
Seed of Hope

Earth: Year 3XXX The world as we know it had finally collapsed due to the nuclear wars between nations and powerhouses of Earth. At first, everyone was relatively safe in their homes but, after the first nuclear weapon was launched against Nation X, everything that humanity had worked hard on was wiped out — vanished. The wars engulfed the whole world, oceans evaporated, radiation permeated, living things burned and no stone was left untouched. Humanity naturally regretted taking this path and so, they once again banded together to save what was left of them. There was little they could work on and they had limited time. Their oxygen reserves were running low, food & water was also diminishing, only radiation was plentiful. How wondrous it is when humans work together but, perhaps it was too late. What was once in Billions have now turned into measly thousands. However, they persisted and have succeeded in their plan for survival. There was no plan B nor Plan C or any other plan. It was just a last resort plan. To send themselves into the cosmos and sleep in the ice inside their space shuttles until, maybe, a suitable planet is found. 9,000 lives went on their ice-caged space journey but, how many can lady luck set free? Join our survivors as they make themselves home in another world. PS: Not very inclined to Sci-Fi, just started it this way for convenience and plot.

Coin_Boots · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs


"Ha…Ha…Ha…" The siblings had heavy breaths. Trying to lessen their tiredness. Unfortunately for them, they can't. Not while in this environment.

"G-Good work everyone. For now we should rest." Diesel said. Although he was the oldest among the 4, he had little authoritarian aura around him due to his timid nature. He was also a very loving brother, that is why he talks softly despite his bulky and stout build.

Adrenaline subsided and they felt even more tired. They also did not have the time to admire the big bear a while ago as they were too into killing it. It had Jet black eyes like the abyss, brown fur, 1 foot claw and fangs. It was indeed three times bigger than earth's largest polar bear.

While they were catching their breath, a certain 16-year-old boy was off to the side, in a daze. After taking the shot, he was of course blown back by the recoil. No one can escape the laws of physics. But what sent him into this state was another unbelievable thing.

Right after the 'Thud' sound of the bear falling on its back, a certain event happened inside his head.


[Primordial Seed scanning…]

'Huh?!' Gin was instantly lost in thought. Back on earth, there were naturally advanced AI's that could be installed directly in link to your mind but, only adults can survive the implant. Only his brother Diesel could have this AI. In fact, even Diesel does not have it. 'What is this?'


[Bone age of less than 1000 years old][Affirmative]

[No Cultivation][Affirmative]

[Slay a Foundation Realm entity][Affirmative]

[...] — a slight pause as if there was something hard to explain.

[Heavenly Body][Affirmative]

[Primordial Seed: Dormancy broken (Imbibition initiated)]

Every sound that flowed directly to Genesis' mind was profound and got more confusing as it progressed. Foundation Realm? Heavenly Body? Gin knew that he was of course sentient and less than a thousand years of age if technicality comes into play but, what are the other sounds about?

While he was lost in thought from the shock, his brothers finally noticed his quietness. As they all know, Gin is the one to triumphantly announce their victory whenever they are playing games and whatnot. He also is the sorest of all losers. Why is he not noisy after killing that monstrous bear?

The first to notice was of course, Diesel. "Hey Gin, you alright? Did the recoil hurt too much? Ha… Just rest and take some water now. Maybe it can Ha… Help?" Diesel quickly approached Gin who was lying motionlessly on the ground. If it were not for his rhythmic breathing, his brothers might think he's kicked the bucket.

"Ha… Get your ass up midget! You're the head of this squad right now!" Clay said in disdain while he took his water and approached Gin to let him drink some. Contrary to his remarks, he had a worried look on his face.

"Something wrong? Ha…Gin?" Alex had a rare worried face too while Diesel was grimacing and did not know what to do. He thought that something bad had happened due to the charged plasma shot earlier.

"I-I should have been the one to fire the plasma pistol Gin. Ha… I-I…Huh?!" Diesel stopped midway of his speech as he discovered the widest grin on his brother Genesis' face. It was so wide that Diesel actually backed up a little due to the chill he felt in his spine. "G-Gin!"

Clay also saw this and also backed up a bit. "Oi Oi. Midget, have you finally lost it?! Ease your face down a tad and maybe I can let you drink my share of water!Ha…"

"Gin." Alex finally felt that something was very wrong right now. His intuition told him to stay away and cock his SMG and point it at Genesis' mouth. Something is about to come! 'Something's up!'

Suddenly, a hearty laugh reverberated through the rainforest. If there were birds present, they would undoubtedly fly away. Sadly only the now dead bear and the 4 of them were there to hear it. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Gin laughed his lungs out that he almost vomited blood in joy! Yes, vomit blood. His eyes were bloodshot and red. His veins popped out in joy. Like a demon he srung up and stood valiantly to look at his brothers.

"Brothers I may have gotten a piece of treasure." Genesis had his grinning face still and then continued. "Perhaps you guys still remember the system genre novels that Clay collected?" Gin shot a g;;ance at Clay as if to tell him something telepathically.

Instantly, "C-C-Could it be?!" Clay could not hold it in and shouted as he plopped back on his ass.

"W-What is it?! Something bad?! Tell me quickly!" Diesel was even more horrified. He almost cocked his pistol to threaten an answer out of Clay but he held it in.

"Hahahahaha! How about you Alex? Any wild guesses?" Gin maniacally laughed as he asked his brother.

With a regretting face, Alex actually guessed and shot wildly. "C-Could it be a system? You got a system now?" Alex felt like riding a roller coaster since Gin had woken up. His cold face was not maintained anymore and whenever this Gin was there, he could not give off usual demeanor and aura of coldness.

"HAHAHA! Call me patriarch from now on!" Gin finally snapped in joy as he struggled on climbing the boulder and sad like an emperor looking down on his subjects.

"Patriarch my ass! Come down here! I'll roast you then eat you just to take that system for myself!" Clay finally popped his veins in madness and envy and seemingly rolled his military suit's sleeves up. He was about to drag the midget down. "I'll take that system from you if that's the last thing I do!"

"C-Calm down Clay! He's your brother!" Diesel quickly joined the fray to mediate between the 2 dogs- kuhum. 2 brothers of his.

'What a hopeless bunch. Can we really survive in this state?' Alex was the most worried. Off to the side he was watching his brothers as they bickered. Gin was atop the boulder with his devilish grin, roasting and taunting Clay. Diesel was head-locking clay to prevent him from stabbing Gin to death, while clay vomited blood in anger. Alex finally face palmed. 'But could this system be true though?'

---After an hour---

"Have you finally calmed down?" Diesel asked Clay, who was still grimacing like his testicles were taken off. Truthfully, all of them were so tired from the fight with the bear but had momentarily forgotten about it due to the system issue that Gin brought up. 'Thinking about it another way, it is interesting. What can his system do though.' Diesel thought.

"Che!" Clay just turned his head. He was too tired to fight against his bald brother's strength.

"Gin… This system. Ha… Can it help?" Alex was the most reasonable among the bunch. He thought of utilizing the system to help them in this mission to survive. "I mean, what can it do?"

Gin pondered for a bit. He was worried as novels often portrayed main characters that choose to hide their advantage but this was his brothers he was talking about. Despite their quarrels, Each one of them loved each other to the point of sacrifice. Well maybe excluding Alex. But still, Genesis decided to disclose the info he had.

First he looked at the interface in front of him.

"As you can see here in this interface…" Gin pointed directly in front of him as if he expected them to see it but he got interrupted.

With twitching face and eyebrows Clay chimed in. "Tsk! Are you dumb? Your system is private and could not be seen by others!"

"O-Oh. This will be tough to explain." Gin realized his mistake. Perhaps this screen was like the profound sound in his head a while ago. It was also just inside his head. It does make sense now how he could surf through the interface with only a single thought.

"Do your best Gin." Diesel encouraged him.

"Okay then." 'Interface.' Gin wanted the interface to come out again and it did. He scanned it as he thought of how to explain it to his brothers.


[SEED: IMBIBITION] : [Skill] : [CPS1] : [Inventory] : [???]...

[Name: Genesis Barre (Human: 999 years old)]

[Cultivation: Mortal Realm: (none)]

[CP: 0]

{Arrogant worm}


After a while, he tried to draw what the interface showed him except for the rude remark on the ground to let his brothers see it. Clay had a blackened face as Gin drew on the ground. He was not breathing?! 'Did he die from envy?' To appease Clay's heart a bit, Gin also stated the conditions before he obtained this SEED System, making sure that he said the kill a foundation stage realm entity and the heavenly body.

"And. Ha… I got this." Gin said as he did something magical.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Coin_Bootscreators' thoughts