
Chapter 201

Jackson hearing such a request marveled. She wanted half of his assets? Who does she think he is? (Laughing)" You want half of my assets and all the hostages in my care. I don't think that will be possible."

"Then we don't have a deal you won't get the antidote and you would lose your daughter as well. I have injected her with a deadly venom that will eat her little by little. She will feel so terrible, just now based on your presence, it seems she has begun to lose sleep and sure enough you would have tried putting her to sleep and it didn't work. Few hours from now she would feel ants gnawing on her skin, eating her bit by bit. I am sure you know how painful such an experience is?" Roselle said, having a wicked smile on her face, what they just wanted what's to gain control over half of the Asia karate squad. 

On a second thought Jackson decided to give it a try he had an idea which was running on his mind. If he could actually get her in a fight he could use that fight just like the tactics of war using the same tactics, he could offset her demands, after all he was sure of winning.

Swift looking at this master could already tell what he was thinking." Master, could you please think about it before you decide?" he suddenly said. This is actually the only thing he could do to help his master. He didn't want him to make the same mistakes as he did. He was already regretting what he did. If only they could take the fight to another day he could use that opportunity to convince his boss or better still he would use the Old man's hand.

Jackson hearing this could not help but frown. "What is there to think about?" He said looking at Swift. This man has been with him for years and he should know him better than anyone else.

"Master, what I mean now is that before offering anything to them it should be thought through and weighed to make sure there is a balance,'' he said , sounding very convincing, hoping his master will change his mind. If he couldn't get his master to change his mind then there was nothing more he could do.

"I have a proposal." Jackson said with a smile (smirks) "I would like to challenge you to a fight and if you win then I would approve your request but if you lose you would give me the antidote and I won't meet any of your demands. So what do you choose?" he said sounding proud and confident after all this pride has been why he was always on top. He was already confident of winning. Swift on the other hand was thunderstruck, his master was digging his own grave. "Master, think about the young mistress, don't take a drastic decision," he said, trying to make him change his mind. But Jackson raised his hands and shut him up.

Selom hearing this became hesitant, she looked like someone who was in deep thoughts to Jackson he felt she was hesitating because she was afraid of him. He thought she was afraid of taking the challenge because she was too weak. He thought maybe she would like to use her pregnancy as an excuse, so he was prepared to respond to her if she chose such an excuse.

 But unknowingly to him this was actually what the women wanted. After thinking things through, she raised up her eyes looking at him directly "Mr Jackson I don't think such a deal could be shared with mere words. It has to be documented and writing down and each party would have to sign on it" she said

This wasn't the excuse he was waiting for, but he felt she was still given an excuse. (Smiling) "Then it should be documented" he said

"Okay, When should I schedule the fight?" She asked

"I would leave that for you to decide," he replied. He didn't want to be the one to choose, he wanted her to fix the date herself. So she wouldn't have any excuse if she loses. Unknowingly to him, his thoughts were not limited to only himself. The three women read all his thoughts, it was nothing private.

"Before this I would give you a pill that would make her fall asleep and give her a little rest. Then you practice very well and come back to my Mansion together with your daughter. The agreement would be documented after signing the contract then would get on with it but I have another proposal. (Pauses for a second) If you win I will give you half of all my assets and alsothe antidote and I will take you as my master but if you lose I will get half of your assets, including all the hostages under your care and your daughter would become my slave" Selom said with a smile on her face. 

Swift hearing this lost his stamina, he was already broken. He knew his boss was stronger than anything but that was the thought he had before he met this woman. They had a greater force beyond what they could comprehend. His boss would really regret this. It seems the young mistress was destined to live a miserable life, she would surely become their slave for enternity, he was very sure if that. It was a different case entirely if he hadn't fought Lylic himself. If he hadn't force with her, he would have been kept in the dark. He had fought with her and witnessed how powerful she was, she didn't use an ounce of her strength and he was already half dead.

Jackson couldn't help but get angry this is preposterous, his daughter wouldn't be anyone slave because he was going to win. The offer was indeed tempting, he didn't have to think twice.