
Seize The Stars

Junichiro, a young man from the tranquil village of Evergreen, embarks on an extraordinary journey after the emergence of mysterious portals across the world. His life has been marked by tragedy, from the loss of his parents to the enigmatic disappearance of his uncle, leaving behind a legacy of sorrow and unanswered questions. As magical portals appear and individuals gain extraordinary powers known as talents, Junichiro finds himself drawn into a world of adventure and peril. Despite his past struggles and perceived shortcomings, Junichiro possesses a hidden ability called Seize, which allows him to absorb abilities and stats from defeated foes—a power that may prove invaluable in his quest for self-discovery.

_Saxum_ · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Survival of the Fittest

"Can you believe this mess? It's like a freakin' nightmare come to life." My voice, laced with sarcasm, cut through the tension as I navigated the labyrinth of chaos enveloping the school. Each shadow seemed to hold a new horror, each corner a potential threat to our survival.


 "I know, Junichiro. It's like we're trapped in some twisted horror movie." Akiras words echoed my own thoughts, a grim reminder of the surreal nightmare we found ourselves in.


"Yeah, well, we ain't gonna let these freaks get the best of us. Not now, not ever." Determination burned in my voice, a defiant declaration against the encroaching darkness.


"Hey, look who it is. Mr. Tough Guy himself." Taro's mocking tone grated on my nerves, his presence a constant reminder of the torment we endured at his hands.


"You got something to say, Taro? Or you just here to cower like the rest of 'em?" My words dripped with disdain, a challenge to the bully who thought he held all the power.


"Watch your back, Junichiro. You never know what's lurking in the shadows." His threat hung in the air like a dark omen, a reminder of the dangers that lurked around every corner.


"Oh, I'm watching. And when the time comes, you better believe I'll be ready." My voice rang with determination, a promise to myself and to Akira that we would not be victims in this twisted game of survival.

The weight of my resentment settled over me like a suffocating shroud, I recoiled in horror, a sickening realization dawning upon me with crushing clarity. My heart, burdened with grief and regret, ached for absolution—for a chance to make amends amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf us all. Each moment seemed to stretch into eternity, each breath a reminder of the mistakes that haunted me like specters in the night.

In the tumult of battle, the air crackled with tension as I found myself thrust into a relentless struggle against the grotesque monsters that prowled the echoing halls. Their twisted forms loomed in the shadows, their malevolent eyes glinting with hunger and malice as they closed in on me. 


With each step forward, the weight of the darkness pressed upon me like a suffocating blanket, threatening to smother my very essence. But I refused to succumb. Each movement became a defiant assertion of my resilience, a bold proclamation against the encroaching shadows that sought to swallow me whole.


The clash of makeshift weapons against scales rang out in the chaos, a symphony of conflict that echoed through the corridors. With every strike, I pushed back against the tide of darkness, my resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. 


The monsters lunged and snarled, their claws slashing through the air with lethal intent. But I met their onslaught with unwavering determination, each blow delivered with precision and purpose. 


As the battle raged on, my senses heightened, every fiber of my being attuned to the ebb and flow of the combat. Adrenaline surged through my veins, fueling my movements with a primal energy as I danced between shadows and fangs.


With every breath, I defied the suffocating embrace of despair, my spirit burning bright amidst the encroaching darkness. Though the odds seemed insurmountable, I refused to falter, my heart ablaze with the fiery resolve to emerge victorious against the malevolent forces that sought to extinguish the light within me.

As the chaos of battle reached its crescendo, a deafening roar echoed through the halls, shaking the very foundations of the school. Suddenly, a colossal Naga emerged, its serpentine form coiled with malice and fury. Snarling and vicious, it loomed over us like a malevolent shadow, its size rivaling that of the entire school hall.


My heart pounded in my chest as I locked eyes with the monstrous creature, its gaze filled with primal hunger and aggression. Akira and I stood frozen in terror as the Naga's massive tail swept toward us, sending us tumbling into a nearby classroom.


The room trembled as the great reptile pressed against the walls, its massive frame threatening to burst through the confines of the doorway. With each monstrous breath, the doorframe groaned and splintered under the immense pressure, threatening to give way to the beast's relentless advance.


Akira and I scrambled to our feet, our eyes wide with fear as we realized the gravity of our situation. With no means of escape and the Naga's wrath bearing down upon us, we braced ourselves for the inevitable onslaught, knowing that our survival depended on our ability to confront the monstrous threat head-on.

The Giant Green Naga loomed menacingly before us, its emerald scales shimmering in the dim light, Akira and I shared a knowing glance, our hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination. This was it—the moment we had felt ready for, the ultimate test of our courage and resilience. We did not know where this strength had come from, nor were we aware of the changes that caused us to be surging with power. We simply felt stronger. Caught up in the moment with the adrenaline that kept our heart beating in our chest. We knew not the bounds of our prowess, that itself was a handicap enough. Rather we felt we could take on the world and win.


With a primal roar, the Naga lunged forward, its massive form filling the corridor with menace. Akira and I sprang into action, our movements synchronized as if we were two parts of the same machine, fueled by adrenaline and a fierce desire to survive.


"Let's show this overgrown lizard what we're made of!" Akira shouted, his voice ringing out with defiance as he brandished a broken chair leg, his eyes blazing with determination.


I nodded, my fists clenched in readiness, his attitude fueling my resolve. "Hell yeah, Akira! Let's give it a taste of our spirit!"


With a battle cry, we charged forward, our hearts pounding in unison. The Naga struck first, its massive tail sweeping through the air like a battering ram. We dodged , myself slipping to my knees and power sliding under the tail. It was fast, and thicker than a telephone pole. Aikra dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the crushing force of its attack.


As the Naga's sinister claws sliced through the air, glinting with a deadly sheen, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. With every fiber of my being aflame with determination, I launched myself forward, my grip firm on the cold, unforgiving metal pipe that I wielded as my only defense.


Time seemed to slow as I soared through the air, my heart pounding like a war drum in my chest. With a primal scream tearing from the depths of my soul, I brought the pipe crashing down with all the fury and strength I could muster, a defiant cry echoing off the walls as the clang of metal meeting scales reverberated through the corridor.


The impact sent shockwaves rippling through my arms, jarring my bones and rattling my very core. The Naga recoiled, its monstrous form trembling under the force of my blow, its enraged hiss filling the air like a symphony of chaos and fury.


For a fleeting moment, there was silence—a brief pause in the storm of battle, where the world seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of what would come next. In that suspended moment, I stood tall, my chest heaving with exertion, my eyes ablaze with defiance.


But as the echoes of our clash faded into the shadows, I knew that the battle was far from over. The Naga, wounded but not defeated, loomed before me like a specter of doom, its eyes burning with an unquenchable hunger for vengeance.

Akira danced around the Naga's strikes, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift kick, he aimed for its underbelly, his boot connecting with a satisfying thud. The Naga recoiled, its reptilian eyes narrowing with fury.


But we were undeterred. We pressed the attack, our movements coordinated and relentless. With each blow, each strike, we chipped away at the Naga's defenses, our determination unwavering in the face of adversity.


The air crackled with energy as the battle raged on, the sound of our combat echoing through the corridors. Sweat poured down my brow, my muscles burning with exertion, but I refused to relent.


As the Naga's strength began to wane, I saw an opening—a glimmer of opportunity amidst the chaos. With a primal roar, I lunged forward, my weapon poised for the final blow.


Together, Akira and I unleashed a flurry of strikes, our movements a blur of speed and precision. With a deafening roar, the Naga collapsed to the ground, defeated at last.


As Akira and I stood amidst the wreckage, our breaths ragged and our hearts still pounding from the intense battle, a brief moment of respite enveloped us. The dim light filtering through the debris cast eerie shadows across our faces, emphasizing the gravity of what we had just endured. 


Our eyes met, a silent acknowledgment passing between us of our shared victory against the monstrous creature that had threatened our lives. There was a sense of camaraderie in that glance, a bond forged in the heat of battle that transcended words.


"Hey, we did it, Akira," I breathed out, my voice laced with relief and exhaustion. "We kicked that thing's ass."


Akira's response was measured, his gaze steady but inscrutable. "Yeah, we did," he replied, his tone lacking its usual warmth and enthusiasm.


A flicker of unease stirred within me, a sense that something wasn't quite right. Akira's demeanor seemed off, his usual joviality replaced by a steely resolve that sent a shiver down my spine.


Before I could react, Akira's expression hardened, his features twisting into a mask of determination tinged with something darker. In one swift motion, he reached for the weapon at his side, his movements betraying a sense of urgency that set my nerves on edge.


"Wait, Akira, what are you—" My words faltered as Akira lunged forward, his intent clear in the piercing intensity of his eyes. In that heart-stopping moment, amidst the wreckage of our hard-won victory, I realized with a sinking feeling that our battle was far from over—and that the greatest threat we faced might come from the last place I expected: my own comrade.

"What's wrong?" Junichiro asked, a note of concern creeping into his voice.


Akira's gaze bore into mine, his eyes like shards of ice, cutting through the haze of exhaustion that clouded my mind. The once-familiar warmth in his expression had vanished, replaced by a chilling resolve that sent a shiver down my spine. 


His voice, once filled with camaraderie and friendship, now dripped with icy detachment, each word a dagger aimed at the heart of our bond. "You don't get it, do you?" he sneered, the venom in his tone palpable. "This isn't about surviving together. It's about survival of the fittest. And right now, you're standing in my way."


The words hung in the air like a dark omen, their weight pressing down on me with suffocating intensity. Akira's transformation was as sudden as it was unnerving, a stark reminder of the thin line between trust and betrayal in the crucible of adversity.


My mind raced, grappling with the sudden shift in dynamics between us. The Akira I knew would never utter such callous words, would never abandon the bonds of friendship in pursuit of his own survival. 


But as I stared into his unyielding gaze, I realized that the person standing before me was no longer the friend I once knew. He was a stranger, consumed by the ruthless instinct to survive at any cost—a revelation that filled me with a sense of profound sorrow and disbelief.

The words hung in the air like a heavy weight, each syllable carrying the sting of betrayal. Junichiro's heart sank, his mind reeling with disbelief at Akira's sudden change of heart.


"What are you talking about?" Junichiro's voice wavered, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.


Akira's lips curled into a cruel smile, a glint of malice dancing in his eyes. "I'm talking about taking what's mine. And right now, that means getting rid of you."


Before Junichiro could react, Akira lunged forward, his movements swift and calculated. Junichiro stumbled backward, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of what was happening.


"You can't be serious," Junichiro pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice.


But Akira's resolve was unwavering, his attacks relentless as he pressed the advantage. Junichiro fought back with all his strength, his mind clouded with confusion and disbelief at the betrayal unfolding before him.

In the dimly lit classroom, amidst the debris of our recent victory, Akira and I faced off, our weapons raised and eyes locked in a chilling standoff. The air crackled with tension, heavy with the weight of unspoken animosity and betrayal.


With a primal growl, I swung my metal pipe in a wide arc, the cold steel whistling through the air with deadly intent. "You've lost your damn mind, Akira," I spat, my voice dripping with venomous disdain. "But if you think I'm going down without a fight, you've got another thing coming."


Akira's response was a chilling chuckle, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he brandished the broken desk leg like a weapon of retribution. "Oh, Junichiro," he taunted, his voice laced with icy malice. "You always were too blind to see the truth. Survival of the fittest, remember? And right now, you're looking pretty damn weak."


With a snarl of rage, I launched myself forward, my movements swift and precise as I closed the distance between us in a blur of motion. The clash of metal against wood reverberated through the corridor, each blow echoing the intensity of our bitter rivalry.


As we danced around each other in a deadly duel, the air thickened with the acrid scent of sweat and blood. My strikes were relentless, fueled by a potent mix of anger and betrayal, each blow aimed with ruthless precision.


Akira proved to be a formidable opponent, his movements calculated and agile as he parried my onslaught with skill. "Is that the best you've got, Junichiro?" he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "I expected more from someone who claims to be a survivor."


His taunts only fueled my rage, intensifying my attacks with each passing moment. With a primal roar, I lunged forward, my pipe whistling through the air like a vengeful specter.


But Akira was ready, his reflexes lightning-fast as he countered my assault with a swift and devastating strike of his own. The broken desk leg connected with bone-jarring force, sending waves of pain shooting through my body.


As I staggered backward, my vision blurred with agony, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. With a defiant roar, I summoned every last ounce of strength, my grip on the metal pipe tightening with white-knuckled determination.


In a final, desperate gambit, I launched myself forward, my pipe a deadly blur as it arced toward Akira with lethal intent. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the blow connected, the impact echoing through the corridor like a thunderclap.


For a fleeting moment, there was silence—a deafening stillness that hung in the air like a shroud. And then, as the echoes of our battle faded into the darkness, my worst fears were realized.


Akira lay motionless at my feet, his eyes vacant and unseeing, his once-vibrant spirit extinguished in the blink of an eye. The weight of what had transpired settled over me like a suffocating blanket, a crushing reminder of the brutal cost of survival in a world consumed by darkness.

As I stood there, staring down at Akira's lifeless form, a profound sense of emptiness washed over me—a hollow ache that gnawed at the very core of my being. The echoes of our battle still reverberated through the corridor, but now they seemed distant, muted against the overwhelming weight of guilt and regret that consumed me.


My hands, once steady and resolute, now trembled with the weight of what I had done. Each breath felt heavy, burdened by the crushing realization that I had taken a life—a life that, moments ago, had been filled with dreams, fears, and aspirations just like mine.


I had always prided myself on my resilience, my ability to endure even the harshest of trials. But this was different. This was a wound that cut deeper than any physical blow—a wound that pierced the very fabric of my soul and left me reeling in its wake.



For all his flaws, Akira had been more than just a rival. He had been a friend, a confidant—a constant presence in a world that seemed intent on tearing us apart. And now, he was gone—snuffed out in the blink of an eye by my own hand.


The weight of his absence settled over me like a shroud, suffocating me with its suffocating embrace. Each passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity, each heartbeat a painful reminder of the irreversible damage I had wrought.


In that moment, I realized that there would be no absolution, no redemption for what I had done. The blood on my hands would forever stain my soul, a scar that no amount of remorse could ever hope to heal.


And yet, amidst the tumult of my grief, there lingered a gnawing uncertainty—an unanswered question that echoed through the depths of my despair. What had come over Akira? What darkness had consumed him, turning him against me in such a brutal and unforgiving manner?


The thought haunted me, lingering at the edges of my consciousness like a specter in the night. Akira's betrayal was unlike anything I had ever known—a stark departure from the friend and ally I had once known him to be.


But in the end, the answers remained elusive, lost amidst the shattered remnants of our fractured friendship. And as I gazed down at Akira's lifeless form, I knew that some questions would remain unanswered—forever lost to the merciless tide of fate.