
Chapter 156

“Young mistress, how on earth did this happen to you?’ he asked, looking like a body which got dejected by the spirit. “I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you. Please forgive me” he said sitting on the floor. The looks he had on his face were heartbroken. “I would do anything to help what should I do, mistress please say something”

“I have told you she has lost the ability to speak due to the poison” Jackson replied behind him. He had a camera in this room and he saw the scene which had just happened. He felt Phil's feelings were genuine, he had passed the test and now they could move to the next step. All he wanted to do was test his loyalty and it seemed he was still loyal till death. 

Unknowing to them, Phil had every necessary information he wanted, he was aware of everything; he knew there was a camera in this room that was why he had to act in such a drama. He knew they were watching him and also putting him through a test. This was a stupid of them, he was so disappointed, he had lived under their roofs for decades and had cracked his brains and bones for them but they knew nothing about him. How did they think he had survived with them all these years? How on earth did they think he completed his missions? It takes a very smart fox to live peacefully among lions. The fox had to be so smart and cunning; he had to outsmart the lions each and every day so he could stay alive. The only thing still keeping him here was his family, if it weren’t for them he would have left decades ago.

"Boss, how could this happen? We are the master's of poison why hasn't she been given an antidote yet?" He asked.

"Skull that's where you come in" Jackson said walking to the other side of the bed to sit down. Sitting down, he sat beside his daughter looking at her with pity and pain in his eyes. Her eyes were open, but he knew she couldn't see him, he held her hands even though he knew she wouldn't feel it. "You know, my little girl is very precious to me and I can give my life for her" he said with a long sigh.

Phil hearing this didn't feel any source of pity for the man before him at all. He also had a family but it was funny, the feel sad when it comes to them facing the same pain. His family were also very important to him, he could do anything for them but who considered his feelings then? Did he feel pity for him then? Did his former master take his feelings into consideration? No he didn't, now his daughter was now down and he knew what pain is? Phil laughed with pain in his heart. (Looking confused) "Boss, I am confused, I don't know anything about poisons and I don't know how to formulate an antidote" Phill replied. He looked so confused that anyone looking at him would feel helpless.