
Seize The Stars

Junichiro, a young man from the tranquil village of Evergreen, embarks on an extraordinary journey after the emergence of mysterious portals across the world. His life has been marked by tragedy, from the loss of his parents to the enigmatic disappearance of his uncle, leaving behind a legacy of sorrow and unanswered questions. As magical portals appear and individuals gain extraordinary powers known as talents, Junichiro finds himself drawn into a world of adventure and peril. Despite his past struggles and perceived shortcomings, Junichiro possesses a hidden ability called Seize, which allows him to absorb abilities and stats from defeated foes—a power that may prove invaluable in his quest for self-discovery.

_Saxum_ · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Shadows of Desolation

As I cautiously tread through the desolate streets, the weight of solitude hangs heavy upon my shoulders, palpable in every echoing footstep. The once-vibrant cityscape, once a testament to human ingenuity and aspiration, now lies in disarray before me. Buildings, once proud symbols of our collective progress, now stand as somber sentinels, their majestic exteriors weathered by time and tragedy. Their crumbling facades bear witness to the passage of ages, casting long, mournful shadows that stretch across the fractured pavement like tendrils of forgotten dreams.

The air hangs heavy with the suffocating scent of decay, a noxious reminder of the relentless grip of destruction that has befallen the once-thriving metropolis. Wisps of fog, thick and ominous, coil around the remnants of civilization like ghostly specters, their ethereal tendrils weaving through the desolation as if in a mournful dance of lamentation. Each swirling wisp carries with it echoes of bygone days, whispering tales of lost hopes and shattered promises amidst the eerie silence that envelops the ravaged cityscape.

Amidst the wreckage, monstrous silhouettes emerge like phantoms from the darkness, their twisted forms contorted into grotesque shapes that defy the very essence of nature's grace. Some resemble nightmarish amalgamations of flesh and steel, their metallic sinews glinting malevolently under the silver glow of the moon. With each sinuous movement, they prowl the desolate streets with an unsettling grace, their predatory instincts honed by the chaos that surrounds them.


As I observe these abominations from the shadows, a shiver courses down my spine, sending a tremor of fear rippling through my veins. The sight of these twisted creatures, born of nightmares and wrought from the darkest depths of imagination, fills me with a sense of dread unlike any I have ever known. How could such aberrations exist in a world that once knew beauty and order? How could the harmony of creation be so brutally violated, leaving in its wake only devastation and despair?

Others bear the visage of nightmares made flesh—twisted abominations with eyes that gleam with a malevolent intelligence, their jagged teeth glistening like shards of obsidian with insatiable hunger. Each movement they make sends ripples of dread through the very fabric of existence, their grotesque forms a testament to the depths of depravity that the world has plunged into.


As I behold these grotesque beings, I cannot help but feel a chill course through my veins, my heart hammering in my chest with a mixture of revulsion and fascination. What dark forces could have birthed such abhorrent creations? What twisted alchemy could have sculpted their monstrous forms, imbuing them with a thirst for destruction that knows no bounds?


Their presence is a blasphemy against the natural order, a mockery of life itself. And yet, in their eyes, I see something more than mere savagery—I see a glimmer of intelligence, a cunning that speaks of an ancient malice lurking within the depths of their souls. They are not mindless beasts, driven only by instinct and appetite. No, there is something far more sinister at work here, something that defies comprehension and chills the very marrow of my bones.


But even as fear threatens to consume me, a fire burns within me—a fire born of defiance and determination. I refuse to cower in the face of such malevolence. I refuse to surrender to the darkness that seeks to consume us all. For even in the heart of the abyss, there remains a flicker of light—a spark of hope that refuses to be extinguished. And it is with that spark that I shall wage my war against the shadows, for I am the harbinger of light in a world consumed by darkness.

My heart races, its rhythm a thunderous symphony of fear and adrenaline, reverberating through the desolation like a clarion call to battle. The sight of those monstrous beings sends a shiver down my spine, a primal instinct urging me to flee, to seek refuge from the horrors that lurk in the shadows. But deep within, a voice whispers, urging me to stand firm, to face my fears head-on.


With each step forward, I wrestle with the conflicting emotions raging within me—a tempest of doubt and resolve, of terror and determination. It's a battle fought not just with my feet, but with the very essence of my being, as I struggle to reconcile the urge to flee with the need to confront the darkness that threatens to consume me.


The weight of uncertainty presses down upon me like a leaden cloak, threatening to suffocate me with its suffocating embrace. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of courage flickers—a stubborn defiance that refuses to yield to the encroaching despair. It's a fragile flame, easily extinguished by the icy breath of fear, but one that refuses to be snuffed out completely.


And so, with each tentative step, I steel myself against the terror that gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, drawing strength from the flickering ember of hope that burns within. For in this desolate wasteland, where shadows reign supreme, it is not the absence of fear that defines me, but the courage to face it, to confront the darkness and emerge unscathed on the other side.

Every movement forward is a testament to the depths of my courage, a defiance against the darkness that threatens to consume me whole. With each footfall, I steel myself against the horrors that lurk in the shadows, drawing upon reserves of strength I never knew I possessed. It is a journey fraught with peril, a labyrinthine maze of terror and uncertainty that tests the very limits of my resolve.

Yet, amidst the chaos and despair, there exists a paradoxical beauty—a haunting elegance that defies the devastation surrounding it. The moon, a solitary sentinel in the purple-black sky, casts its ethereal glow upon the shattered remnants of civilization, transforming the desolation into a canvas of melancholic splendor.


The moonlight, a delicate caress against the jagged edges of broken buildings and fractured streets, weaves a tapestry of soft luminescence that illuminates the darkness with a spectral radiance. Each beam of light, like a gentle brushstroke upon a canvas, imbues the ruins with a sense of otherworldly grace, casting long, shadowy tendrils that dance and sway in the silent breeze.


It is a scene of stark contrast—a collision of beauty and decay, of light and shadow—that leaves me spellbound in its wake. For in the midst of such profound destruction, there exists a fragile majesty—a reminder that even in the depths of despair, there is still beauty to be found, still moments of transcendence amidst the wreckage of humanity's hubris.

But even amidst the relentless onslaught of desolation, there exists a silent symphony of resilience—a testament to the indomitable spirit of nature itself. Vines, like emerald serpents, slither and twine their way across the crumbling facades of once-grand edifices, their verdant tendrils reclaiming the very essence of life from the jaws of decay.


Ivy, with its delicate tendrils and lush foliage, emerges from the cracks and crevices of shattered stone, weaving intricate tapestries of greenery amidst the urban wasteland. Each leaf, a verdant testament to the enduring vitality that courses through the veins of the earth, whispers tales of resilience and renewal in the face of overwhelming adversity.


It is a scene of breathtaking juxtaposition—a collision of man-made ruin and nature's unyielding beauty—that fills my soul with awe and wonder. For in the midst of such desolation, nature's tenacity serves as a beacon of hope—a reminder that life, in all its myriad forms, refuses to be extinguished, even in the darkest of times. And as I bear witness to this silent dance of renewal, I am reminded that amidst the chaos, there exists a quiet resilience—a promise of redemption amidst the ruins.

As I press onward, each step feels like a delicate dance on the precipice of survival and oblivion, my senses heightened to the eerie symphony of the night. The oppressive weight of being watched hangs heavy in the air, like an invisible cloak draped over my shoulders, chilling me to the bone.


Eyes, glowing like embers in the depths of the darkness, follow my every move with an unnerving intensity. Unseen predators, their presence felt rather than seen, lurk just beyond the edge of my vision, their hunger emanating like a palpable aura that taints the very atmosphere with dread.


With each breath, I taste the metallic tang of fear, mingled with the acrid scent of anticipation. Every rustle of the wind, every whisper of movement in the shadows, sends a jolt of primal instinct coursing through my veins, urging me to flee from the unseen threats that lurk in the abyss.


But I stand my ground, my resolve as unyielding as the bedrock beneath my feet. Though the darkness may cloak their presence, and the night may conspire to obscure their intentions, I refuse to surrender to the gnawing tendrils of fear that threaten to consume me whole.


As I press forward, each step a delicate ballet between the realms of survival and oblivion, the very air around me seems to hum with an ominous tension. Every movement is fraught with the weight of unseen eyes, their watchful gaze piercing through the veil of darkness with an intensity that sends shivers cascading down my spine.


In the shadows, concealed from sight yet palpably present, lurk unseen predators, their hunger a tangible presence that hangs heavy in the stillness of the night. Their predatory instincts, honed by eons of evolution, dance on the edge of perception, their intentions veiled in the enigmatic cloak of the unknown.


The very atmosphere crackles with an electric charge, charged with the anticipation of imminent danger. With every breath, I inhale the heady scent of fear mingled with the intoxicating aroma of uncertainty, each inhalation a reminder of the precariousness of my existence in this desolate landscape.


As I round a corner, my eyes are drawn to a mesmerizing sight—a shadowy figure lurking amidst the murky depths of darkness. Its formidable size commands attention, casting a looming silhouette against the backdrop of desolation. Yet, it's not its sheer size that arrests my gaze, but the ethereal glow emanating from its very being.


Cloaked in an aura of deep purple luminescence, the creature seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, each undulating wave of light casting an eerie radiance upon its surroundings. Its scales, aglow with a mystical sheen, shimmer like iridescent jewels adorning the form of a mythical titan.


Its eyes, twin orbs of incandescent intensity, pierce through the veil of obscurity with an inscrutable intelligence, gleaming with a fathomless depth that hints at secrets untold. Within their depths, I sense a primal power, a force of nature unleashed—a force that defies comprehension and resonates with an ancient wisdom.


As I stand transfixed by the enigmatic presence before me, a surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, electrifying my senses with a potent mixture of awe and apprehension. For in this solitary moment, I am confronted with the realization that I stand on the threshold of the unknown, teetering on the precipice of discovery and danger.

My breath catches in my throat as I behold the majestic creature before me—a Drake, its imposing form a testament to the shadows that have enshrouded the city in their chilling embrace. Its very presence commands the attention of the night, a regal silhouette against the backdrop of chaos and ruin.


The air crackles with an electric tension as the two adversaries lock eyes, their gazes locked in a silent duel that transcends mere words. Between us, a palpable energy pulses like a bolt of lightning, arcing through the darkness with an intensity that ignites the very air around us.


In the depths of the Drake's gaze, I glimpse a primal ferocity—an untamed force of nature that brooks no opposition. Its eyes, twin beacons of incandescent fury, bore into my soul with an intensity that leaves me breathless, a silent challenge passing between us like a tempest brewing on the horizon.


In this fleeting moment, time stands still, the world around us fading into insignificance as we stand on the precipice of confrontation. The weight of destiny hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over our silent exchange as we prepare to do battle in the crucible of fate.


Even as the tension mounts and the stakes rise ever higher, there exists within me a spark of defiance—a flicker of determination that refuses to be extinguished. For in the heart of the darkness, amidst the chaos and despair, I find the strength to stand tall, ready to face whatever trials may come my way. And so, with a resolve as unyielding as the mountains themselves, I meet the Drake's gaze head-on, prepared to write my own destiny in the annals of time.

For a moment, time seems to stand still, the world around us fading into obscurity as we stand on the precipice of confrontation. In the depths of the Drake's gaze, I glimpse a primal fury, a hunger that transcends mortal understanding.


The desolate streets of the ruined city lay silent, the air thick with the stench of decay and despair. Amidst the rubble and debris, I face off against the fearsome Drake, its towering form casting a shadow over the broken pavement.


"Do you dare to believe you can best me, mortal?" the Drake's voice reverberates like thunder, each word carrying the weight of centuries of dominance, its eyes ablaze with a primal hunger that knows no bounds.


In the resonant depths of its voice, I hear echoes of ancient battles and forgotten wars, a testament to the unfathomable power that courses through its veins. The very air seems to quiver with anticipation, charged with the electric energy of impending conflict as we stand poised on the brink of destiny.


With each syllable, the Drake's challenge cuts through the silence like a blade, a declaration of supremacy that hangs heavy in the stillness of the night. Its eyes, twin orbs of molten fury, bore into my very soul, daring me to defy the inevitable, to stand against the tide of destiny and emerge victorious against all odds.


But in the face of such overwhelming power, I refuse to cower—I refuse to yield. 

My heart pounds in my chest like the relentless beat of a war drum, its rhythm echoing the tumultuous turmoil within my soul. With each resounding thud, I feel the surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, electrifying every fiber of my being with an unyielding determination.


As I square my shoulders, I feel the weight of destiny pressing down upon me like a heavy burden, the gravity of the moment casting a shadow over my resolve. My fingers tighten around the makeshift weapon clutched in my grasp—a battered stop sign now transformed into a crude blade, a symbol of defiance forged amidst the chaos.


"I'll sure as hell try," the words escape my lips like a battle cry, each syllable ringing out with a resolute clarity that defies the tremors of fear threatening to consume me. Despite the turmoil raging within, my voice remains steady, a beacon of unwavering resolve amidst the tempest of uncertainty. As if propelled by an unseen force, I lunge forward, the battered stop sign trailing behind me like a comet's tail, sending sparks cascading into the purple, ethereal sky. Each stride is a testament to the raw power of determination, a relentless surge of energy that courses through my veins, fueling my every movement with a fiery intensity.


With each step, the world blurs around me, the boundaries between reality and the surreal melting away like wax before a flame. The air crackles with an electric energy, charged with the weight of destiny as I hurtle towards the inevitable clash that awaits.


Sparks dance like celestial fireworks against the canvas of the night, casting fleeting shadows that dance and sway in the wake of my fervent charge. In that fleeting moment, I am no longer bound by the constraints of mortal limitations—I am a force of nature, unleashed upon the world with a ferocity that defies comprehension.


And as the purple hues of the sky blend with the fiery glow of my determination, I know that I am ready—ready to live.

In that fleeting moment, I am not just a mere mortal facing an ancient foe—I am a warrior, forged in the crucible of adversity, prepared to stand tall against the encroaching darkness. With every breath, I embrace the unknown, ready to confront whatever trials may come my way, armed with nothing but my courage and the indomitable strength of the human spirit.

With a deafening roar, the Drake surges forward, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. My instincts kick in, my body moving with a dancer's grace as I narrowly avoid the creature's onslaught. The sharp clang of metal against scales reverberates through the desolate streets, each clash a testament to the ferocity of our battle.

The desolate streets stretch before me, a grim stage where I confront the formidable Black Drake. Its obsidian scales shimmer with an eerie purple glow, an unsettling sight that sets my nerves on edge. The air crackles with anticipation as we lock eyes, each of us daring the other to strike first.


With a roar that pierces the silence of the night, the Black Drake charges, its claws slicing through the air with lethal precision. I meet its onslaught head-on, my movements fueled by a primal determination to survive.


The ground shakes beneath our feet as we clash, the metallic clang of our confrontation echoing through the desolation like thunder. My makeshift weapon becomes an extension of my will, each strike aimed with deadly accuracy.


But the Black Drake is relentless, its counterattacks fierce and unyielding. The stench of blood and burning flesh fills the air, a grim reminder of the brutality of our struggle.


"You think you can best me, human?" the Black Drake's voice booms like thunder, its eyes burning with a hunger for destruction. "You are nothing but an insect beneath my claws."


I snarl in defiance, my own eyes blazing with determination. "I may be small, but I fight with the fury of a demon," I retort, my voice dripping with venom. "And I won't let a nightmare like you defeat me."


With each passing moment, our battle intensifies, the violence escalating to a crescendo of chaos and despair. Blood stains the pavement, a grim testament to the ferocity of our clash.


But despite the odds stacked against me, I refuse to falter. In the heart of the storm, amidst the carnage and the agony, I find a reserve of strength that defies explanation.


For in this moment, I am more than just a mere human facing a dragon—I am a warrior, forged in the crucible of adversity, ready to defy the darkness with every ounce of my being. And as the night wears on, I steel myself for the ultimate test of willpower, determined to emerge victorious against all odds.


With a primal fury igniting my very being, I hurl myself into the heart of the chaos, the battered stop sign cleaving through the air with the deadly grace of a seasoned warrior. Each swing is a symphony of determination, each strike a testament to the relentless fire burning within me.


The Drake recoils, its formidable form faltering under the relentless assault, its obsidian scales now marred with the crimson stain of its own blood. With every blow, I feel the surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, driving me forward with an unstoppable momentum.


The clash of metal against scale reverberates through the desolate streets, a cacophony of defiance that echoes into the night. My movements are fluid, calculated, each strike aimed with surgical precision as I carve a path through the darkness.


The air crackles with the intensity of our confrontation, charged with the raw energy of two adversaries locked in a battle for supremacy. The Drake's roar reverberates through the chaos, a primal cry of defiance that spurs me onward, fueling the flames of my determination.


As I press the attack, I can see the glimmer of uncertainty flickering in the Drake's eyes, a testament to the ferocity of my onslaught. Its once-imposing presence now wavers, its invincibility crumbling beneath the weight of my relentless assault.


But even as victory seems within reach, I know that the battle is far from over. With every ounce of strength that remains, I push forward, my resolve unyielding, my spirit unbroken.


For in the heart of the storm, amidst the chaos and the carnage, I am more than just a warrior—I am a force of nature, an unstoppable tide that will not be swayed. And as the night wears on, I continue to fight, driven by the unwavering belief that even in the darkest of nights, light will always prevail.

"You fight with the ferocity of a cornered animal," the Drake sneers, its voice dripping with disdain, each word a venomous barb aimed at my resolve. Its eyes gleam with a malevolent intelligence, a cruel mockery of my efforts to defy its dominance.


But I refuse to falter in the face of its taunts, my spirit unyielding, my determination unwavering. "Maybe so," I retort, my voice cutting through the darkness with a steely edge. "But even a cornered animal will fight tooth and nail for its freedom."


The air crackles with tension as our gazes lock in a silent battle of wills, the weight of destiny hanging heavy in the balance. In the depths of the Drake's gaze, I glimpse a primal fury—an unbridled rage that threatens to consume us both.


I grit my teeth against the searing pain, my muscles ablaze with exertion as I stand my ground against the relentless assault of the creature before me. Each blow reverberates through my very being, a testament to the ferocity of our struggle.


"I won't back down," I growl through clenched teeth, my voice a defiant roar that cuts through the chaos like a clarion call. The words hang in the air, charged with the raw intensity of my determination, a vow etched in steel.


With every fiber of my being, I refuse to yield to the darkness that threatens to consume me. The flames of defiance burn bright within my soul, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows.


For I know that to retreat now would be to surrender to despair, to forsake the very essence of my being. And so, with every ounce of strength that remains, I push myself forward.

Just as the sweet taste of victory dances tantalizingly within my grasp, the Drake unleashes a ferocious counterattack, its claws slashing through the air with a swiftness that defies comprehension. Time seems to slow as I watch the deadly arc of its talons, a chilling reminder of the peril that lurks in the shadows.


The impact is like a thunderbolt, sending shockwaves rippling through my body as I stagger backward, the force of the blow threatening to shatter my resolve. My breath escapes me in ragged gasps, each inhalation a desperate struggle against the suffocating grip of pain.


I fight to regain my footing, my muscles screaming in protest as I push myself to rise once more. The ground beneath me feels unsteady, a shifting foundation beneath the weight of my determination.


But even as I falter, even as the darkness threatens to consume me, I refuse to surrender to despair. With every ounce of strength that remains, I cling to the flickering flame of hope that burns bright within my heart.


For I know that true victory lies not in the absence of struggle, but in the unyielding spirit of resilience that refuses to be extinguished. And so, with grim determination etched upon my face, I steel myself. 

With a surge of adrenaline igniting my senses like a wildfire, I propel myself toward the creature once more, the battered stop sign gripped tightly in my trembling hands, raised high like a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness. Each heartbeat echoes in my ears, a primal drumbeat urging me onward in the face of impending peril.


But just as I prepare to unleash the full force of my fury, the Drake, sensing the shifting tides of battle, resorts to a desperate gambit. With a malevolent snarl, it summons forth a swirling vortex of darkness, a yawning maw that threatens to consume us both in its merciless embrace.


The air crackles with unrestrained energy as the portal expands, its ominous tendrils reaching out like the gnarled fingers of some ancient, malevolent deity. Shadows dance and twist within its depths, whispering secrets of untold horrors that lurk just beyond the veil.


For a fleeting moment, time seems to stand still, the world around us fading into oblivion as we teeter on the brink of oblivion. My pulse quickens, my breath hitching in my throat as I stare into the abyss, the abyss staring back with an insatiable hunger that sends shivers down my spine.


But even in the face of such overwhelming darkness, I refuse to yield. With a primal roar that echoes through the chaos, I steel myself against the encroaching void, my resolve a beacon of defiance amidst the encroaching shadows.


For I know that true courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to stand firm in its wake. And so, with every fiber of my being, I brace myself against the storm, ready to confront whatever horrors may lie beyond the threshold of the unknown.

As I brace myself for the unknown, the world around us twists and distorts, the sound of our battle fading into the abyss. And amidst the chaos and the carnage, my spirit remains unbroken.