
Chapter 135

She wasn't happy with the fact that Selom had let that lady go, they didn't even get to see her face.

"From today, you would be called the Thunder Squad '' she said, raising her eyes to the cloud and the weather began to change. It became so dark and cloudy and the thunder sound was heard 

"Thank you mistress, the thunder Squad pledged her allegiance to you" They all said with a bow. After they were done, she dismissed them and handed them over to her friends.

Now Selom felt a headache,now she had gotten over a 100 new members, this was interesting but this had increased their Budget. She would have to find them a new home, since she had refused them going to their old home. They had many underground squads that she could easily patch them with but she had a totally different plan.


Reaching his former master's building, he thought of a grand entrance. In war there were bound to be winners and losers, one had to win while the other had to lose and there were always casualties. Was he allowed to call him Master? After pledging his allegiance? He was confused about this, but he recalled what his new master had said: "Find a way to stay alive till then" . She had said three days, in just three days.

"Help, somebody Help!" He said running up the stairs panting heavily. This was his only option.

His former master immediately came down. Looking at his daughter in his arms, he panicked. "What happened to my daughter?" He said flying over and collecting her from his arms. 

"She got injured in the fight and I rushed to bring her over" Phil explained, he was no longer Skull. He never liked the name, Skull sounded brainless to him but who was he to complain then. Looking at his former master he had a smirk on his face. He had watched the fight between his new master and his former Mistress. And he had to say they were stupid, in the game of war this is nothing but stupidity. Fighting someone who is more powerful than you is, risking everything for a baseless fight.

"Who did this to her?" His former master shouted, he looked very angry and the aura around him became very dangerous.

"We should try to get her awake so she would be able to explain things for herself," he said, pretending to be worried.

Now this turned on him, he was supposed to save his daughter first instead of asking such questions. If she was awake she would explain everything to him herself. "Get the doctor immediately" he shouted

Phil immediately left to go get the doctor, luckily he had buy time for himself. If she did wake up it would do him good.

Looking at his lifeless daughter, he became very afraid. He doesn't want to lose what was precious to him. "Cecilia darling, daddy can't lose you. I would kill whoever did this to you, I would" he said angrily. Phil, who was half way ahead, heard this and scoffed.