
Selo and the Burning Girl

In a war-driven world, where humans and highly intelligent monsters are fighting to prove which is the dominant race, the young Selo teams up with a monster girl made of fire in order to end the war.

TheCautionBandi · Militar
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Two hundred years ago, sentient monsters appeared out of nowhere. The humans were frightened and tried to kill the monsters, sparking a war what is now called the Dominant War. A war with either side trying to prove which of their races were better.

What most people today don't know is the blood shed during the war. Millions were killed, homes were lost, families ruined. War isn't as simple as fighting and winning. There are consequences.

War ruins lives.

The young Selo learned this at the age of four, as he watched his home, with his family inside, get caught in a blast from a cannon. From that day onward, he resolved to end the war and bring peace back to the world.

You're all caught up now? Good. Now let's get on with our real story.

It's time to put my writing skills to the test with this series. It's all-or-nothing!

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