
Chapter 175


Sitting down in his room, he could help but sigh. He had a lot of experience about his new home and he kind of liked the idea of changing his whole environment. But he was curious to know how his new master would solve everything from the way she spoke earlier he had a lot of trust in her.

When they got to the mansion they had reported the turns of events to Jackson Black and had fed the young mistress the medicine. It seems the medicine was effective. This was because after a few minutes she had taken the pills, she regained her senses and wasn't paralyzed as well. This not only surprised him but everybody who witnessed it was surprised. His master had said it would reduce the effect of the poison, she never stated that it was an antidote, so how could this be? He was much more confused because he had no answers to his questions. He just had to believe in his Master. 

Swift had to leave the room immediately before he was noticed. Thank goodness the master was overwhelmed and didn't pay him much attention. He had to leave, he was indeed very lucky, Judge had brought them back. If he didn't do them he must have died on his way back. He had already used 25 percent of his energy and would have to transport himself to his apartment using just 5 percent. He felt very fortunate, the pregnant woman had given them five days, this was enough time for him to rest properly and get back on his feet. But on his way back, Phil had stopped him where he narrated the whole story to him about the pills he got from the old man. After that was done, he disappeared immediately.

Looking around his room, he had to say he was impressed with the new looks. Standing up he decided to prepare himself dinner. Busy himself in the kitchen, few hours later, he was done and set the table.

(Laughing) "When did I develop such an appetite?" He said looking at the dishes he had on his table. There were so many, thinking about Swift who was injured, he decided to go give him some, when he was startled by the presence of two pregnant women who appeared right Infront of him.

"So this was where such an aroma came from?" Lylic said, sounding very surprised. She was salivating, Selom was also Salivating as well. Their plan was to eat at the restaurant Roselle was at but it seems they won't follow such a plan. Ignoring the startled Phil, both women walked to the table, sat comfortably as if it was their home and ate with relish.

Phil was dumbfounded, his plans to go visit Swift were ruined by these strangers. They had cleared everything without leaving him a bite. He had gone through a lot to cook and this was what he deserved? Two strangers walked into his house without identifying themselves. 

After Eating both women felt filled, they relaxed their backs for a proper digestion. It seems Lylic had really taken the job of being pregnant, she acted so well that even Selom herself was convinced. Now they noticed the dumbstruck Phil, who had his eyes and mouth opened in surprise.If such had happened to them, they would be so sacred and surprised.

"Hello, Phil, it's nice meeting you. I am Bianca and this is my twin sister Brianna. We are your Master's cousins. she had sent us here for a good dinner" Lylic said with a smile.