
Seeking Solace in Chaos

Reyanna stepped into the grand courtyard of the castle, greeted by a vibrant crowd that filled the dirt floor. Pages scurried about, attending to the guests and weary newcomers who, exhausted from their long and difficult journey, anxiously awaited assistance. In the midst of the bustling chaos, Reyanna quietly navigated her way, yearning for a moment of tranquility in a secluded corner of the courtyard. Oblivious to her arrival, the pages carried on, failing to acknowledge her presence. Zorion, her lone guard, dismounted from his horse and started unloading their humble belongings.

Dreamylixa99 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 5

"I must express my heartfelt gratitude to you," said the demon , her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I hold a deep fondness for these Luminescent Spires, and it pained me to see them wither away day by day."

Reyanna was taken aback by the demon's gratitude, her confusion evident on her face. "Oh... I... it's nothing," she stammered, trying to make sense of the situation. "I apologize if I took the liberty of treating them without permission."

The demon's face lit up with a magnificent smile, casting a warm glow that made the princess's cheeks blush faintly.

"You are the owner of this magnificent garden?" Reyanna inquired, her curiosity piqued.

The demon's eyes twinkled with amusement as she responded, "Well, not exactly the owner, but a dear friend has entrusted me with the responsibility of its care and preservation."

"Oh.. you're not from the castle, then ?"

"Mmm.... I'm a permanent visitor, so to speak, "

"Ah... I see. "

"And you are here for the coordination ceremony?"

"Yes,I've come her for the ceremony, just like everyone else."

"Well, lady, Hawthorne, you may call me Bellatrix," she said in a soft tone.

"Oh, that's an unusual name,"

"My father was very fond of angels. He was very close with the culture. That's why he gave me the name, as a tribute to the culture. "

Reyanna listened attentively to Bellatrix's explanation, intrigued by the mention of her father's admiration for angelic culture. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of suspicion, but she quickly composed herself, not wanting to display any doubt or impoliteness.

"Your father must have really appreciated our culture to do such a thing..." Seeing how her interlocutor stubbornly looked away, Bellatrix turned to reappear in her field of vision. "Yes, he passed that admiration on to me " " You like plants, I take it? This garden is beautiful " Reyanna changed the subject. "Thank you, i do my best to maintain it " "You must be close to the imperial family to have a piece land this close to the castle" The demon smiled. "You could say they owe me one, which is why I have the right to my own private garden"

"What did you do to the Luminescent Spires, that wasn't normal energy use " Reyanna's blood ran cold. She was dreading this question. Dreading this question because it was dangerous. " its just curiosity, don't feel obligated to answer if it makes you uncomfortable "

"It's... difficult to explain," Reyanna replied cautiously, choosing her words carefully. "I have a deep connection with plants, you see. Sometimes, when they are in need, I can channel a special energy to heal and revitalize them."

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed, a mix of curiosity and suspicion flickering in her gaze.

"Special energy?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "That sounds intriguing. I've never witnessed such abilities before."

"It's a rare gift, passed down through generations in my family," Reyanna explained, attempting to sound nonchalant. "But it's nothing extraordinary, really. Just a natural affinity I have with plants."

The angel was startled by Bellatrix's sudden close proximity, her face appearing directly in her field of vision. Reyanna could feel her heart race as she met Bellatrix's gaze. There was an intensity in her eyes that made Reyanna's cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Realizing the situation, Reyanna quickly averted her gaze, feeling a mix of surprise and shyness.

"Sorry... I was admiring the flowers," Reyanna lied, her voice lacking conviction as she attempted to brush off the earlier awkwardness.

Bellatrix's smile only widened, and Reyanna couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush even more. It was perplexing to see Bellatrix's good humor in response to her feeble excuse. The continued smile on the demon's face seemed almost mischievous, as if she found amusement in Reyanna's embarrassment.

Unable to comprehend Bellatrix's reaction, Reyanna's confusion deepened, and she shifted uncomfortably under the demon's benevolent gaze.

"I must unfortunately leave you, but we'll meet again for dinner, won't we?" Bellatrix said, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. She stopped in front of a small black door, indicating the end of their conversation for now.

Reyanna's gaze flickered towards the door, feeling a pang of regret. "Oh... I don't think I'll be joining the welcome banquet," she replied, her tone laced with a tinge of shame for declining the invitation. She couldn't help but feel conflicted, torn between her mission and the unexpected connection she felt with Bellatrix.

Bellatrix's smile remained, unwavering in its warmth. "That is perfectly alright, my lady," she assured Reyanna. "Feel free to explore the garden at your leisure. You have my permission, and I'll even inform the guards to ensure you are not disturbed."

Reyanna's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected offer. The gesture touched her, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Bellatrix. It was a rare opportunity to roam freely in the enchanting garden, to immerse herself in its beauty and perhaps find solace within its embrace.

"Thank you, Bellatrix," Reyanna replied, her voice sincere. "I appreciate your kindness."

Bellatrix inclined her head gracefully, a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes. "It is my pleasure, my lady. Enjoy your time in the garden, and I shall eagerly await our next meeting."

With that, Bellatrix turned and disappeared through the small black door, leaving Reyanna to her thoughts and the allure of the captivating garden. "Her smile was the most dangerous weapon of all," Reyanna thought to herself as she stepped into the garden. It was a captivating sight, with its vibrant blooms and intricate pathways. But behind the beauty, Reyanna couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to Bellatrix than met the eye.

Bellatrix's smile had an enigmatic charm, one that concealed a depth of knowledge and secrets. Reyanna had encountered many adversaries in her line of work, but there was something different about Bellatrix. It wasn't just her connection to the Luminescent Spires or her closeness to the imperial family. There was a subtle power in her presence, a presence that demanded attention and respect.