
Chapter 157

(Smiling) "Have you heard about a saying which goes like this 'The warzone is always open for war?" He asked

"The warzone is always open for war?" Phil muttered. Was this another test? This was a common saying in the tactics of war, those who had studied war and strategies knew what it meant. It was a code used by a victor. How comes Jackson knows nothing about it? Or was he asking such a question to test him?

"Boss, this saying is common in the tactics of war. I think what it means is that the battlefield field produces winners and losers. Causalities and bloodshed, but if the loser still doesn't accept defeat, there's but one chance for a rematch. But this comes with a condition" Phil said thinking deeply, he had indeed read about such things.

"What conditions?" Jackson said sounding curious. He had been fighting war for years but he hadn't taken his time to read books concerning wars. This was because he felt he didn't need a mere book to tell him how to fight and win.

"The loser would have to give all he has as an item of agreement so the rematch can take place. In this case, if the rematch happens and he wins the war then he gets all his items back. Since he becomes the victor he would get half of the properties from the loser's side, he also gets to keep the soldiers as slaves. This is indeed a very risky strategy"

"But what happens if he loses again?" 

"He had used all his property as a bargain, if he lost again. All he owns is being collected and he becomes a slave together with his people" Phil replied

"This is confusing. What's the difference between the initial loss before the rematch?"

"It depends on the treaty of the contract before the war. Normally before a war is fought, there has to be a prize to win, something must be at stake. For example, if you challenge someone to a fight with a piece of land, if that person wins he takes only that land and nothing more. The prizes and Authority differs" This was the best he could explain.

"Owh, I think I would have to do more reading." He said rubbing his daughter's hand, maybe if she was awake she would have been the one explaining all these things to him and he would have understood this better. (Sigh) "We can't produce an antidote in such a short period of time" Jackson said, switching to the main topic of discussion.

Hearing this Phil immediately had the look of worry on his face. "We can't leave the young mistress in such a terrible state"

"We won't, I Know how much you care for your mistress." He said with a deep sigh

"Care for her my ass, do I have a choice?" Phil said to himself, 'all this is just an act, wait till I achieve all my goals you would be surprised" He said up in his thoughts.