
Chapter 129

"Don't give me such a look, I can't fight in my condition" she said putting a piece of red meat into her mouth. She was more calm than normal. There was a saying that goes like this 'If an Ocean becomes suddenly calmer than usual then a storm is about to take the ship unaware' this was the case with Selom. She was suddenly quieter than usual.



It was indeed very weird, Roselle and Lylic didn't believe her kindness at all, she was far worse than they thought. They had watched the video with their own eyes. She killed hundred people all by herself and they saw a satisfied look on her face. Wasn't she pregnant then? Wasn't she in the same condition as she was then? The answer still remains the same which was, 'she was'. All of a sudden, she didn't want to fight but stayed indoors? They had expected her to argue that would have been better and at least it would make a lot of sense, but Selom didn't argue with them at all and this led to more suspicion.

Teresa and Clara seeing the surprised looks on both their faces knew something was up. They had just come to town just yesterday, so there were a lot of things they didn't know. "What happened?" Teresa was the First to ask

"Aunt, Ever since her child development, Selom developed a huge urge to kill. She even wiped out an entire squad and felt glad about it. "



(Smiles)"Mom,Aunt is not that bad

 They deserved it" Selom said looking very innocent

"Killing a hundred doesn't sound like something pleasing to me. And to the world you are an idol" Roselle said with a smirk



Now hearing Roselle speak, Selom remembered a very important detail. " It's weird, I wasn't the one who got myself pregnant, you did" she replied back

"What!?" Teresa and Clara shouted with surprise.

"Surprised? Roselle was the one behind me getting pregnant. You don't need to ask her anything more, she doesn't know who the carrier of the sperm is" Selom said with a sigh.

The guard was already very tired of kneeling, his knees were already so sore and stiff. He had been there for long and all the talk about was something irrelevant, there was chaos going on outside and they didn't seem affected at all. Seeing the glares coming from Selom, he immediately shivered, what did he do wrong to get such a look?

"You may leave, we will be there very soon. We need to do finish our meal" Lylic said waving him off.

"Speechless", "Okay mistress, I would take my leave" he said retreating.

"Roselle, you were the one behind this?" Teresa asked

"Yes I am" she replied sincerely, she had nothing to hide and also nothing she could lie about.

"How did you go about it?" Clara said placing her head on her palm. She sounded very interested in whatever Roselle was about to say.