
Chapter 232

She had them to blame, they had taken her mother away from her. "It's all their fault, they took my mother away from me. Those people are very heartless."

Lylic could hear her sobs, she had just witnessed what had just happened and seeing Cecilla cry so much, she suddenly felt bad for her. She had to wake her up and understand the full story, she had just followed her through her memories but she never saw how Cecilla's mother died. And what did she mean by the phrase 'it's all their fault, they took my mother away from me'? Does that mean that someone had killed her mother? Lylic was curious to know what really happened. 

Lylic had no choice but to tap her lightly on her shoulders. The Sobbing Cecilla immediately woke up, she was crying out loud. 

"(Cries) I saw her,I saw mom! I want to go to her!" She muttered. She held Lylic tightly, it seems she was forcing her way to God knows where. Lylic could tell that she was traumatized. She immediately transformed herself into Cecilla's mother image. Cecilla seeing this immediately became shocked. Using a reflex action she moved a few steps backwards.

"Shock right? " Lylic said with a smirk, looking at the look she had on her face, one wouldn't believe she was the same Lylic who had felt Cecilla's pain. But she couldn't help it. Cecilla was getting on her nerves. 

"Mom..??" She said, sounding unsure, she shook her head three times but the person Infront of her looked exactly like her Mother.

Lylic immediately changed back to her real form. "I am not your mother, your Mother is dead and the sooner you accept that and learn to live with it the better it would be for you"

Now these words hit Cecilla, she came back to her senses. What was she expecting from someone who was heartless? She said to herself, they were all heartless.

"It's not all about being heartless, it's already a fact that you have to live with" Lylic replied with a smirk, it seems her new slave was ignorant on the type of abilities she had.

"Speechless", "Haven't you heard about people's thoughts being private? You don't just read people's mind because you feel like doing so. Don't you have the word 'Privacy' in your dictionary?" She said rolling her eyes at her. She was already very angry of the fact that Lylic had switched I to her mother's appearance.

"I can read people's thoughts whenever I feel like, and yes the word privacy doesn't exist in my dictionary" Lylic replied walking around.

Moving from the spot she was standing, she was shocked. She couldn't believe her eyes, she felt her eyes were playing games on her, she immediately rubbed them continuously, opening them she still saw the same thing. "Where are we?" She said shakingly.

"I should be asking you" Lylic replied. She didn't have such answer, she also was curious to know where this is as well.

The whole place was so dusty, there was no comfortable place to sit. She had been watching over Cecilla that she had to stay in such an environment.

(Crying) "We… We…. We… are at my..my first home… How did this happen? How!" She said breaking down, letting her body sway, she fell to the ground.

"You always have this brave look on your face, I never knew you were just a cry baby. If I had gauged your tears, I am sure it would fill up an ocean" Lylic complained.