
Seeking Solace in Chaos

Reyanna stepped into the grand courtyard of the castle, greeted by a vibrant crowd that filled the dirt floor. Pages scurried about, attending to the guests and weary newcomers who, exhausted from their long and difficult journey, anxiously awaited assistance. In the midst of the bustling chaos, Reyanna quietly navigated her way, yearning for a moment of tranquility in a secluded corner of the courtyard. Oblivious to her arrival, the pages carried on, failing to acknowledge her presence. Zorion, her lone guard, dismounted from his horse and started unloading their humble belongings.

Dreamylixa99 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 7

"Are you alright ?"

Reyann got a better look at the person it was. It was Caspian. He stood tall and statuesque, with a lithe and slender frame that exuded both strength and agility. His complexion was fair, resembling porcelain, and seemed to radiate a soft, natural glow.

The poor boy pulled himself together

"I'm.... sorry.... I didn't see you coming. My bearded dragon is unruly this morning, and I'm having trouble controlling him... I apologize. "

A small bearded dragon measuring about 18 inches in length from snout to tail tip sat at his masters feet.

A small bearded dragon measuring about 18 inches in length from snout to tail tip sat at his masters feet.

"Don't worry, you didn't hurt me! I'm fine and glad to see you that you are as well"

"Are you heading to the common room for breakfast?"

"Yes, I'm starving, and this room is so far from my suite."

"Ooooo... you're at the very end of the palace. " Caspian gave her a sorry look.

"At least it gives me my daily exercise."

"Are you here to represent your father?"

"I'm representing my father's interests at this ceremony as a formality since I have no stake in this lavish ceremony. As I suppose you do?"

"You guessed right," the angel replied cheerfully.

"It's rare to see angels at the ceremonies here,"

"I can't imagine this putting his pride aside to invite an angel to his daughters enthroment party."

"That's why im at the far end of the furthest wing. To spare the emperor's pride."

As Reyanna and Caspian continued their conversation, they made their way to the dining room. The room was grand and filled with the aroma of delicious food. They found an empty table and settled down, ready to indulge in a hearty breakfast.

Quickly taking some food,they ate away on the balcony overlooking the garden, leaving the sumptuous hall to the prestigious guests all dressed up and ready to seduce the central element of this masquerade.Princess Seraphina "If was a pleasure to have breakfast with you" "A shared pleasure " "If you must excuse me, I'll have to make a quick trip to the palace pet center. Drakon is not registered yet. Demons are very strict about this kind of thing. " Reyanna looked at the bearded dragon, who had finally calmed down. Reyan watched as he made his way to the wing where the palace management office was.

The angel was about to find Zorion, who was in a room reserved for guards, when she came across a group of people gathered around a person walking serenely in their midst. Anxious not to get caught up in this hypocritical mess, Reyanna moved forward, skimming the walls, hoping to go unnoticed and become invisible. As the group passed her, she couldn't help but steal a glance in their direction.

To her surprise, she saw Bellatrix at the center of the group, the object of their excitement. Reyanna's eyes met Bellatrix's, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. She was captivated by the radiant beauty of the demon, her features illuminated by an otherworldly glow.

Once the group had passed, the angel took a deep breath and released the tension that had built up inside her. She looked up, readjusting her focus, and continued on her way to the guard room. As she walked, her thoughts kept drifting back to Bellatrix, who had appeared more resplendent than ever, surrounded by courtiers who seemed enamored by her presence.

Coming out of her thoughts, Reyanna became aware of the reproving looks directed at her by the guests as she walked through the corridors of the palace. It was not unusual for her to be met with such disdain due to her demon heritage, but this time, she sensed that there was something more to it.

Curiosity piqued, Reyanna tried to decipher the cause of these disapproving glances. Was it her presence alone that disturbed them, or was there something specific that had triggered their disapproval? She couldn't help but wonder if there was a connection to the encounter she had witnessed earlier with Bellatrix and the group of courtiers.

Reyanna caught up to Zorion, her trusted companion and fellow guard, eager to share her recent experiences and gather any valuable information he might have. "Zorion!" she called out, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and urgency. Zorion turned towards her, his expression displaying a blend of concern and curiosity. "Have you eaten well? Have you been to Meica?"Yes, I went before breakfast," she replied.

Zorion was a professional at controlling his behavior and facial expressions. That's why he was chosen for this mission. They quickly returned to their room. The princess wanted to make a quick review before starting the investigation.

"I have seen no other angel then you here," Zorion began. "It seems the slaves have been transferred to a place outside the castle."

Zorion's words resonated with Reyanna as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. The fact that there were no other angels present in the palace confirmed their worst fears. The captive angels had likely been moved to a different location, away from the prying eyes of the guests and authorities.

Reyanna nodded, her expression resolute. "You're right, Zorion. The angel trade is widely condemned, and they would want to maintain an impeccable façade during the ceremony. We can not let their deceit go unnoticed."

Reyanna couldn't shake off the weight of the task ahead. The enormity of the situation seemed overwhelming, and doubts started to creep into her mind. The castle was vast, filled with hidden corridors and guarded secrets. How could they possibly uncover the truth.

The progress earned by the sweat of slaves brows and façade of equality that only benefits those who can afford it. "The palace is huge.... i doubt the demons could move all of the slaves surely there are some still living in the basement until the ceremony KS over"

Reyanna's words hung in the air, emphasizing the stark reality of the situation. The grandeur of the palace masked the dark underbelly of inequality and exploitation. The superficial display of equality during the ceremony concealed the harsh truth that only those with power and privilege truly benefited.