
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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40 Chs

Don't, I have a weak heart.

AN: I have limited knowledge of Bleach.

— Asia, Future Japan | Soul Society • Birth day of Jesus —

Kazuma Yagami, that's my name or rather that's the name I chose for myself. I died once in my sleep from what I assume is a worse nightmare than usual and I reincarnated. Not being aware of my death, I woke up to a blurry world with what appeared to be ugly giants talking way too loudly and way too close. Before my brain could process that, my weak heart that I inherited from my last life did and I died once more from a heart attack.

My third life then started as a baby in Soul Society. Before, I could gather my spirits a disheveled woman(?) came to me spewing something with a crazy gaze before taking me away. My heart kept up that time.

Spoiler: Crazy woman(?)

She would take care of me for the next ten years teaching me Japanese, swordsmanship and so on. I came to accept her as my second mother. At my twentieth birthday, I was still looking like a 1 year toddler but I was insanely powerful. In fact since I came to this new world from my senses to my overall fitness, I became something above human conception. So as I was saying, my foster mother, yes she was indeed a woman, when I turned 20 decided to tells me why she took care of me revealing to me by the way where I was.

I was in the Bleachverse in Soul Society to be more exact. My foster mother name was Yachiru Unohana. She came to me because she sensed an enormous Reiryoku bigger than anything she had felt before. When she discovered it was from a baby soul, she decided to mold him into her partner after deliberating. That's how I went from a relaxing paradise to a fighting hell.

Spoiler: Yachiru Unohana

I discovered that my training sword was an Asauchi and that I had to awaken my Zanpakuto fast if I didn't want to die. She wouldn't go easy on me and in only one month my Zanpakuto was formed and I got many scars that even my natural healing finds hard to deal with. My Zanpakuto looked like Kikoku from One Piece but with the guard looking like a claw. I got its name as soon as it was formed obtaining a Shikai: it was named Kaze. In its Shikai form it disappears and fuse with me giving me beautiful blue eyes.

Spoiler: Kaze

After one year of getting familiar with Kaze Shikai through fights, I developed many abilities and became the 11th division Lieutenant. To start with, Kaze gave me control over all winds:

Wind Sword: My Zanpakuto having disappeared in its Shikai form, I wield an almost Wind Sword.

Wind Blade: My wind forms a boomerang/blade, and destroy opponents. I can make it as strong as I want depending on the situation.

Wind Force: My wind can be strengthened, enough to knock back or crush multiple enemies. Wind Force can be used in multiple directions.

Tornado: I can form a tornado, which can work as tunnels to travel without being attacked, or simply to knock enemies away. The tornado can crush enemies from above with immense force.

Wind Barrier: The wind forms a barrier to either protect me from outer assaults or traps the enemies inside.

Redirection: I manipulate the air to redirect any attacks.

Flight: I could fly with just my Wind powers.

Invisibility: I use the air to create a barrier that turns myself invisible.

Tracking: I can sense soul both physical and spiritual/energy presence as long as they're in the wind.

A century after the beginning of my hellish life with my foster mother, I awakened my Fullbring powers. On a fluke, I got the upper hand and went so close to killing Unohana (and being also killed by her) that my heart gave out. But instead of dying for the third time, I got new powers. Firstly, my Bankai. It's basically changing my control from the trivial winds to the an higher sphere, everything that has wind properties: astral wind, sea currents… It also greatly boosted all my specks. But the biggest breakthrough wasn't that, my heart awakened and I got the Heart or Reality which will allow me to warp reality and all its components. For now I can only manipulate some causality but I managed to grow myself from a 2 years toddler look to an adult.

Spoiler: Kazuma Yagami

Time passed and I could now steadily beat mother. She still got more experiences and skills but my raw power is unheard of and even stuns the Soul King. I still stayed as her Lieutenant though. I started learning all kinds of craft: healing, smithing, Shinigami science and so on.

Twenty years in this leisury life, I was sent to the future West Branch under the Roman Dominion. A Dragon stronger than anything that have ever been recorded appeared and was rampaging and I had to ever kill or appease it if possible. A Captain level Shinigami having already died to it.

Using my Heart of Reality, I rebuilt her mind and took her as a pet. That's how the Marchën Snow White became my familiar and I had to restock very often on apples.

Spoiler: Snow White

Now I'm over 800 years old and I created a complete Hōgyoku. With my Bankai, I use Space-Time Winds to get Aizen and Kisuke researches from the future and in only one century I got myself a complete Hōgyoku. I then continued the process and is now in possession of four more. I used one for myself, one on Snow White and one for my masterpiece, my secretary Kirika Tachibana. She was an Hollow, I raised. In her arrancar form she could beat most Captain even without resureccion. I assume she could wipe the floor with Yamamoto as long as soon as she activates her Hōgyoku. I reserved one for my mother but I will wait before giving it to her as she changed becoming way too kind.

Spoiler: Kirika Tachibana

A millenium later during the Quincy extermination, I along with my pet and my secretary shined as we went alone into Wander Reich, stayed for ten years and after making all the experiments we wanted on them. When we went out, I discovered that mother got hurt from Zaraki. I beat him in an inch of his life for one year straight and he got his Bankai during the lessons. After that he joined my team and we started my grand plan. I first sealed Unohana as I would make her accept the final results. In one day, we took the Gotei13, the Central 46 and the Onmitsukidō destroying all resistances. I then forcefully ripped a hole through dimension to the Soul King Palace. I let my teams deal with my previous acquaintances, the Royal Guards while I went to the Soul King.

After quickly dealing with the obstacles, I absorbed all the Soul King powers and accomplished Yhwach goal in his stead. I made an utopia (for me) merging the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, Hell and the Living World into one. I had to deal with some billions deaths but it was for the good cause. Unohana was forced to accept it as it was already too late to change anything.

And that's how, I became GOD, kids. Now we're going towards greater skies.