
Chapter 188

(Sigh)”Can we stop talking about such unlucky things about death and head out of this room? We have guest waiting”Teresa said pushing both siblings out of the room. Such topic was indeed very boring.

She also felt like crying but she couldn't, this was her friend's happiest moment. If she did cry she would ruin the whole wedding and her tears would also make Clara cry as well. And since women had issues with tears, Tina and Beatrice would follow suit as well. And the human had a belief that tears before and after the wedding was a sign of misfortune. 

They rushed to get things ready, the Bride and her brother were the only ones who were well dressed. Clara wanted the human wedding and the human ways of doing things. So they had to lock up their powers. It was weird, they were already so used to using their powers to do virtually everything. A dress which they could wear in a jiffy, took them about an hour to put it on. It was indeed very stressful and they kept struggling. Clara couldn't stop laughing, she had also found it difficult at first, she remembered giving up many times and she would end up using her powers. But later with her soon to be husband's help, she learnt everything, even though it was difficult she adjusted and also found herself loving it.

"Now you girls know how it feels right? You know what it means to undergo such torture?" She said Laughing

"Uhm, I would say the humans are really trying. This is so difficult, I won't be coming to the human realm ever" Tina complained

This made the women burst into Laughter. Ken who was standing at the door waiting for them to get dressed suddenly became impatient. They were the ones rushing him a few minutes ago and now they were the same ones wasting time. He began knocking on the door "You all should hurry up or I would come inside. I don't care if you are dressed or not" he threatened

"There is a difference between man and woman. Just because you've seen everything that makes Teresa a woman doesn't mean you would have to see ours too" Beatrice said with a loud voice

"Ooowwuuu…" Clara said howling like a wolf. She couldn't believe her eyes, Teresa's face was as red as the lipstick she had on. She could tell that her brother would be blushing as well since he was rendered speechless by Beatrice. They women couldn't stop laughing at all. Ken was the Heaven emperor's best friend, seeing him blushed would be the greatest thing ever but they couldn't use their powers and they had a door blocking their view.

"I would be coming in now," Ken said, turning the door handle. "Oops, it seems your words had no effect on him, it only affected Teresa" Tina said chuckling. Thankfully, they were wise enough to lock the door, so he wouldn't be able to get in. Clara seeing her brother turning the door handle over and over again couldn't stop chuckling. It seems he was eager to see the nakedness of the three women. She had no qualms on her path, she was the bride and her best friends had already dressed her up earlier. It was only nice to wait for them to dress up.

"Stop turning the door handle, it would get spoiled" Tina complained, they were feeling so tense.

"I would give just a minute and if you all are not done. I would break in" He threatened. It was his sister's wedding, she was the bride and she shouldn't be late but these women were wasting a lot of time.

"Ha ha ha,it's as if you are so eager to see us naked" Tina said with a frown, she was having difficulty with the Zipper and all the other women including the Bride were 'laughing'.

Ken was rendered"Speechless"

 Teresa on the other hand was having difficulty with her shoe "What kind of shoes are this?" She said squatting to fix them on

"They are called heels," Beatrice and Clara replied at the same time. This made both women to laugh

"What rubbish!" She complained "I can't seem to put them on, it seems they don't fit" She said prouting.

(Laughing) "They fit perfectly, I had taken your feet measurements. Sit, let me help you put them in" Beatrice said.

Tina and Teresa weren't surprised at all Beatrice was someone who visited the human realm almost everyday. So she knew everything about it. Clara on the other hand was her accomplice, her minion.

"What's this in my dress? What is it here for" Tina said pulling hard

(Laughing) "That's a Zipper, it helps you feel free in the dress" Clara said Laughing. Her own White bridal gown had the same thing and they didn't have any problems helping her in it.

"Feel free? My dresses don't have such things and I feel good in them. I have been wearing them for a thousand years and I feel just fine. Humans are indeed making things difficult for themselves. I would have to undergo the stress of controlling the realm with the Empress and have to deal with a dress. No way"

(Laughing) " Just turn around, it's not something difficult. So stop exaggerating"

Knock knock knock

" We are almost done" They all shouted


Finally, the four women came out of the room. Teresa and Tina looked like women who got struck by lightning. "Your hair is in a mess" he said pointing at both of them. What really happened there? He wondered. Looking at his sister he stretched out his arm. While Beatrice busied herself with helping them comb their hair. " Now you girls look so beautiful" She said admiring them, she did a good job with the combing. It was really good having such skills, her last visits to the human world weren't in vain.