

Seline the servant of the Trevor manor was on her way to the market when suddenly a carriage splashed mud on her, a handsome and strange man stepped down from the carriage and she immediately went to confront him," It's not every day you see a crazy lady who marches courageously to a vampire and yells at them being fully aware that he can snap their head from their body in less than a second" he says with a evil smirk on his handsome face.

_Flourish_ · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Why can't it be a normal day in the market!

Seline prayed she wouldn't regret following that man, but it seemed God turned a blind eye to her prayers, she had never been so annoyed in her life.

A few minutes passed and they arrived at their destination, the smell of different food stuffs and potions filled the air which made Seline smile when she got out of the carriage but the man on the other hand brought his right hand up to his nose and pinched it lightly, the place smelled like cow dung to him, "How are you smiling when this kind of smell is in the air?" he asked looking perplexed, "What do you mean? Nothing wrong with the air" she said trying to figure out what the problem was, 'Well she seems used to it', thought the man.

They both passed through a series of stores and crowds, making the strange man to get squashed by different people and he almost snapped at random people (because he calmed down with the help of Seline of course). The strange man looked really out of place in his royal robe and handsome face in the midst of commoners wearing basically commoner clothes and plain faces, (and majority of them had a hint of dirt on them)

Seline was never stressed out whenever she went to the market but today was different; Seline never knew that one day she would be teaching a snobby rich man how to buy things in a market, it didn't seem like that big of task until you actually did it.

Almost everything the strange man saw caught his eye ranging from sculptures to mats to even plain ordinary black beads. During the carriage ride to the market he was pestering her, telling her to reveal her name, "What if you run away with my money, how will I know who to look for if I don't know your name huh?" said the man matter-of-factly, "Nothing of that sort will happen" said Seline not sounding very interested of the subject matter, "How are you so sure?" he asked, "That is because I am not a robber" "And how I my supposed to know that?" "Why are you asking me so many questions?" "That is because I want to know your name" "Why?" "Just for safety reasons" "I'm not convinced" said Seline plainly "Please, if not I will keep pestering you" Seline sighed heavily at the grown man's childish statement, "Fine" "Wonderful!!" he exclaimed loudly "Keep your voice down "Ok, ok. So, what's your name?" "Seline, my name is Seline". She never once regretted telling anyone her name but this day was an exception; she had never been so sick of her name in her life, 'Lady Seline' this and 'Lady Seline' that, and it's not like the things he wanted to buy were expensive, it's just that when the man wants to purchase something, the shopkeepers look at his expensive clothing (and their eyes ignite a similar spark) and then they increase the price of the object (and the products were also overall useless) and the oblivious man will still want to buy it since he is literally swimming in money. Seline wondered how she got tangled up in the mess, she just wanted to buy clothes and food and the fact that she felt dirty, and sticky didn't help at all.

Seline dragged the man to the clothes store (by force) and finally bought the clothes (paid by the man of course) she also bought a basket full of shrimps, meat and tomatoes and of course the man didn't bother to help her at all, 'Such a crude man' thought Seline while carrying the heavy masses of food stuff; it seemed like the man heard her thoughts (I don't think he can do that) "Should I help you carry your basket, Lady Seline" the man said politely "No, but you can help me by keeping your mouth shut" Seline said with venom dripping from her tone, "I was just asking, no need to be mean about it" he said while pouting 'You're a grown man for God's sake, thought Seline "No need to be mean about it? You made ma go places in this market that are not relevant at all, for instance how did a wooden cockroach catch your eye" she said visibly livid, "Don't blame me for that I didn't know such wood work existed" he said trying to defend himself, "Why would you know when you've seen too much of gold and silver, the only thing that might be wooden in your household are probably the tables and the chair frame", she said in a low tone but loud enough for the man to hear, "Well-" "I do not want to hear your excuse, let's just go to the carriage" Seline said in a harsh tone but the man just shrugged, "Whatever you say lady Seline".