
Chapter 21

"Owh, That's too bad, that's all I have known how to do all the years I spent here too" he said getting up from his seat, his friend's words were about to piss him off, so he wanted to avoid him in the best way he could. If things get out of hand, he could end up jumping on his friend and giving him a good beating. He didn't want to help him at all.

(Holding him tightly like his life depended on it)"He he he, we have been friends for years, you can't forsake me now. I have already apologized for what happened earlier. Whereas, you know things about the outside world better than I do" Clinch said giving him a warm smile

"Speechless", Outside world your *SS, if you want me to tell you this you would have to pay me $10,000"

"What for? That's robbery, you could have told me to go rob a bank for you and I will do it happily." Clinch said, sounding so surprised. But he had a tone filled with seriousness.

(Speechless) "For giving you, all my knowledge" Patrick responded with confidence

" Even your Brain is not worth that amount" he retarded.

(Looking shocked by that statement) That was a curse.

"He he he, I meant those words in the right way. They don't mean the same thing as they way they sounded" he said looking so embarrassed. He wanted help but here he was getting himself into a bigger mess. 

"Owh, meet someone else, I wouldn't tell you anything even if you suffocate me to death" He said sounding very angry

"I thought of suffocating you, are you that sure that it won't work on you?" He asked

"Shocked" with his annoyance, he left the conference room leaving Clinch all alone. Clinch had no one to run to and he knew for a fact that his friend wouldn't help him. So he had to look for help urgently, looking a few meters away from where he was seated he could see how immensely engrossed Clara and Teresa were with their conversation. Just by looking at them, he could tell they were very worried about his idol and possibly they were solving all the issues.

They were almost speaking to themselves in a whispering tone. No matter how he tried he could hear them at all, he just followed his instinct. But this wasn't surprising, he didn't know how he would take it as a parent, if he found out that his daughter had gone through such a thing intentionally or by someone's carelessness.

 Getting pregnant as a single woman wasn't easy at all, it was something the society would taunt her for. Selom was a celebrity, so he felt more pitiful, he couldn't imagine how this news would affect her life, not just her present life but her future life would also get affected. And how would she explain things to her fans all over the world who were looking up to her? (Sigh) he was just hoping for the best.