
Return of the Ghost Ship

King Zohran was interested in his business.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!"

Mr. Baspati was helpless. But he hoped the king would not punish him for this crime.

Mr. Baspati did not think that his king was lonely.

The Almond King is angry. He wanted to get satisfaction for his anger!

The satisfaction of his anger is a woman.

While King Almond got drunk with the women on the secret island of Lord Baspati,

General Robson took several important actions for his family.

General Robson's palace, _

The Dragon Bay Noble Family was just an ordinary family.

Madame Rubina could not give them the luxury, like when they were rulers in the bay of the dragon.

After all, the Glamstar kingdom is having a problem with the source of electrical energy. All citizens are required to save electricity. Using that power source for the most important purposes, especially at night. The entire city is poorly lit.