
Love Or Obsession?

Dee sat on the sofa reminiscing about the days they could all come together and sing 'the holy song,' before the blood and the body was brought in. At first, she used to hate it but they were forced into taking it and in case any of them declined, they were punished. Their parents made them believe that it was a big sin to throw away the body and the blood of the lamb yet the highest had provided that to them to celebrate on behalf of his body.

She wanted to throw up when she imagined herself doing all that. She never doubted her parents while growing up, she knew they had to be strict so that Fern and her could get a better life. Looking at all the things they did now, she feels like they were just too mean to be good parents.

She wondered how Jake knew all this yet, as the girl from the family, she had no idea of what was going on. 

"How did you know this?" Asked Dee as she played with her fingers, embarrassed with what was happening in her family.

Jake didn't know how to explain to her, so he decided to play a game of minds with her, to some extent he was feeling otherwise about it.

"Why don't you explain to me, maybe they asked you  to recruit me and you have found it hard to do so, you guys thought that after recruiting my father you will also do the same to me?" Asked Jake sarcastically.

Dee liked him, she couldn't imagine what was coming out of Jake's voice. He's accusing her that all this had been the plan of her parents to make her angry, but she didn't know what to think. 

'Maybe he is correct, why haven't my parents rushed to look for me since I don't go home?' She thought to herself, but that didn't give Jake a reason to doubt her.

"Jake, why would you think about that?" Asked Dee while looking at him, "I have been here, you've seen all that has happened to me, how can you doubt that?"

Jake watched as she tried to adjust herself. He was toying with her mind and Dee was blaming herself for the things that are happening in her life. 

"Stop acting so Mary the Virgin and say the truth because Dorcas had the same intention," told Jake and Dee furrowed her brows. She couldn't imagine Dorcas being the bottom line of the person who would do that to someone. She used to be classy and telling her that didn't make any sense to her.

He knew Jake wouldn't believe anything that comes out of her mouth, she was lost in words, trying to explain to him too she is not part of the group but she could t come up with anything worth telling Jake to make him change his mind.

"I am sorry, I didn't know I was being used to getting at you. If that is what they want, I am in the wrong also for closing my eyes. You can still give me up to them, I think that will be worth it," said Dee and stood up extending her hands to him.

Jake looked at her with raised brows, 'is she seriously taking the offer of being a sacrifice, all I was trying to do was toying with her mind to find a decision. Turns out she doesn't care anymore.'

Jake could feel his heart contract from Dee's decision. He didn't know whether to be happy about it or sad about it?

He loved this girl in front of her and thinking of sacrificing her, piercing a knife into her body made him angry and he didn't want to imagine it. 

Imagining Dee crying all over for help, as she breathed her last breath killed her internally. She didn't even want to think about what will be in her mind when she breathes her last breath.

He moved to the wall and punched it forcefully making his hands bleed, Dee quickly rushed to him and held him, she blew some air into the area he has punched into the wall to make it stop bleeding. 

"What are you doing that, you will break your fingers," warned Dee as she looked at his injured arm. Jake quickly reaped his hands from her hold and held her chin to look at him.

"Stop with the concern, do you love me?" Asked Jake instead of giving her the answers.

Jake didn't even know why he had asked her that question when his mind was planning to exchange her for his business. Maybe he needed a reason to fight for her, a reason to let go of his business and take her away but he couldn't see it.

Dee looked at him, did she love him or she was obsessed with him? She had wanted to be next to him and be with him but she doesn't know if she still loves him after what he said. 

Nothing was working for her anymore, was it love or just his presence that she needed. She searched his eyes and wondered if he felt the same, maybe she was just forcing him into something that he didn't want. 

For him to reach up to that decision, she felt, he might not be feeling the same about her. 

"I love you and I am grateful for the little time we have spent together. I won't be mad at you if you offer me as a sacrifice Jake, I have to accept my fate. If people think that killing me is going to be the best thing then let it be, I don't have a say about it. Maybe that's my fate and I can't undo it. Call your father, tell him I am ready. I don't want to be around here anymore. Imagining my mother and father lying to me since I was young, they educated my sister and lied that she did it by herself, always traumatised me because I was lazy and didn't want to work, maybe they will find peace once I am dead. I don't want to hear about anything else."

Jake watched as Dee left her in the living room and walked to the bedroom. He couldn't believe that she didn't want to fight for what they had. 

'Maybe she has never loved me, or it was just for show, maybe she wanted fame and people to recognise her and I was here thinking that everything she cared about was me.'

Jake thought to himself about their first meeting, how they developed up to this point, "wasn't that enough to fight for?"

He sat down mumbling to himself, maybe he was crazy, yes, he is crazy but crazy for this girl to fight for him. He has never had someone fight for him and the girl he thought was going to fight for her is gone and is not bothered.

He staggered towards the door, his head was not working well, he felt the buzzing in his ears but shook it off because it was probably nothing. he removed his phone from the pickets and called his dad, he wanted to give him the go-ahead and where they will meet to do the exchange. Taking a last look at the room, hoping that maybe Dee had changed her mind and wanted to run back and fight for what they had, he didn't see her, he heard the water running in the shower, probably the last shower sue will be tak8ng in the penthouse.

Dee was inside the bathroom, she had turned on the shower but she was on the floor lamenting with herself on her life.

She didn't know what her life had turned to, just before all this she was a happy girl, she never had any problem apart from her parents who used to insult her for laziness. 

She didn't know how to handle things, she has been happy for months, been a boss, met a man she believed loved her and wanted her for life and met new people. 

She was, maybe doing her last cry, sitting in this bathroom and seeing the walls of this lovely penthouse for the last time.

"This is my destiny, but I didn't know about it, maybe I could have been prepared for it. I could have dated whoever I want, do what I want, drunk whichever drink fascinated me not here I am, it's like a bomb that has been blown in my life. I was naive to believe that my parents cared and whatever religion they have going on, I am doomed to even have them in my life." 

She washed her body and settled on the bed, she took a piece of paper and pen from the drawer but she didn't know what to write for him, "These are my last words to you hope you find a happy life."

'Dear Jake,'