
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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40 Chs

Crazy Show 2nd edition

???: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this 2nd edition of the Crazy Show. I'm Ehara and I am to be your host tonight. Let's start already with our guest. You all know him. You love him and he also love you. Let's welcome our SI in One Piece, I named KEN.

***************************LOUD APPLAUSE******************************

Ken: Hello, hello. Thanks I love you all.

Ehara: Mr Ken, or do you prefer Mr John?

Ken: It's just Ken for a beauty like you.

Ehara: You flatter. Let's stay professional. You have been yanked for your easy and simple life to be put in a fantasy world. Would you have preferred to stay on Earth or are you happy that you were kidnapped?

Ken: It's true that my life in the One Piece world was pretty successful but I cannot say which would have been better as I didn't live through both. However if there's anything I'm sure of, it's that I'm not grateful to the asshole that put me there. Talking about him, did he fulfill his promise?

Ehara: Ah yes. Your family had an amazing life after you disappeared. You were quickly forgotten thanks to ROB and then they lived their life with the world looking after them.

Ken:...Hmm. I don't know what to say. I'm grateful that they lived great lives (even though I'm not sure I succeeded in entertaining the bastard) but I'm also slightly angered that I was forgotten. There's nothing I can do anyway. It would have been great if I were reincarnated with more ridiculous powers. Maybe I could have seen them again.

Ehara: Tearful story indeed. Let's proceed. When ROB put you through musical torture was it as awful as it seemed?

Ken: Tsk. It was hell. Even after he released me I still heard this annoying sound for years. Even now I still hear it sometimes in my nightmare. It's also started my hate of cats.

Ehara: Wonderful. Why Hasshoken?

Ken: You're really a bitch, aren't you? Anyway, I wanted to remain human to avoid racial discrimination and Chinjao family protection was a great boon. In hindsight, fortunately that I chose that as Hasshoken was created by Chinjao imitating Whitebeard. If I chose something like Fishman Karate I wouldn't put it past that bastard to send me during the Forgotten Century or before.

Ehara: Don't be spiteful, Ken. What happened to your second parents?

Ken: My female progenitor died during my birth. My male progenitor died soon after during a fight with other pirates.

Ehara: You seem really detached about their death. Isn't there anyone in the Chinjao family that you were attached to?

Ken: I didn't knew them so no reaction from me. I considered Don Chinjao as a loud and idiot friend. I just didn't want to stay with them forever. Marine life is more relaxed.

Ehara: Why did you choose a sword as your weapon?

Ken: I used sword and gun because they were fitting in the world theme plus sword and gun are really cool. Unfortunately, I never had the will to dedicate my life to learn to use them so when a fight become serious they just become secondary and I principally use my legs and fists.

Ehara: Interesting. When you fought against Chinjao did you give your all?

Ken: Yes, I did. This fight is in fact the closest one I ever have. We had approximately the same level of power. I was overall slightly stronger and he had more experience. I only won because I was accustomed to all his moves and that he was too dumb to do or prevent underhanded tricks.

Ehara: I see. With what considerations do you deal with the original timeline and events?

Ken: To be honest, canon was dead from the moment I breathed in this world. But I don't usually go out of my way to make changes if I cannot gain something or if it's too bothersome. Take denouncing Vergo for example. Just send a letter and it's done.

Ehara: Why did you limit yourself to only three of the Rokushiki?

Ken: I already explained that. Only Soru, Geppo, and Rankyaku was cool enough for me to bother with. Rokuogan was too lame for me to learn the other three.

Ehara: Why did you bother to save Otohime and Conomi Islands?

Ken: For Conomi Islands, I just wanted to save Belmer as she could have been a good dating target. But it didn't workout. She finished with this sergeant or whatever. I did date Nojiko later but it's another story. For Otohime, she was liked by all the fishmen and mermaids. Now saving her I became the greatest hero for all of them. Yeah it was the greatest things I've ever done. You wouldn't believe how it's easy to get laid with woman considering you as the second coming of Jesus. All in all, I saved the for the girls.

Ehara: Why did you collect the strongest fruit and never ate any of them?

Ken: It started like a hobby. Killing those with powerful fruits and let my minions search for it. I could create a army as powerful as any Yonko crew whenever I wanted. For the reason I never ate them it was that I couldn't accept to be vulnerable to water when the world was mostly water. I could train and gain resistance to seastone but not seawater. Plus I was human I could always drown. There's also the fact that swimming through Calm Belt and Grand Line is freaking cool. But I do eat all this fruits I gathered once I gained immortality via a sacrifice of one of my minions with Ope Ope no Mi.

Ehara: When did that happened?

Ken: Later. Very much after the destruction of the World Government.

Ehara: Why didn't you save Ace? You were pretty close to Garp, weren't you?

Ken: I could have saved him for sure but I would have to become a pirate. I was good as a marine.

Ehara: You said the World Government was destroyed and a new one took its place. Can you describe this new government to us?

Ken: Basically it's UN without veto power. Each kingdom has own vote right and decisions are taken at two third of the total votes. You can imagine that few decisions have been taken with this system. It lasted 192 years before a new World War occured. They repatched it somehow and are still using it even tough corruption is everywhere now.

Ehara: Humans aren't really meant to govern themselves. Fiou. Now about your romantic life. Did you date Boa Hancock?

Ken: Yes, I succeeded. But she was too annoying. We didn"t stay together for long.

Ehara: With which women did you stay the longest?

Ken: For the ones you know there's Robin, Shirley, Viola, Gion, hmmm, Reiju also.

Ehara: Are you married now?

Ken: Yes. I finally settled with a woman in 1779. She is smart, beautiful, calm and all I could ask for.

Ehara: Do you have kids?

Ken: In our immortal life, we had had many kids but I don't know if some are still alive. Plus you can only stand them for so much time. Now we don't make kids anymore plus I already ate the Ope Ope no mi to prevent someone else to either gain immortality or strip ours.

Ehara: Thanks for all your answers. It's the end of this episode. If you have any other questions for Ken put it in the comments and he will answer them next time in Crazy Show. Goodbye everyone. See you.