
What Will You Say?

Dan had found his favourite thing ever since the little twink started visiting the place. The only thing that motivated him was l9oking forward to lunch and making sure that her schedule was cleared for lunch. He would prefer to take up very early, help Dee with her work them just chill waiting to see what the small handsome boy had over for them.

He loved his cooking that is one thing he couldn't deny. The way he has a perfect skill of mixing bus ingredients without over mixing or undermixing was so fascinating. 

At first, he couldn't believe that he was the one who had cooked the burritos because they tasted more unlike him. 

"How do a cute person know how to book like you?" He had asked him and Andreas laughed at him with his deep voice.

"I learnt from my mother, he said. He understood that her mother meant a lot to him and he would rather see her than let anything happen to her.

Today was an exceptional day, being a Saturday, they had agreed to hang out after bringing Dee some lunch. He hoped that being a half-day they could be spending some quality time together. His husband was out of town for business and they didn't have any kids just Jimmy the dog who is always pretty with his dotted white and black spots on his body.

He sat down and wondered if Andreas will find it fun playing with him while at their house because he didn't mention anything about owning a pet.

Glancing at the remaining work on the table, it we just two reports before he called it a day. His boss was busy today that she didn't walk out to take some fresh air or requested a specific type of coffee during her break. 

Dan didn't want that to be a reason she will be staying in the office till four in the evening because of her busy schedule. Though he had given her an early notice, he felt like things may change suddenly.

He crossed his fingers and went on to finish the last batch.

Inside the office, Dee had quickly done the resampling and are reading every document sent to her by Dan. She stood up and looked out through her opaque window. 

She smiled at how Dan was just relaxed today though she knew he wi be needing the whole place to himself to have fun, Dan told him it was okay to go with her home.

She couldn't believe they had an open relationship with his husband.

'Jake will reap my throat if he hears of that,' thought Dee as he imagined the one day he almost dropped someone for just touching him.

She also couldn't love to see Jake being touched by another last if not her. She loved him and the thought that maybe she might one day share him with someone else doesn't seat with her and she quickly brushed the thought off her head.

She stood by the door and saw that his finger was crossed. She laughed at him but didn't give out any sound. She knew Dan thought that he je asked to sit for a few more hours in the office but Dee was not going to do that to her.

Can't wait for him?" Asked Dee settling in one of the chairs opposite him.

Dan was startled and almost threw the papers to the floor but luckily, Dee's reflexes were on point that due gathered them quickly.

"How didn't you know?" Asked Dan with a raised brow. He was trying his best to hide the feelings that had suddenly developed. He knew he lived with his husband but has also feared that Andreas may take that chance. He didn't mind hon taking a glance because the poly thing might just be a new relationship.

"It's evident. Maybe I am the only one who had noticed it but you act like a fool around him. Smiling almost every time, touch his hands and caress them secretly, wait I have seen it so that's no secret," told Dee.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to show it off in the office, it's only that I can't get him off my head like je is just there, my husband is not worried about it, we are open. How you understand," begged Dan.

Dee laughed at him. The way he was talking was like he has never fallen in love with anyone and Andreas was his first. 

"You are allowed to be happy Dan, but a quick question, how do you feel if your husband tells you that he had sex?" Asked Dee. 

She wanted to weigh the options and how je will react. 

"It's a turn on, trust me, sometimes they record and give me the audio and I just can't keep myself from masturbating," said Dan. 

See was left with an open mouth. She couldn't believe that was something sje would live to do. Rick someone else then come and tell Jake what she did it. She couldn't.

"And will Andreas be okay with it?" Asked Dee. 

Andreas was young blood, and if he was not open-minded like Dan then that might be a problem. Most of the young blood are always clinging.

Dee watched as Dan was lost in his thought and she feared that he might have not thought about it. 

"How do I tell him? I don't want to scare him away, je might even think that I am toying with him."

"well, what do you have ro tell him that you are serious yet you are married? Or do you want to make it polyamorous?" Asked Dee.

"Maybe, you know I can ask My husband and he will give me his opinion. Though I know he won't react nicely because we are already married and having a third party will mean we are reviewing the marriage agreement," said Dan in a sad tone.

"Just do you, whatever you feel is good," told Dee.

"What feels good?" 

Both Dee and Dan turned around to look at the voice that was talking. 

"For how long have you been there?" Asked Dan as he saw Andreas walking in with a food pack. 

"Hoo long? What do you mean, I've just arrived," defended Andreas as he showed them the food.

Dan sighed in relief, he thought that Andreas has been standing near the door eavesdropping on their conversation. 

Andreas looked at her breath and was surprised, "what were you guys doing again before I walked in, I can feel it's like you were talking about me?" 

Dan liked at Dee for help but instead, Dee grabbed the lunch from Andreas' hand and walked inside her office. She knew Jake will arrive anytime and she didn't want him finding her outside and the way he lived being vulgar with her.

"Later guys," said Dee.

"Seriously, where are you going to now?" Asked Dan.

"Your job is over Dan just go home and chill," said Dee and winked t him before closing the door behind her.

Dan was left with Andreas who was fumbling with her hands. He didn't know how to start a conversation with him here. It was much easy doing it over the phone than, one on one talk.

Andreas on the other hand, really wanted Dan to whisper something that will make him excited. He didn't know where they will end up but he felt him and he wanted Dan to tell jo. How he felt.

"You want to—" they both started talking all at once and they were surprised by the kind of uniformity that they were talking with. 

Dee stood by the door as she watched them stand awkwardly in front of each other, she doesn't know why this kind of thing fascinated her but she wanted to know what they will say.

She saw Dan trying to lift his hands in the air and Andreas also accidentally lifted and they caught each other's hand mid-air, before bringing it down and they were kef5 looking at each other seductively.

"Dan, are you for real, 8nside here?" They heard Jake's voice and Dan focused on something else as if he was not doing anything.

Andreas walked towards Dee's door but was blocked hi Jake's hands.

"Where do you think you are going?" asked Jake.

Andreas didn't know what to say, but je figured he can say he wanted to ask Miss Kings something.

"Miss Kings needed me inside," said Andreas.

Jake glared at him and he knew it was stupid lying to him yet he knew everything.

"I know you don't want to see her because you rarely speak to her maybe you want to speak to Dan and sort your little drama out of work?" Asked Jake.

Andreas looked at Dan and then at Jake.

"Dan, out of the office, lets meet in the morning of Monday," said Jake and Dan nodded in excitement.

He packed his thongs and grabbed Dan's hand before escaping from me to the office.