

Leila was going crazy. The moment those words left her lips, she knew she should not have but the damage had been done. She opened her mouth to speak but she instead shut it back and turned around to leave the dining room. She got to her room and plopped on the bed, a hiss escaping her lips as she held the side of her head.

It was hurting her again. She pulled out the drawer of her bedside table, took out her drugs and immediately took them with the glass of water that sat on the bedside table. "You need to take care of yourself. If you keep this up, you might not be able to get the surgery" Day tried to explain to her.

Unfortunately, Leila was not one to speak to on such issues. She never listens. She does what she wants when she wants it. Once she felt calm enough, she went under the covers to rest. She wanted to take out all her problems.