
Chapter Three


    "Father." I dropped down to one knee and knelt before my heavenly Father,"It has been millennia since we last spoke with each other. I do wonder how you are as of now," I hated talking like this before him, but Father has forced me to do so. There was no way I could possibly disobey him.

    "Gabriel, my son, it feels as if it has been longer than a few millennia. It feels as if it has been several hundred taraannum. I am doing well, and you?"

    I almost scoffed at how he sounded. It was as if he wasn't planning on killing the entirety of Hell and Earth. He was going to kill the very thing he always said he loved. I never understood how he could possibly love flawed mortals more than perfectly perfect immortals. There is no sense within my Father when he decides to make an entirely new species.

    "Why did you call me back, Father? I am to marry in a few months, and there was no other way of getting here other than making the woman that I love more than anything think that I had died. She shall be terrified when she sees me next time."

    My Father seemed to snarl a bit and I could feel his energy radiating off of him.

    "What did you just say? Did you just say that you loved a mortal more than I? Every single one of you are supposed to adore me with all of your being. There is no room for another being to be loved by you."

    I bowed my head, and tried to make it look like I was actually worried about what he felt. "My Lord, there is no being in the universe that I could possibly love more than you. Thou shall not need to worry thyself," I attempted to make it seem like I was actually sorry for hurting him, but I wasn't. I wanted him to feel the pain that he has put every single one of my brothers and sisters through.

    When he killed off the planet Earth because he found the humans to be too horrid to handle, we angels were the ones who had to make sure that every single animal got to land safely. When Father tries to kill Hell, we will be the ones who have to destroy our grace to the point of no return. All of this just so that our Father won't kill us.

    I was no longer going to follow every single order that he sent us one decade ago, and I still stick by that promise today. My love, Madeline, was my first step to freedom from the Holy Chains that every angel carries around. She was the first person that I had ever met that did not love my Father dearly. That's one of the many reasons I respected her. She didn't care what the other people thought of her, she just did what she wanted to do.

    My Father seemed to nod approvingly towards me, and said,"You are dismissed."

    "What do you mean I'm 'dismissed'? I travelled hundreds and hundreds of miles just to get here! I had to let my love think that I was dead! You are not going to just get rid of me after I went all this way!"

    I could feel the anger burning around my Father, but I didn't dare say anything more. If I were to say anything, he would probably destroy me and erase me from everybody's minds. That was something that I was not about to let happen.

    "I will not allow you to disrespect me this way any more. You shall no longer have your pearly white wings. Get out of my eyesight."

    I felt the most unbearable pain on my back where my wings should be. I screamed in pain and fell to the floor. There was nothing I could do as my own Father continued to try to kill me.

    "Father! Stop! Please just stop!"

    He just smirked.

    "This hurts me more than it hurts you, you know. I do hope that you've learned your lesson."

    The pain ceased, and I turned to look at my wings. My once pearly white wings were now almost black.

    "You're lucky I didn't do anything else, Gabriel."