
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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40 Chs

One Piece CYOA: Just give up on them

AN: So here, I use some theories of Yuderon, Ohara, Mont Corvo and the likes. Please follow them. Also, I'm using majorly this timeline: https://thelibraryofohara.com/the-one-piece-timeline/.

***Story begin***

Hi, I'm Donald and today is an unusual day. I have seen many CYOA of many works and I usually imagine what I'll choose but I never submitted my choices. But everything changed today. I stumbled upon a One Piece CYOA that I liked so much that I answered and submitted it. Seems like coincidence doesn't exist.

***One Piece: Create Your Own Adventure***

Page 1

Welcome adventurer. I won't introduce you One Piece once again but don't think you already know everything of it.

Since you're in the first thousand to answer this CYOA, you get 1200 choice points (cp). Beware challenger, you cannot go back to change your choices.

Let's start by a philosophical choice.

1. Everyone shall be free.

2. Freedom will lead to destruction.

3. Neither of the above.

Choice: 3 (I don't fucking care about that shit)

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Page 2

This page will allow you to get more points as you choose some drawbacks. Be careful, the chosen drawbacks nullify any perks that collide with them and you won't be reimbursed.


1. You can share story with Captain Hook. + 100cp: You will naturally lack a body part (arm, leg, kidney…) that others members of your race have. You will have to specify what body part you give up after choosing your race. You can take this drawback up to five times.

205. Gambler +200cp : You leave the moment or the place of your insertion up to fate. You will specify what you are randomizing once you take this drawback. You can take this drawback up to five twice.

269. Where's the North? +25cp: You will be lost as fast as Zoro.

410. I have a dream (depend of your dream): You have a goal in your life and will do everything to reach it. You won't be able to do things that will endanger your dream. Specify your dream.

506. Worst Criminal +100cp: You're most wanted person of the ruling power. They will do everything to kill you be it destroying an island if you're suspected to be on it.

588. I think I'll pass on diving today +10cp: Whether you ate a devil fruit or not, swimming is not for you.

700. You have a stalker, my friend +50cp: Someone seems to always know where you are and is reporting to whoever is your worst enemy.

999. All in +300cp: You let the choice of your race to fate. You can be a worm or a God.

Choices: 1, 205, 205

CP: 1700

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Page 3

Who are thee?

1. Choose your race.

Human (Free)

Giants (100cp)

Ancients Giants (150cp)

Dwarves/Tontatta Tribe (50cp)

Longarm Tribe (10cp)

Longleg Tribe (10cp)

Snakeneck Tribe (10cp)

Three-Eye Tribe (100cp)

Mink Tribe (80cp)

Kinokibito (5cp)

Lunarian (100cp)

Fishmen (80cp)

Merfolk (100cp)

Skypieans (20cp)

Shandians (25cp)

Birkman (20cp)

Merveillians (20cp)

Automata (15cp)

Cyborgs (60cp)

Clones (10cp)

Modified Humans (100cp)

Space Pirates (20cp)

Kumate Tribe (10cp)

Okama (10cp)

Nomads (5cp)

Kuja (10cp)

Torino Tribe (10cp)

World Nobles (500cp)

Wotans (150cp)

Longlimb Humans (20cp)

Zombies (Free)

Centaurs (20cp)

Satyrs (20cp)

Harpy (20cp)

Toys (Free)

Homies (Free)

Klabautermann (300cp)

God (50000cp)

Others (100cp + half of each race you want to hybrid)

Choice: Others (Tribrid from Ancients Giants, Merfolk and Tontattas) -250cp | Description: Humanoid beings of around with bull like horns (the number depend of both their giant and merman ancestry), a giant fluffy tail and gills. They can have different skin colors depending of their giants and mermen heritage. As unique beings they are liked by the Gods. At their natural peaks, they can have enough strength to pull islands like their ancestors. They have an uncanny speed thanks to their dwarves ancestry. Be it in the sea or on earth, they are the strongest and the fastest. A life expectancy of about 360 years and an average height of 3 meters.

(I choose to lose my fluffy tail *snif*)

2. Choose your gender

Male (50cp)

Female (50cp)

Others (50cp)


Choice: Male -50cp

3. Choose your apparence. (AN: This one is a freebie, I don't want to follow an ugly motherfucker life).


4. You can write your background (surrounding your birth) here and its cost will be evaluated.

Choice: One of descendants of Oars started to adventure through the world after his stupid death. She went to the Fishman Island and met a horned shark Merman named Fukaboshi, the brother of the ruling king. They stayed together for some times and then have a daughter. Unfortunately, she was caught by the government and was executed. Fukaboshi raised alone their daughter. When she grew up, she went to the New World and met a Dwarf. Stunned by his naivety and innocence, she fell for him. They are my parents that I've never seen. Indeed, soon after my birth they let me on Green Bit and died fighting pirates. -125cp

CP: 1275cp

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Page 4

The world of One Piece is fraught with danger. This is your chance to choose a boost. Here you can get reality warping power (Hito Hito no mi: Model Sun God Nika) or create your own powers for the right price. The devil fruit(s) you buy will appear in front of you soon after you begin your adventure. You're not forced to eat it.

*Also, if you want an advice, choose devil fruits that correspond to you instead of just wanting power for power or else the difficulty of awakening to their real powers will increase exponentially, especially for Zoan as their will may reject you.*

1. How many devil fruits do you want to be able to eat?




Each time the number increase, the cost double.

Choice: One

2. You can get rid of the drawback of using devil fruits for the modest sum of 300cp.

Choice: No, thanks.

3. Choose your devil fruit(s).


Doa Doa no Mi [Door Door Fruit] (100cp)

Kilo Kilo no Mi [Kilogram Kilogram Fruit] (50cp)

Mini Mini no Mi [Mini Mini Fruit] (100cp)

Ope Ope no mi [Operation Operation Fruit] (400cp)

Yomi Yomi no Mi [Revive Revive Fruit] (100cp)…


Hebi Hebi no Mi [Snake Snake Fruit] Model: Inland Taipan (50cp)

Hito Hito no Mi [Human Human Fruit] (Free)

Ushi Ushi no mi [Cow Cow Fruit] Model: Sheep (20cp)…

Ancient Zoan

Neko Neko no Mi [Cat Cat Fruit] Model: Sabertooth (120cp)

Ryuu Ryuu no Mi [Dinosaur Dinosaur Fruit] Model: Ankylosaurus (120cp)

Ryuu Ryuu no Mi [Dinosaur Dinosaur Fruit] Model: Spinosaurus (120cp)…

Mythological Zoan

Hito Hito no Mi [Human Human Fruit] Model: Nika (800cp)

Uo Uo no Mi [Fish Fish Fruit] Model: Azure Dragon (500cp)

Tori Tori no Mi [Bird Bird Fruit] Model: Phoenix (400cp)…


Goro Goro no Mi [Lightning Lightning Fruit] (500cp)

Numa Numa no Mi [Swamp Swamp Fruit] (80cp)

Yami Yami no Mi [Darkness Darkness Fruit] (620cp)

Yuki Yuki no Mi [Snow Snow Fruit] (100cp)…

Choice: Ope Ope no Mi -400cp (Space Control biatch)

CP: 875

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Page 5 : Gear and supplies

Page 6

Here you can get some useful skills.

Navigation (20cp)

Combat Training (20cp)

Survivalist (25cp): You have the mentality and the body to survive in most situation. (like Luffy surviving to the poison guy and getting

Dark Master(30cp): You're gifted for directing shadow organizations.

Commanding Presence (20cp)

Precision (20cp): You won't miss normally

Genius (30cp): You learn everything faster

Will Of D (100cp)

Rokushiki - Six Paths (20cp)

Qualities of a King (50cp): You get Haoshoku Haki...

Choices: Survivalist, Dark Master, Precision, Genius, Qualities of a King

CP: 720

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Page 7

Others things you may want.

One Piece story from beginning to end: 600cp

1,000,000 berries: 5cp

10 year protection time(you won't be killed):100cp


Choices: The three propositions shown

CP: 15

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Page 8

That's it. You've done it. Hope you have a great adventure. Good luck.

***CYOA ending***

So do you still remember me? It's Donald. As I was saying, that's how going getting out of your routine can change your life as this particular CYOA became true for me.


I was born on Green Bit and was named Ikki. It means Single Horseman in memory of my parents that died soon after my birth protecting the island.

I don't know at what period I am as I don't recognize any of the island inhabitants and we don't get newspaper here. Roger's period? Luffy's? Or maybe even Rock's?

Growing between gullible dwarves while spoofing Gulliver can be boring but it gave me the necessary time to adapt, try to learn Tontatta Combat and train my body. But over all, I understood the world of One Piece.

***One Piece Story***

Billions years ago, planets and stars got formed. And the first beings appeared from chaos. They were the Gods. There were two Gods at the beginning, one male and one female. They had great reality warping powers.

Millions years ago, the two convened to create life: that was the prehistoric era. Ancients Giants like Oars were the kings of the planet. The Gods decided to grant some of their powers to their creations but it ended in a war that destroyed the continent.

Pangaea became history. The surviving giants took parts of it and went each on their way. The Gods were saddened and decide begin anew. They created the concept of transmitting power through holy fruits and everyone could only eat one. The worthy ones were granted a fruit at random. They asked many creatures to imbue their powers into these holy fruits.

They created the second generations of beings as most of the Ancient Giants died off from staying alone and not reproducing. Here, they created Giants, Humans, Dwarves, Merfolks... To avoid story from repeating, they created three beings that would lead all others creations peacefully: Poseidon (a mermaid) in the image of the female God would govern everything under the water, Uranus (a giant) in the image of the male God would govern everything in the skies and Pluto (a human) would guide everything on Earth. The Gods supervised the oath of every living creatures.

For a million of years, everything worked perfectly, and the Gods came to be named many times. But their three most proud creations finally vetoed on their names: The male God was Nika the Sun God of Freedom and the female one was Umi the Moon God of Protection. Under Nika persuasion, the two Gods decided to live together with their creation. Unlike Nika that always manage to get together with the mortals, Umi was always alone unless the former came to stay with her.

Image of mortal form of Umi:

The three children weren't immortal but they could pass on their godly will in the wheel of reincarnation like the devil fruits does. Umi advocated that for each of their reincarnation to live with her to not be deviated from their goal by their growing environment but Nika thought that the said environment would let them re-frame their mind and keep up with the world evolution. Umi saw that he was right and went with this decision.

A million of years later, Nika transmitted his powers into a devil fruit and went into the wheel of reincarnation. Nobody heard of Umi after that.

800 years ago, the Great Kingdom Atlantis led by Joyboy, the contemporary Nika of that period with its two die hard allies: the City of Gold and the City of Emerald was beyond what other countries could deal with. They were advocating more freedom for everyone as their key policy. Under Joyboy lead, the barrier between the three demigod dominion was in danger. Poseidon wanted to lead its denizens to Earth and Pluto wasn't amused. The latter allied 20 countries and started to wage war against the Great Kingdom as they refused to submit to her. Uranus, known as Elbaf at that time tried to counsel but failed. The balance was destroyed.

War started, but the Knock Up Stream dealt a great blow to the Great Kingdom and Joyboy that tried to stop it. And like that the Great Kingdom fell and their allies closed their boundaries. Only that before their end, the great kingdom conceived a boat able to deal with Pluto underlings, its plan are still transmitted between shipwrights on the remain of the Great Kingdom (Atlantis was flooded by the fall of Jaya left eye, the Emerald City and Water 7 is build on it). War sets ablaze all the world.

It's during those days that Zunisha was punished for betraying Pluto and his ancestors oath.

Seeing the second mass extinction coming, Umi reappeared and decided to intervene. She decisively send the three demigod into reincarnation and erased all traces of history for the future generation. Only beings older than her erasure kept their memory like the giant sea kings, Zunisha... But her power couldn't affect some stones that were imbued with Nika powers.

Also, to stop the war she invited all the remaining leaders of the 20 countries and their descendants to come to live with her, recluse under Eve shade in exchange of immortality. Five of the 20 leaders were still alive and became the Gorosei with for only mission to keep the balance even if destroying freedom. The descendants of the rest except Pluto's (Vivi ancestors because she didn't want to make Poseidon and Uranus jealous) were allowed to live on Marijeois and live longer by taking in the confined aura of the only remaining God.

Also, she cursed all the devil fruits to minimize the chance that creature of Earth intrude in the sea depth and stop Nika from making trouble.

Pluto was confined to Paradise (Alabasta), Poseidon to the Fishman Island (reason why the demand of the Fish men to live on the surface never get through) and Uranus to the New World (Elbaf).

800 years later, Luffy managed to convince her to give another chance to the mortals by showing how this generation of Pluto, Poseidon and Uranus are well together. All that in an epic fight obviously.

***THE END***

To be frank, it demotivated me greatly as all that was just bullshit for me but I got over it.

***Year 1121***

I now know where in the timeline I was thrown into. Four fucking hundred years before Luffy.

How do I know? When my 10 year probationary period was ending, I found the Ope Ope no mi. Some days later, a peculiar ship with a half moon got on Green Bit and that's when I met Noland MontBlanc. I then clang to him and even threatened to kill myself until he finally decided to take me in as I was monstrously strong and intelligent for my age.

That's how I became mouse on Noland ship and the legendary liar disciple. He taught me botany and medicine that I took in very well thanks to my dwarf ancestry and become the gardener of the ship. He also occasionally taught me swordsmanship. My Genius perk really shined there.

***21st May 1122***

We landed on Jaya and it went as expected. I shall make more efforts to learn from my dear aster before his death.


We went back to North Blue and Noland narrated the City of Gold story. Five years later he embarked with the king to go to the said city which disappeared. Having put his hopes to pay the following centuries of Heavenly Gold with the gold he thought to be his, he ordered Noland execution.

That's when I ate the Ope Ope no mi. I wanted to tell Noland where the city and Kalgara went, but I didn't want to go to Skipea and affront the ruling God if he can beat the Shandorians. Noland for me is as strong as a peak Roger or Whitebeard and Kalgara can match him. If the Shandorians led by him lost to the Skypeans they aren't the weaklings from Luffy time but a force to fear.

So I did the cowardly thing, wait for his execution and used my powers to tell him what happened and that I would take care of his wife and daughter. His eyes were relieved as he died. I took his family and went back to the New World and settled them on Alchemi.


I stayed there for 12 years. In the meantime, my strength never ceased to increase and I awakened myself to the Ope Ope no mi power. Plus, I could swim again. By using the awakened fruit powers on myself I can separate myself of all particles of "pyrobloin" (mean y which Umi (Imu) curse take effect) in the sea and swim like a normal person. I figured out how to do the Ageless Surgery. It's just removing the Hayflick limit. The problem is that, the operation shall be done for every cells of the body at the same time which would overdraft even someone with my longevity. I think it's best to wait for Pure Gold.

I also managed to change my sword (Noland sword) into a black supreme sword. I must be the greatest swordsman alive. Also, I think Noland wasn't finally on Roger et al. level. Oh by the way, I lost my second virginity to a gorgeous widow on the Alchemi Island.

I finally left Alchemi and went swimming to Fishman Island to meet my grandfather. I was well received and lived mostly at the Ryuugu Palace till his death 24 years later. There I learned the royal version of fishman karate, Merman Combat. I also started to tame all sort of beasts as pastime.

*** Year 1203***

Life was getting boring, so I used my Ope Ope no Mi on myself to join the World Government newly created Marine. It took me ten years to accumulate enough merits to become Admiral and then using my privileges started to learn many miscellaneous things. That's how we developed the Rokushiki. I have some advanced forms for each techniques but my focus was on Life Return and the observation of its effects on the human body. I created Hasshoken as well from the advanced form of Armament Haki.

I also learnt things like painting, fishing, calligraphy but it never took long thanks to that damned Genius trait. And I tamed an island turtle.

This persona of mine died 50 years after its creation, peacefully from old age.

***Year 1264***

I became a serf of the rising Vinsmoke Family as a researcher. During their 66 days of glory, I managed to smoothly steal their cloning and armor building skills thanks to a nifty power I discovered. With the Ope Ope no mi, can now directly get the memory from someone head.


I secluded myself on my secret moving base (the turtle island) and decided to evolve the Germa technologies to anew height. Clones from my self created race with all its advantages and absolutely loyal. I also teach them my advanced Rokushiki and they can awaken Armament and Observation Haki as everyone. I AM GOD.

In the meantime I toured the remain of Atlantis under Water 7 and got many information but they were written in the same language as the poneglyphs. Instead of decrypting it myself, I just went to the country of Wa and stole the relevant memories from a Kozuki mind. That's how I got devil fruits creation technologies between other things.

*** Year 1300***

I started touring the world to learn all kind of skills and I encountered all kind of beings. All this knowledge will be transmitted to my clones and they will be divided in department according to what I teach.


In Year 1314, I returned to Alchemi, and became alchemist under Myskina Acier and his wife Livia. Five years later we managed to recreate Pure Gold and Bonbori cam to swallow the island some months later. By the way, the MontBlanc family returned to North Blue to rectify their ancestor name or whatever.


So now I have two moving bases, on Turtle Island, I named Gamabunta and Bonbori, that havefour islands in his stomachs.

Also, immortality, yeah. The Millennial Dragons in East Blue can breathe out now as they were my second plan.

Now I can even take out someone devil fruit, make someone able to use many devil fruits and the like. But my Ope Ope no mi is enough for me and I still can get ride of Imu curse.

***Year 1405***

I think I'm old enough and shall marry, plus life was getting boring. But I got too high standards for my soulmate. So, I have set my sights on the only creature higher than me on this planet, Umi.


Step 1: Make her abandon the mortals. Show her that even while balancing the world, with Nika meddling Poseidon, Uranus and Pluto always manage to bring destruction to everything.

- Control Nika: I will create a clone of Luffy loyal to me and exchange their soul once he ate his devil fruit. This idea was later refused as Umi could see clues of it. So I will just do it to Shanks and use Shanks to put him on the right track. Dealing with God is tirong

- Control Pluto: Take over Alabasta in the dark and raise Vivi into the weapon I wish for while giving them the necessary arms to make the most destruction.

- Control Poseidon and Uranus: Same shit as Pluto.

- Make my own Great Kingdom: I choose Germa. Give them many new technologies and guide them to not get themselves killed while hiding their hands.

- Weaken the World Government: Rocks to begin, then Roger, Shiki, Redfield... then Luffy for the final blow.

- Ignite the world: Germa + Pluto + World Government remain VS Poseidon + Uranus + Nika

Step 2: Use my courting skills.

- My 300 years of Playboy Life VS Her eternity of hikikomori life: It was too easy. I started to court her in 1410 as nobody beside her could even notice me on Marijeois. She was intrigued by me as I wasn't her creation and it made it even more easy. I talked to her about wider and different worlds.

- Ticket to multiverse: When her self imposed life of balance ended in a failure, I proposed her to go to other worlds together to see how they do it.


That's the beginning of my adventure. My dear wife discovered 1320 years later that I was the mastermind behind the destruction of her creations but after 200 years of sulking everything go fine.

I rushed it at the end as it was taking me too much time.

Evil_For_the_WINcreators' thoughts