
Chapter 168

This was like hurting him emotionally and mentally again. Next time he would think twice before spilling rubbish.




Swift himself was dumbstruck, 'Thanks for going easy on me?' He was the one who had been making a fool out of himself. 

After Lylic left the training ground, the whole place was quiet for a minute. What the third mistress just said before leaving, that was a face slap, Phil and the other two men couldn't control their laughter. They couldn't laugh in her presence and it took time to process all this information. After it had been processed, it was now time to laugh it all out. 

They let the memories flow in and this made them laugh more. "I apologize in Advance" the other man said, giving a slight bow just as Swift had done before the fight. (Laughs) "Over 30 minutes, she kept giving you enough time but you couldn't give her a hit. You're such a dummy, all those proud words then were all for nothing. Who do you think she is? She introduced herself as the third mistress of our empire and you had the guts to accept her challenge?" The same man said with a look of disgust.

 This made Phil and the other man burst into laughter. This was actually the first time Phil had laughed in Centuries. And he felt good about it, comedy was indeed a medicine to sorrow and depression.

(Laughing)" You shouldn't feel disgusted, the fool had rejected choosing a weapon. Didn't you hear his comment? 'This wouldn't take long' and he's already in such a state" The other man said Laughing his heart out. What was the essence of flaunting so much pride? He kept mimicking Swift's statement over and over again. This was more than an Idiot, he was more of a fool. They made mockery of him, he deserved it.

He needed help but nobody was willing to help him. "I think your bones are broken from her hit," Phil said, looking at him,as he tried hard not to laugh. Swift was silent, he was already in so much pain that he couldn't take it, he couldn't cry out. No words came out of him. He was taught never to underestimate his opponent and he made the mistake of doing so today. Looking at Phil, he didn't know what to do, his master would be very disappointed if he found out about it. 

Roselle who was at the balcony watching the show had a proud look on her face. Her darling was just so perfect, she always does the right thing at the right time putting smiles on her face.

"You seemed very pleased" Lylic said walking into Roselle's room, from inside her room she could see her in the balcony. The balcony was in all their rooms, this was because they were lovers of view, sightseers. Moving closer, she sat on the bed comfortably.

" I am indeed very pleased, you spiced things up" Roselle said walking back into her room, she had a glass cup filled with red wine. She was indeed having a lot of fun all by herself. (Scoffs) " I did the work while you enjoy the view"

(Laughing) " I never forced you to do anything against your will did I?" Roselle said sitting next to her.

"Whatever, where is my child?" 

"She's still in Selom's belly" 

"She??? It's a he" she retarded

"It's both" Roselle replied

"Okay, let me go and see them both. She needs a good beating for making me worry too much" Lylic said exiting in the room in a hurry.

Walking into Selom's room, she found her sleeping peacefully on the bed with a calm face. " You do have some guts, leaving the house without my permission" she said, pinching her nose.You need a good beating" she said, giving her a painful pinch. This was supposed to wake Selom up but she slept like a dead pig.

"Why not we play just a little game?" Lylic said with a smile. After all she was Destined to give Selom a punishment. Bending down she placed her ears on Selom's belly and spoke "Dear godchild, godmother wants to teach mummy a little lesson so she wouldn't wander away without permission. She almost got you in trouble. Don't get angry with what I am about to do okay?" She said kissing the bump. Moving towards the French window, she smiled mischievously. Opening them she walk towards the balcony, using her hands she lit a fire using her energy and sent it to the big sized bed.

Seeing the bed getting burnt, Lylic chuckled. The dead pig still slept but it didn't take too long, she started sweating

"It's so hot" she complained, she was just like a melting ice. Feeling so much heat,vshe opened her eyes and was shocked to see fire around her. She quench it immediately. The bed wasn't really burning, someone had just played a trick on her."Lylic, do you want to suffocate me and your godchild?"

(Laughs) " That's your punishment for leaving the house without permission. I heard you have been sleeping for over 4hrs now, so I thought to wake you up. Have you eaten lunch?"

" I am not hungry at all" This was true, she had eaten her fill at Phil place, so now she was still full.

"You have guest,"

"I know, but I was thinking about giving him some space to heal, his chest ribs are already broken. You were just an inch away from his heart. So I want to give him an extra two hours" Selom said sounding like someone who really cared.

(Laughing) " He got on my nerves, you are indeed cruel. You were awake and you watched me fight. I nearly got him killed, you know?" Lylic said sitting beside her. 

"You would have been doing him a favor. He would have disappointed his master and led to the spoiled brat's death" Selom replied.