
Chapter 165

"Owh, So he has the name 'Black' he must be among the squad titled 'Dark night'. Anyways, that's not why we are here. I heard you brought a letter?" She said sounding serious, looking at the envelope.

"Yes we did, it's pertaining to our young mistress. Her life is on the line due to the poison you gave her" he said with a frowning.

"Poison I administered?? This is strange, you really have some guts" she said with a smile, she felt he was bold enough to talk as he pleases. The least he could have done was tried to weigh his words before releasing them.

"Ain't you the second mistress?" He said sounding very curious to know the answer

"Nah…. I am the third mistress. Nobody told you?" she replied happily.

"Speechless", How the hell would we know?" Swift said with a frown. He was happy somebody walked in to save them from this suffering but it seems they were here to waste more time. They were told by the first woman that it was the second mistress who had the right to attend to them and she was currently sleeping. How was he to know that there was even a third mistress? He wasn't aware that the woman he had been longing to see was pregnant. 

This was the essence from waiting, if one waits a longer time, he begins to long for that person's presence. This was the effect Roselle wanted, she could have dismissed them and asked them to come another time but she didn't, she wanted to create this effect.

(Yawning) " We could go have a Spar on the training ground. It could save you a lot of time" Lylic said sounding very tired. She had wanted to fight him from the very first time she stepped into the hall. She could tell his thoughts without blinking.

Looking at the lady before him, she looked like someone who was weak. Looking at her, she wouldn't be able to take a blow from him, her skin and body were too delicate. It would kill her "I don't think that would be possible, I don't fight with women. And it wouldn't be right getting you Injured in your own place."



Phil and the other men were speechless such a statement 'it wouldn't be right getting you Injured in your own place' was a silly comment. If he was indeed someone who respected women and hated getting in a fight with them he wouldn't have said such words. The comments meant he was sure of winning the trophy and that he wasn't a gentleman.

(Yawning) "I Insist, if you succeed in giving me a hit then I would have your case settled in less than 20 minutes. But if you can't give me a hit, then you would wait for another 3 hours" She said looking very serious, but her seriousness was not read at all because she was yawning like someone who was tired..

Looking at her delicate body, Swift was already feeling pity for her, what was he to do? Her offer was tempting. He was already tired of this place, and looking at her he could kill her with just three blows, a blow to him was nothing, looking at her he could do that in less than a minute. 

"You don't have to keep thinking about it, I have my men here so I will keep to my word," she said looking at her men. 

Both men knew what their mistress was up to. Anyone seeing her would assume she was weak, this was a very big mistake to make. They couldn't help but feel pity for him, he wouldn't be able to take a hit from her. This was what she avoided in fighting, hitting her opponent was something she avoided like fleas. They fought the had had, it was a fact that she didn't want anyone getting injured all she did was knock them out. She wasn't the only one using such a technique; the other two mistresses did the same. Instead of attacking or giving someone a palm hit, they would rather dodge and find a good spot to knock them out. But looking at this man, he wouldn't escape being hit. They nodded, confirming their mistress' words and hoping he wouldn't accept the challenge.

Swift seeing them nod was assured. Afterall it would be a shame if they didn't keep to their words. "Just a hit from me right?" He said trying to confirm her words

"Just a hit," she said, stretching her arms. "He is from your side, so you can take him along as a witness while my men would follow as well" she said lazily

"Fine, I accept your challenge. What happens if you get injured by a hit from me?" He asked, he just wanted to be on the bright side, he didn't want a case we're he would have to pay for damages

(Smirk) it seems he felt she could only take a hit from him. That was really s bold for him to say "I would take full responsibility" she replied

"Okay then, I would have to apologize to you in advance," Swift said bowing slightly.

Boom! He had spoiled the fun, Lylic couldn't help but smirk inwardly. This were the type of men she hated the most, proud, careless and Arrogant. The had no respect for anybody untill they are being taught a lesson. But she still has a beautiful smile on her face, she knew better who would be apologizing next. 

The three men felt funny, 'Apologize in advance?' he hadn't even started the fight and he had already declared himself the winner? They felt Swift was indeed a Joker, he was the best joker on earth. Phil on the other hand felt pity for him, he had witnessed this lady Infront of him fight and from the looks of things then, he knew she was going easy on them.