
Chapter 167

"What's wrong with what I am wearing? Are you afraid of this? I would take them off then?" She said removing her high heels, maybe he was afraid of her Sharp pointed tiny heels. Anyways it could get someone injured when hit.

"Would you be comfortable fighting in those? It could be very risky" Swift said, pointing at her long tight gown she wore. He was giving her his advice and it seems she didn't want to listen to him.A training suit would be better than what she was wearing now.

" The ability to fight doesn't depend on the cloth worn. It's a skill not a costume, ``she said with a smile, taking a fighting stance. Lylic could fight well in whatever she wore, cloth couldn't limit her skills, afterall she wasn't going to use her legs in the fight. It wasn't as if she would do a tumbling stance or a karate kick. All she needed was to let him get disappointed all by himself.

Looking at her, he couldn't help but feel pity for her, she was making things easier for him. With such a dress how would she move freely? "Then don't blame me, my apologies" he said with Scorn.

"Stop the apology, Bring it on" Lylic said sounding irritated. He had been apologizing too much and it was beginning to annoy her, she didn't need it.

"Young Mistress, this is for you" he said Moving closer to her, he launched his attacks at his fastest speed without mercy. Phil seeing this sighed, this was a ruthless move, it seems Swift plan was to get her killed in one go. However he was unfortunate, the woman he was fighting with wasn't someone ordinary. Phil felt pity for him, he had warned him earlier but he gave him deaf ears. Now he would be filled with regret.

But he didn't feel any pity for him. If these women weren't strong how would the whole squad pledge their allegiance to them? Any ways he knew Swift had no knowledge about this but he was digging his own grave. Watching the fight he couldn't help but sigh while the other men cheered on.

Swift was surprised she didn't run away like he expected. This made him feel disgusted, it seems she wanted to die. Charging forward, getting closer to her, she dodged his every attack and he couldn't get a clear hit. She blocked his every hit and he was stunned and dumbstruck. Nobody could detect his moves, nobody could predict it, apart from his master he was the fastest in speed and attacks. He had never met with his match. 

"What an idiot? Who does he think he was about to fight with? The Third Mistress is the scariest of all. Now she isn't angry and he is already finding it very difficult" One of the men said with disappointment in his face. At least, he would have put in all his efforts into the fight, that way they would give him a thumbs up for trying. Nobody could face their three mistresses, this was because everybody felt it was best avoiding them.

"Don't you feel sorry for him?" He said looking at Phil. He knew Phil was part of them now but he felt Phil and the stupid idiot must have a past relationship together.

"No everybody is as lucky as you guys to have mistresses that treat you as families' ' Phil unexpectedly said, taking them unaware. He was surprised that such words came out from his own mouth.



Hearing the silence Phil turned to look at them. This made the two men laugh "We are indeed very lucky, our mistresses are the best. You won't believe the state we were in before they took us in and ever since they've been taking good care of us and our families. We would give our lives to them without complaining. Even though we know we can't protect them, we would die trying" The first man said while the other nodded in approval. Phil couldn't stop himself from smiling, he was lucky indeed. This was all thanks to destiny, after all the suffering he had gone through, he was remembered for good.

Swift thought he was hallucinating, it couldn't be possible, so he shook his head and launched a more brutal move and she evaded it as if it was nothing. This continued for 30 minutes, and Swift couldn't give her a hit. A hit was a very big word to use, he couldn't even give her a pinch.

 Lylic was already getting bored from the fight, she wanted to teach him a lesson. He had no right looking down on any person. Using the swirl technique movement, she launched an attack on him giving him a hit on the chest. She didn't even use an ounce of her strength but this hit had sent him flying miles away he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood as he landed on the ground. 

The three men sighed, they knew this would be the result. Swift was struck with a mighty force, he could tell that his ribs were broken and his energy was already in disarray. He couldn't get up, it was so painful, he couldn't even describe the way he felt? His chest was so painful that he felt like he would die. Seeing Lylic walk up to the spot he was, he couldn't help but move backwards. He was scared, just a hit from her and he was already this badly injured. Lylic gave him a smile " Your skills are formidable, thanks for going easy on me, I wouldn't forget this favor" she said and left leaving all the men present speechless.

'Wouldn't forget this favor?' Was it the favor of getting him injured? Or the fact that she gave him a hit and he was looking like someone who got run over by a train? What on earth was she thanking him for?