
Seeking Solace in Chaos

Reyanna stepped into the grand courtyard of the castle, greeted by a vibrant crowd that filled the dirt floor. Pages scurried about, attending to the guests and weary newcomers who, exhausted from their long and difficult journey, anxiously awaited assistance. In the midst of the bustling chaos, Reyanna quietly navigated her way, yearning for a moment of tranquility in a secluded corner of the courtyard. Oblivious to her arrival, the pages carried on, failing to acknowledge her presence. Zorion, her lone guard, dismounted from his horse and started unloading their humble belongings.

Dreamylixa99 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

"I apologize, Bellatrix," Reyanna replied, her voice tinged with self-consciousness. "Surely you don't want to hear that with all these people already around you."

Bellatrix paused, her gaze steady and thoughtful. "There is nothing wrong with admiring somebody's beauty," she said softly. "In fact, it can be quite a refreshing change from the superficiality that often surrounds us."

Reyanna's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she considered Bellatrix's words. "Aren't you exhausted from being around people who are only interested in you for superficial reasons?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine curiosity.

"At least you are honest with your consideration towards me . Besides, I know you're not talking to me because  you think im beautiful and want to curry my "

"What if I did ?"

"You are far too honest and direct to act this way,"

The demon laughed. This time, she took the angels hand and gently placed her lips on it .

"These last few days spent jn your company has taught me at least that much about you....  Besides, you are way too adorable for me to find your company unpleasant. "

This time, Reyanna was unable to keep her brain functioning. Bellatrix's soft touch on Reyanna's hand sent a wave of warmth and electricity through her entire being. Her heart raced as she felt the gentle brush of the demon's lips against her skin. Reyanna's mind struggled to process the whirlwind of emotions that surged within her.

"So your bi ?" Asked Bellatrix

" Ummmm.... no, just lesbian " The angel struggled to say gradually as she back to reality.

"I thought all angels were bi?"

"Not all of us," replied Reyanna, who was struggling to regain her composure.

"Most of us are, but there are a few exceptions.  I'm one of them. "

Bellatrix nodded, understanding Reyanna's explanation. "I apologize if I made assumptions," she said sincerely. "To tell you the truth, I'm pleasantly surprised you know so much about angels." The demon seemed lost in thought as she gazed thoughtfully at the angel.

"My father was close to an angel  he fought with during the Ethereal war,"  explained Bellatrix. " He kept i  contact with him, I remember our trips to Celestial Nexus. He wanted me to be the representative of the generation of  demons who would be close to the angels and see them as allies instead of hereditary enemies. "

She bowed her head and was smiling sadly .

Reyanna listened attentively to Bellatrix's words, sensing the depth of emotion behind her story. She could understand the significance of her father's intentions and the weight of her role as a bridge between the demon and angelic realms.

"It's truly remarkable that your father had such a vision for the future," Reyanna replied softly. "To see beyond the animosity and seek unity instead. It's a noble endeavor, and I commend him for it."

Bellatrix's internal struggle was evident in her expression as she fought against her instincts. The temptation to embrace Reyanna and give in to the overwhelming connection between them was almost overpowering. She realized that the feelings she had developed for the angel were growing stronger by the day.

"I think we need more than a few words to make me feel better."

She was surprised when the angel pulled her in, a smirk playing on her face.

Bellatrix's eyes widened in surprise as Reyanna pulled her into an embrace. The demon's heart raced with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond, before tentatively wrapping her arms around the angel.

Their faces were so close that the demon could feel the angels breath on the skin of her parted lips. Finally regaining her senses and control of her body, the demon reluctantly put a suitable distance between them. " You are so full of surprises," Bellatrix said with a smile of surrender.

"Don't worry. I'll never go any further, " replied the angel. "I know a demon and angel can never have thay kind of relationship "

She turned, extracting herself for the physiological control the demon had on her, pulling her hands away from the demon, crossing them over her knees . Bellatrix's gave her a complex look.

Reyanna's action of pulling away and crossing her arms over her knees caught Bellatrix by surprise. She could see the conflicted emotions playing on the angel's face, and her own expression mirrored the complexity of the moment. Uncertainty mixed with longing as she tried to decipher the meaning behind Reyanna's actions.After all she needed, the princess help as much as she needed her own.

"You know.... The relationship between angels and demons..... the enslavement of angels.... I would give anything to see it stopped. "

Reyanna's surprise was evident in her eyes as she listened to Bellatrix's words. She knew that she more or less brought up the subject implicitly but didn't expect her interlocutor to directly address the matter. To express regret and disapproval at that. She knew not all demons were in favor of slavery, that most of them had no option. But she didn't expect Bellatrix to have a position on the subject.

Bellatrix took a moment to collect her thoughts, reflecting on her father's influence and how he instilled in her a deep respect for angels and their culture.

"My father was a remarkable demon who possessed a profound understanding of the complexities of our world and the significance of unity," Bellatrix began. "He fought alongside an angel during the Ethereal war, and their shared experiences forged a bond that transcended the conflicts between our realms."

She paused, her expression reflecting a mix of fondness and admiration as she continued. "During our trips to Celestial Nexus, my father exposed me to the beauty of angelic culture, their traditions, and their way of life. He believed that understanding and appreciating the differences between angels and demons was essential for fostering peace and collaboration."

Bellatrix emphasized the importance of breaking down preconceived notions and prejudices. "Through his actions and teachings, my father showed me that angels are not mere adversaries to be conquered, but individuals with their own stories, struggles, and aspirations. He taught me to respect their wisdom, their strength, and the values they hold dear."

She recalled instances where her father engaged in meaningful discussions with angelic diplomats and scholars, seeking to bridge the gap between their realms. "He would often stress the importance of open dialogue, finding common ground, and working towards a shared future where angels and demons could coexist in harmony."

Bellatrix's voice carried a hint of sadness as she remembered her father's relentless pursuit of understanding and unity. "He believed that by embracing the diversity of our realms and fostering mutual respect, we could overcome the centuries-old animosity that had plagued us."

She looked directly into Reyanna's eyes, her expression earnest. "It is through my father's teachings and experiences that I have come to view angels with respect and admiration. I carry his legacy, striving to be a bridge between our worlds and promoting understanding and friendship between angels and demons."

Bellatrix's words carried the weight of her personal journey and the deep-rooted respect she had developed for angels through her father's guidance.