
Chapter 225

The Old man was curious, she had dipped her blood into Cecilia's mouth which meant it was the antidote, but what exactly was the poison. Looking closely after few minutes Cecilia was back to normal, her skin were no longer pale. She looked more healthy, he didn't have to run a test to confirm if she was fine because he and everyone present could see it evidently.

"Miss, can I ask you a question?" He asked

(Smiling) "Feel free to" she replied

"What was the Poison you injected her with, what I mean is that what was the Poison made out of?" He asked.

(Smiles) " I had poisoned her with my own blood and my blood is the remedy" she replied

"You mean your blood is poisonous and it's also the antidote?" He said, sounding very surprised. He had never heard about such a thing. 

"Yes that's exactly what I said" Selom said with a smile.

"Then those pills you released earlier…?"

"They contain a drop of my blood In them, if you want to know more, then I have given you a lot of hints"

(Smiling) " I would tend to my master's wounds now" the Old man replied, he didn't want to ask anymore questions. He would carry out the research himself.

Lylic held Selom's hand and led her out of the training ground while Skeleton followed behind them, as for Roselle she had some issues she wanted to deal with and this had something to do with Phil. So she stayed behind, Lylic looking at her could sense what she was thinking. "What is Roselle up to?" She said whispering Into Selom's ears "Phil is in the building, (chuckling) it seems we got him into trouble" Selom whispered back

(Laughs) "That's not our business to deal with, but I have to save him again this time" Turning around she looked at Roselle with a frown "What are you doing over there? Come over now" she said

Roselle had no choice than to follow them to the garden. After all, she was so curious to know who Lylic had been busy with earlier. Walking Into the garden, they all felt refreshed, the fresh air around the place was something pleasing. "So who were you talking with then, you seemed so busy" Roselle couldn't help but ask 

(Laughs) "You don't have to be so impatient you know, I would tell you who it is anyways"

"We know that"Reaching a particular spot stopped, a bench had been designed with flowers.

"So tell us who it was and stop keeping us in suspense"Roselle said, sounding impatient. To Lylic it was normal, Roselle was always rushing things. She was actually thinking that Lylic was finding a way to waste time and so by this she was drifting away into something different. After all she was still fuming in anger she had wanted to deal with Phil but her friends had stopped her plan just for a little gossip, (sigh) She had actually left a great cause for nothing but Gossip, she had these thoughts in her mind and felt disappointed in herself . 

Lylic could not stop laughing. She loved the way she kept her own friends suspense. But only she knew that when they got to hear the news, they would become shocked and envious they wouldn't believe there is such a news.

 She had a belief the 'more the suspense the more interesting the news would be after hearing it'. "Roselle, why are you so impatient after all it's my business not yours. If you can't wait for me to tell it to you then you can leave.I want to tell it to you when I feel like telling it to you. So don't force it darling, you would know about it little by little"Lylic said touching Roselle's cheeks. She could tell that her friend was still very angry, she was trying her best to get her out of such a mood. 

Selom on the other hand didn't Care too much about anything, she was quiet the whole time, usually her silence and Lylic's action meant that what she was about to tell them was very important. Selom had gotten used to being quiet and listening attentively. Even body expression matters in her observation, such a habit always helps in terms of need. There was a limit to what they could do to themselves, they couldn't enter into any of their thoughts without permission.

 Finally, Lylic was ready to let the cat out of the bag. "I was talking to my godchild through the mind link," she said, clapping hands in excitement .

Roselle and Selom could not believe this at all; they were very surprised and seemed dumbfounded. Lylic began to explain all the discussion she had with her godchild making both women very envious. "This is very unfair. I can't accept this. Why did my own child forget About me? His mother and then created a mindlink with you?" she said prouting. But actually she wasn't angry at all, she felt happy hearing this though at least now, she knew her child is a boy. She hadn't ran any scan on her child ever since she got pregnant, she didn't even check the sex of the child. She didn't want to, her parents never checked her though.

 She had communicated to her mother much earlier, if she remembered clearly she was barely 4 to 5 months old when she started talking to her mother through the mind link. When she got to 8 months old,then she started talking to her father as well. So she believed she would get to know her child if he chose to talk to her. After all it was all the child's choice, some children chose to be silent through the whole pregnancy period. They only talk after delivery through the mind link, so this is fully depending on what the little immortal child chooses and hers decided to talk to his godmother rather than her, she was cool with it.