologizing, just come over and follow my instructions. You don't just discard things just because you feel like you need to find a way to fix it. You shouldn't be only good at fighting, you need to improve"

"I sure will improve mom, how much quantity should I add into it?" She said looking at the slimey sticky dough. She had it all over her hand and it was sticking to her hands like glue.

Looking at the look on her face, she bursted into Laughter "You made the mess and you are irritated by it? You should give respect to food. Let me help you out before you make any mess" Picking up a cup she fetched the four and sprinkle it on the sticky dough "Now your highness, all you need to do is mix properly, till it gets thicker and loses its stickiness. Can you do that?' she asked

"Sure I can, I learn things very fast and easy"

"Oh I see, then don't disappoint m" she said with a smile

"I won't"

The atmosphere was filled with the aroma of the dishes. Cecilla was already salivating, her stomach gave a rumbling sound, it was so loud that Lylic heard it. (Laughing) "All your stomach knows how to do is eat and eat but the process to get the meal ready is an alien to you"

(Looking Embarrassed) " It gave me out so quickly mom, I would learn to make this meal myself"

"Sure you will, Roselle won't let you off easily. You have more hard days ahead of you, so overcome all of them" After Lylic was done cooking, she served Cecilla her meal and packaged the remaining in a food flask for her family. They had already agreed that they would come visiting this place once a while to have small talks and also cook good meals.