
Chapter 154

“Did anything happen? Did I get myself in trouble? If it’s about the jar of gold, I had really told the master that I didn’t need them” he said holding the mop stick firmly it was as if he was scared of becoming a dead meat.

“Why do you seem scared?” Swift tried to read Phil properly. Deep down he felt happy that the man before him was threatened by his presence. He also felt good about the fact that he was afraid of me. This was the sign of respect and power, the feeling of having a subordinate’s bow to the superior was indeed a very good feeling.

“Whenever you show up it means death, I must have done something very wrong” he said looking frightened.

“You don’t have to worry, this isn’t the case for now, and the master wants to see you. So you don’t have to be so scared”

“I would have to take a shower, I had been cleaning since yesterday and I haven’t taken my bath. He wouldn’t want to see me like this, I would annoy him more” Phil said showing his dirty body to him. He wasn’t stupid he was good when it comes to acting and he could tell that Swift was fooled by his acting.

“It seems urgent but the master would really mind. I would go back to give him a report and I would be back to take you to him ``Everybody knew Jackson to be mysophobic, even the birds in the air were aware of this fact.

“I promise I wouldn’t take much of them,” Phil said, heading to the bathroom. He had a smug smile on his face that Swift himself wasn’t aware of, he was more like the calm before the storm and he was about to take them by surprise.

Swift seeing this immediately disappeared, appearing at the master’s study, he explained everything to him and in less than 20 minutes he went back to Phil’s apartment to pick him up. This was because Phil’s apartment was a few kilometers away from the mansion, it was better picking him up himself this means was faster,

Getting to Phil’s apartment he was pleased, he had indeed kept his word, he didn’t waste time at all. He was already waiting for him, looking prepared this time he looked more presentable. Holding his arm, Swift immediately disappeared and appeared in the master’s study. After conveying Phil over, his job here was done so he left immediately.

It seems you got yourself very busy these few days?” Jackson asked

“Yes, Boss. I had busied myself with cleaning” he replied with a smile.

 Wondered why he used the word boss so easily? This was because Selom herself had given him the permission to. So he wouldn’t be struck by lightning.

”Hmm, why did you suddenly get into cleaning? You’ve never taken personal hygiene into consideration” he said trying to observe his reactions, he didn’t want to miss a thing. He could see that skull and been smiling ever since he came, this meant he knew nothing about the young mistress' condition.