
Seducing Alpha Maxwell

Chaos strikes as Maxwell takes over as the new Alpha of Dark Moon Pack. His dexterity is put to test as he tries to stop the persistent rogue attacks, parole quandary and the claim of being an usurper in order to secure his territory and protect the people of Oregon. What happens when he discovers an unwrapped package in the form of a woman with red locks, who looks exactly like someone from his past? What will be his next line of action? What will the council have to say about this new discovery? And the question everyone is curious about... who is this mystery woman? Find out in S.A.M **********

Nancy_Ugwu · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs



After leaving the clearing and ensuring that every wolf that attended the funeral was accounted for, he gave strict instructions that all wolves should be indoors before sunset. Worried for their safety.

His plan to keep the people ignorant of the current happenings has completely fallen through, because everyone got wind of the last attack before he could keep it discreet.

Following the recent attack, he has noticed the anxiety and uncertainty they haplessly tried to hide as they fear for their lives, their pups and the rest of their brothers..

Maxwell could hear their cries, their worries, and also feel their fear and pain since they're his people. He knew some blamed him. He doesn't fault them because he also feels the same. Him being clueless is no one's fault but his, and his alone.

'The only way to put a stop to this is by finding the real culprits and exposing them to the council before a befitting sentence is issued.' He thought, as he went home with Craig.


"Alpha?" Skylar asked in surprise, briskly bowing down as she struggled to balance the baby in her hands and keep her apparel from falling off her shoulders.

"I'll help you with that." Craig gritted out.

Going over to help Skylar with the baby, and covering her like a shield as she finished adjusting her clothes.

"Thank you" she smiled gratefully, and he gave a curt nod, moving past her.

Hiding her hurt with a hoax smile, she turned to Maxwell.

"I wasn't expecting you, else I would have prepared something to welcome you."

"And sorry we weren't able to make it to the funeral. This little one here has been acting out." Gesturing at the pup, she readjusted her clothe subconsciously.

"Nah, it's no problem__" Maxwell said, noting the tension between the mates.

"Should I get water?" she asked nervously. Exchanging side glance with Craig who's at the other end of the room, rocking the baby to sleep.

"No, Skylar. I'm not a visitor. If I want something, I'll let you know okay?" Maxwell assured.

"Craig, bring little Lily over here. I will like to take a peek at her adorable face." Maxwell said, signaling for him to come with the pup.

Craig made his way to Maxwell. As Skylar breathed a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing.

When Maxwell held the pup in his hands, he broke into an adorable grin after laying his eyes on the red-faced pup, sporting thick velvety brunette locks like the Dad's.

For the first time since he could remember, he was genuinely happy. No half smile, no smirk, no grimace. A full sincere smile. Which the mates did not fail to notice, as they shared in his infectious grin.

"Bless the moon goddess for this bundle of joy. I hope you bring luck to the pack." He prayed, gazing into her sleepy eyes.

"At least, this is good news."

"Congratulations Skylar. You did a good job." He said, looking at her with pride as she whispered a shy thanks. Just then, the pup burst into a high-pitched wail, drawing everyone's attention.

"Bring her…" Skylar said as she stood up with outstretched hands, going to retrieve the pup from Maxwell.

She cooed as she rocked the pup close to her breasts. And the pup smiled after recognizing her mother.

"To tell the truth, I wasn't happy about yesterday…" Skylar started, not averting her gaze from the little pup cuddled adorably in her arms.

"Sky…" Craig warned.

"No." Maxwell intervened.

"Don't stop her. Let her continue." He said, as he nodded forgot to come out Skylar to go on.

"I was scared half to death when Craig said he'll be staying longer to secure the pack house." Her voice quivered, as she unconsciously began to rock the pup aggressively.

"We already discussed this, sky!" Craig barked.

"Craig, let the woman speak." Maxwell hissed.

"You are so calm about the whole thing because you weren't the one waiting with the new babe."

"Women and being overdramatic." Craig muttered under his breath as Skylar glared at him with disdain.

Giving Maxwell her full attention, as she started soothing the restless pup.

"I don't like the fact that my husband is risking his life while his nursing is…"

"Skylar!" Craig shouted in fury.

"I'm sorry Alpha. She tends to get easily riled since Lily, as her emotions keeps sprawling out of control." He said through clenched teeth, while sky seethed quietly.

"Quite understandable. I'm sorry Skylar if I made you feel that way."

"Craig is not the only one risking his life for the pack, you see. We all risk our lives everyday to protect our loved ones because it's our duty as leaders." He said, trying to calm her.

"Or do you want someone else's husband to do that for him?" she shook her head sniffing.

"I understand you're worried. Heck! We all are. But remember one thing. Before he's a husband, he's a beta. Which means he has to put pack duties over anything else."

"You get my point now, right?" she nodded.

"I'm sorry for sounding selfish." She cried as Craig goes to hug her.

"Shhh…sweetie." Craig tried to pacify her.

"I'm just afraid of losing you. What if you go one day and don't return? How about Lily? What.. what…" she cried in hysteria, waking the little pup who joined in her tears as she felt threatened.

"it's okay sweetie. Everything is going to be alright. I promise." He assured, planting a sloppy kiss on her forehead and he does same to the wailing pup.

"I will go put her to sleep now." Skylar said.

"Thanks for coming Max." she gave a sad smile before exiting the room.

"She doesn't like me anymore." Maxwell said, playing with his lapel.

"Says who? You know how sky is, don't take what she said too seriously." Craig said, leaning against the wall.

"She thinks I'm always sending you to your doom. I bet the other women also feels so." He frowned.

"Stop saying that." Craig said, leaving the wall as he moved closer to Maxwell. Staring intently at him, he said.

"She will soon get over it. After all she's beta female. She was just being paranoid that's all."

"I will take my leave now. It's getting late." Maxwell said, standing up as he checked his wristwatch.

"So soon?"

"I have a few files to sort at the office before heading home."

"Seems more like it." Craig smirked.

"See you tomorrow." He said, hitting him hard on the shin."

"Ouch…Hey! Craig whined.

"You deserve it you blockhead." He said, going to the door. "Tell Skylar I've taken my leave."

"I'll do that." And he waved at a retreating Maxwell.


Who's there?" He asked, sniffing. He stiffened in alert once he noticed the dimly lit room.

With the only visible light being the one emanating from the full moon, he grew suspicious.

Since he could remember switching on the lights and closing all windows and shutters before heading out. Moving further, he discovered the slightly opened window.

"WHO'S THERE?" he growled this time, widening his stance as he released his pointy fangs and claws.

His ears twitched, trying to detect any foreign movement.

He started hearing shuffling sounds coming from the direction of the bed. Taking long strides, he moved fluidly towards the bed, in hopes of not giving away his precise location.

Relying solely on his heightened sense of smell and sight in the dark, he sought to find his target.

As he approached, the scent became stronger on the left side of the bed.

Tightening his fists into balls, he removed the sheets swiftly, aiming straight for the temple when he froze in shock.

Lying stark naked in his bed was an unknown woman gagged with a dirty piece of cloth. Her eyes were blindfolded. She had both hands tied to her back, with her feet also bonded

He was rendered speechless when he saw the dried streak of tears on her pale cheeks. Which he presumed, is evidence of crying for a long period of time.

Warily, he brushed away the wild locks of hair sticking on her face, as he removed the blindfold.

She slowly opened her teary eyes filled with panic and started struggling to break free.

When a ray of moonlight flashed across her blotchy face, he called.

"Isa?" Momentarily shocked as the blood drains from his face.

"This can't be possible__" he jerked, moving far away from her like someone burnt by fiery hot coal.

'How could this be possible?' he thought. Snapping out of trance, he asked the confused woman as he went closer.

"Who are you?" Another wave of panic surges through her, as she resumed struggling.

Battling the turmoil within him as he tries to keep a clear head, Maxwell reluctantly leans forward, clasping her tied hands and feet. "Be still! You'll hurt yourself." He chastised. "Try to relax, I won't hurt you." He raised both hands as he tried to appear harmless.

She observed him for sometime before visibly relaxing.

"So now, I am going to remove the gag and untie you if you promise to keep calm and answer my questions." She nodded.

So he removed the piece of cloth from her mouth, and the first thing she uttered was just one word.

"HELP__" before passing out.


A/N: Thanks for reading

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