
Seize The Stars

Junichiro, a young man from the tranquil village of Evergreen, embarks on an extraordinary journey after the emergence of mysterious portals across the world. His life has been marked by tragedy, from the loss of his parents to the enigmatic disappearance of his uncle, leaving behind a legacy of sorrow and unanswered questions. As magical portals appear and individuals gain extraordinary powers known as talents, Junichiro finds himself drawn into a world of adventure and peril. Despite his past struggles and perceived shortcomings, Junichiro possesses a hidden ability called Seize, which allows him to absorb abilities and stats from defeated foes—a power that may prove invaluable in his quest for self-discovery.

_Saxum_ · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Beginning of the End

The school day kicked off like any other, the halls alive with the usual banter and the rhythmic thud of feet on linoleum. Me, burdened by the crap life had thrown my way, strolled through the corridors with a swagger, my heart weighed down by a mix of anger and despair.


As I moved, the voices around me morphed into background noise, a meaningless drone against the chaos of my own thoughts. The weight of my grief felt like a ton of bricks, pressing down on me, suffocating me with its heaviness.


"This is complete bull," I muttered to myself, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "How am I supposed to deal with all this crap?"


With every step, the burden grew heavier, dragging at my spirit like an anchor. I longed for an escape, a reprieve from the suffocating grip of my emotions, but it was nowhere to be found—just another punch in the gut from life.


Yet, buried beneath the layers of angst and frustration, there flickered a spark of rebellion—a stubborn refusal to be beaten down. Despite the chaos raging inside me, I clung to the faint hope that somewhere, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of defiance still burned—a testament to my spirit in the face of life's relentless beatdowns.

As the day dragged on, a gritty sense of unease settled over the school like a thick smog, coating the once-familiar hallways with an ominous aura. My punk senses tingled with a primal instinct, a warning whisper that set my rebellious spirit ablaze and sent spikes of adrenaline coursing through my veins.


The air crackled with tension, each corner hiding secrets and every murmur carrying an edge of danger. It felt like the school itself was holding its breath, bracing for the chaos about to erupt.


Navigating the corridors felt like wading through a murky sea of uncertainty, every step a defiant challenge to the oppressive atmosphere. The usual cacophony of voices had been replaced by a heavy silence, broken only by the low rumble of discontent simmering beneath the surface.


With each passing moment, the feeling of unease intensified, fueling the fire of rebellion burning within me. It was as if the school was on the brink of a revolution, and I was poised at the forefront, ready to ignite the spark that would set it ablaze.

And then, as if on cue with the chaotic rhythm of the day, the lights flickered and died, casting the school into a brooding darkness. A collective gasp echoed through the air, a symphony of confusion and fear that swept through the cavernous expanse of the building like a tempest.


In the pitch-black void, shadows danced like specters, taunting us with their eerie movements. The once-familiar hallways transformed into a labyrinth of uncertainty, each step fraught with trepidation and the unknown.


For a moment, time seemed to stand still, suspended in the darkness like a forgotten memory. The air crackled with anticipation, every breath heavy with the weight of the unknown.


But amidst the chaos, my spirit surged with a defiant energy, a beacon of resilience in the face of adversity. In the darkness, I found a flicker of liberation—a chance to rebel against the confines of the ordinary and embrace the unpredictable dance of the unknown.

The sky outside rippled with an ethereal purple glow, suffusing the world with an otherworldly luminescence that seemed to defy explanation. Portals, like gaping wounds in the fabric of reality, materialized out of thin air, twisting and undulating with an eerie grace that sent shivers down my spine. Their ominous presence loomed over the city like a specter of doom, casting a suffocating shadow of dread over the once-familiar streets.


In the surreal light of the pulsating sky, the world seemed to blur at the edges, reality bending and warping with each passing moment. It was as if the very fabric of existence was unraveling before my eyes, revealing hidden depths and unfathomable mysteries.


As I gazed upon the swirling vortexes, a sense of foreboding gripped me, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end with an instinctual dread. Whatever lay beyond those twisted portals, I knew it spelled danger—a threat that loomed larger with each passing heartbeat.


Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a glimmer of defiance stirred within me—a stubborn refusal to cower in the face of the unknown. With gritted teeth and steely resolve, I braced myself for the trials that lay ahead, steeling my nerves for the inevitable confrontation with forces beyond my comprehension.


In the chaos that ensued, my heart hammered in my chest like a relentless drumbeat of terror, each thud echoing the upheaval that had engulfed the world. In the blink of an eye, everything I had known had been upended, reality shattered into a kaleidoscope of fractured fragments by forces far beyond my comprehension.


As the world spiraled into madness around me, I struggled to make sense of the incomprehensible, grappling with the vertigo-inducing realization that everything I had taken for granted was now hanging by a thread. The very fabric of existence seemed to ripple and warp with each passing moment, a disorienting dance of chaos and confusion that threatened to swallow me whole.


In the face of such overwhelming uncertainty, fear gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, its icy tendrils coiling around my mind like a suffocating embrace. Every instinct screamed at me to flee, to retreat to the safety of the familiar, but I knew deep down that there was no escaping the maelstrom that had descended upon us.


With trembling hands and a racing pulse, I braced myself for, steeling my resolve against the relentless onslaught of the unknown. For in this shattered world, there was no room for hesitation, no luxury of surrender. Only by facing the chaos head-on could I hope to emerge unscathed from the crucible of uncertainty that awaited.

Amidst the pandemonium, I found myself swept up in a tumultuous tide of humanity—students and teachers alike scrambling for safety amidst the suffocating darkness that threatened to engulf us all. Fear hung heavy in the air, a palpable presence that seemed to constrict my lungs with every breath, suffusing the atmosphere with an oppressive sense of dread.


In the frenzied chaos, the boundaries between friend and stranger blurred, faces contorted with terror as we navigated the labyrinthine corridors in search of refuge. Each step forward felt like a desperate bid for survival, the urgent rhythm of our footsteps punctuating the cacophony of panicked voices that echoed off the walls.


As I fought to maintain my composure amidst the tumult, a primal instinct urged me onward, driving me forward through the darkness in search of sanctuary. With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty bore down upon me like a crushing weight, threatening to overwhelm my senses with its relentless intensity.


Yet amidst the chaos, a flicker of determination burned bright within me—a defiant spark of resilience that refused to be extinguished by the encroaching shadows. With every fiber of my being, I vowed to press onward, to defy the darkness and emerge unscathed from the crucible of chaos that surrounded me.

"Junichiro!" The voice pierced through the cacophony of chaos, a beacon of hope slicing through the suffocating darkness and drawing my attention to a group of students huddled together in the dim light. Among them stood Akira, his countenance etched with fear yet infused with a steely determination that mirrored my own inner resolve.


As our eyes met across the chasm of uncertainty, a surge of solidarity coursed through me—a silent acknowledgment of the bond that united us in the face of adversity. In that fleeting moment, amidst the turmoil and tumult, I found solace in the presence of my friend, a steadfast companion amidst the chaos that threatened to consume us whole.

"We need to stick together," Akira urged, his voice quivering with uncertainty yet laced with a resolute determination that resonated within the dimly lit corridor. "There's safety in numbers. We have to find a way out of here."


His words, though tinged with fear, held an undeniable truth—a rallying cry amidst the chaos that surrounded us. With every fiber of my being, I nodded in agreement, a silent pledge to stand united against the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf us. In that moment, solidarity became our shield, our shared resolve a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty.

I nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility settle heavily upon my shoulders like a leaden mantle. Amidst the chaos that engulfed us, I found solace in the unspoken camaraderie of my peers—a silent pact forged in the crucible of adversity, a shared determination to defy the darkness that threatened to consume us all.


As we pressed forward, navigating the shadowy corridors with a mix of trepidation and defiance, I couldn't help but let out a snide remark.


"Looks like we've stumbled into the set of a B-grade horror flick," I quipped inwardly, my voice dripping with sarcasm even in my thoughts. "Anyone got the popcorn?"


My attempt at humor felt feeble, but I needed to break the tension, to remind myself and others that we were still alive, still fighting.


Despite the bravado, a knot of fear twisted in my gut, a nagging voice of doubt that whispered of the perils lurking in the darkness. But I shoved it aside, drowning it out with the adrenaline coursing through my veins—a primal instinct urging me to fight, to survive, no matter the odds. In the face of the unknown, in the midst of the darkness that threatened to swallow us whole, I refused to cower—I would go down swinging, defiant to the end.

As we encountered each new threat, a surge of fear threatened to overwhelm me, its icy grip tightening around my heart like a vice. Every instinct screamed at me to run, to escape the horrors unfolding around us, to seek refuge in the unknown depths of the school.


But amidst the chaos, amidst the looming shadows that threatened to swallow us whole, a spark of defiance ignited within me—a stubborn refusal to yield to the darkness closing in. It was a flame fueled by the flickering embers of courage, a determination to stand firm in the face of fear, to confront the horrors head-on.


With each step forward, with each breath drawn in defiance, I pushed back against the suffocating grip of terror, clinging to the faint glimmer of hope that dared to shine amidst the encroaching darkness. For in that moment, amidst the swirling chaos and the palpable dread, I knew that to falter was to surrender—to surrender was to abandon all hope of emerging unscathed from the depths of the unknown.

Junichiro's heart pounded in his chest like a war drum, the rhythm of fear echoing through his veins as chaos reigned supreme. The scene unfolded before him with a cruel clarity, each detail etched into his memory like a scar upon his soul. Ayumi, once a bastion of strength in their tumultuous journey, now stood at the mercy of malevolent forces, her spirit eclipsed by the encroaching shadows.


The Naga, a sinister specter of doom, slithered forth with predatory grace, its serpentine form weaving a dance of death in the suffocating corridors of despair. Junichiro's breath caught in his throat as he bore witness to Ayumi's plight, her anguished cries lost amidst the cacophony of terror that enveloped them all.


Desperation hung heavy in the air, a palpable presence that suffused every fiber of Junichiro's being. His comrades' voices rose in a chorus of anguish, each plea for salvation a stark reminder of their shared vulnerability in the face of impending doom.


But amidst the turmoil, a fire blazed within Junichiro—a defiant spark amidst the encroaching darkness. With trembling resolve, he stepped forward, his voice a beacon of defiance against the relentless march of despair. "We cannot falter," he declared, his words a rallying cry against the nightmarish tide that threatened to engulf them all. "For Ayumi. For ourselves. We must fight."


Yet, Junichiro's cry was met with a chilling silence—a void that echoed with the weight of unspoken sorrow and unyielding despair. His world shattered around him, a fractured reflection of the life he once knew, as he grappled with the cruel whims of fate that had robbed him of everything he held dear.


"I have nothing left," Junichiro's voice trembled with the weight of his grief, each word a testament to the depth of his despair. "But still, I refuse to surrender. There must be a glimmer of hope amidst this darkness—a shard of light to guide us through the abyss."


Junichiro: "Damn it all!" His voice sliced through the chaos like a knife, raw with emotion and laced with bitterness. "Ayumi, we can't lose her too. Not like this."


Ayumi's screams pierced the air, a haunting melody of despair that clawed at Junichiro's heart. He clenched his fists, his knuckles white with the strain of his helplessness, as he watched her struggle against the encroaching darkness.


A classmate's voice cut through the turmoil, his words a desperate plea for action in the face of overwhelming odds. "We can't just stand here! We have to do something!"


Junichiro's gaze hardened, his resolve steeling against the tide of despair. "You're damn right we do," he growled, his voice a low rumble of determination. "We're not leaving her behind. Not now, not ever."


But as his words echoed into the abyss, Junichiro's heart sank with the weight of his own doubt. What hope remained in a world consumed by darkness? And yet, in the depths of his despair, a flicker of defiance burned—a stubborn refusal to surrender to the night.

And then, in a moment of profound revelation, it happened—a surge of power coursing through my veins, an otherworldly energy that pulsed with raw potential. It was as if the very fabric of reality had shifted, bending to my will with newfound purpose.


The sensation was electrifying, each pulse of energy sending shivers down my spine. It was as though the universe itself had chosen me, granting a glimpse into the mysteries that lay beyond mortal comprehension.


"Seize," the word resonated in my mind like a thunderclap, reverberating through the depths of my soul. It was both a command and a calling, a directive to grasp hold of the forces that lay dormant within me and unleash their full potential.


With trembling hands and a heart heavy with uncertainty, I embraced my newfound abilities, a weapon forged in the crucible of my despair. Each breath felt charged with possibility, each heartbeat a testament to the boundless potential that now flowed through my veins.


As I stood amidst the chaos, a sense of purpose washed over me like a tidal wave, carrying me forward on a journey fraught with peril and possibility. For in that moment, I knew that I had been chosen for something greater than myself—a destiny written in the stars and bound by the threads of fate.

With newfound resolve pulsating through my veins, I surged forward, a beacon of determination amidst the engulfing darkness. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, every fiber of my being alight with a purpose that transcended mortal understanding.



My heartbeat thundered in my ears, a primal rhythm driving me onward as I raced towards Ayumi, my stalwart companion now ensnared by the tendrils of despair. Each step echoed with the weight of my resolve, a symphony of determination in the face of insurmountable odds.

"Ayumi! Hold on!" my voice cut through the tumult, a desperate plea echoing in the suffocating darkness.

Ayumi's cries, once a beacon of resilience, now faded into the abyss, swallowed by the relentless onslaught of despair. My outstretched hand reached for her, fingers clawing at the void that threatened to consume them all.

But fate, capricious and cruel, intervened with a merciless hand. Ayumi's cries, once a rallying call against the encroaching shadows, dissolved into an agonizing lament, swallowed whole by the abyss that threatened to engulf us all. My outstretched hand grasped at emptiness, my fingers closing around naught but the lingering tendrils of despair.

"No! Ayumi!" My voice cracked with anguish, a symphony of grief and fury that reverberated through the shattered corridors of their reality.


A primal scream tore through the veil of silence, a visceral expression of grief and fury that echoed through the corridors of our shattered reality. My voice, raw with anguish, reverberated with a ferocity born of unyielding determination.


In that crucible of emotion, my sorrow ignited into an inferno of righteous anger. My eyes, twin beacons of defiance, locked onto the looming figure of the Naga, a sinister specter that embodied the very essence of our torment.


With a feral snarl, I seized a nearby pencil, its unassuming form now a harbinger of vengeance in my hands. My grip tightened, knuckles white with the strain of my resolve, as I faced the creature with an unwavering gaze.


The air crackled with anticipation as I lunged forward, the pencil a shimmering blur of steel against the backdrop of darkness. Time slowed to a crawl, each heartbeat a thunderous drumbeat in the symphony of chaos that surrounded us.

"You won't get away with this!" my voice trembled with rage, each word dripping with venom as I faced the creature with unwavering resolve. My voice, raw and filled with defiance, echoed through the void, cutting through the oppressive silence like a knife through butter. Each word was a weapon, aimed straight at the heart of the Naga and its reign of terror.


The pencil became an extension of my fury, a tool of retribution wielded with unerring precision. With each strike, I carved defiance into the very essence of our torment, refusing to be silenced by the darkness that threatened to consume us all.


The Naga's howls of agony were music to my ears, a symphony of suffering that fueled my determination. "You like that, huh? Well, you're gonna get a whole lot more!" I taunted, my spirit dripping with disdain for the creature that dared to challenge me.


As the beast thrashed and clawed, I danced through the shadows with the grace of a seasoned warrior, fueled by adrenaline and the burning desire for vengeance. My movements were a blur, a testament to the raw power coursing through my veins.


The dim light from the ruptured sky outside cast an eerie glow upon the Naga's scales, but it only served to highlight its impending demise. "You're nothing but a washed-up nightmare!" I spat, my words dripping with contempt as I continued my relentless assault.


With each convulsion, the Naga's defeat drew nearer, its once formidable presence reduced to nothing more than a writhing mass of pain. But I showed no mercy, not until justice was served and Ayumi's memory avenged.


The air crackled with energy, a tangible reminder of the intensity of our struggle. In that dimly lit corridor, amidst the chaos and despair, I stood tall as a beacon of defiance, my every movement a testament to the unbreakable spirit of rebellion.

In that fleeting moment, amidst the wreckage of despair, I stood as a titan of defiance, my soul ablaze with the fire of vengeance.