
Seducing Alpha Maxwell

Chaos strikes as Maxwell takes over as the new Alpha of Dark Moon Pack. His dexterity is put to test as he tries to stop the persistent rogue attacks, parole quandary and the claim of being an usurper in order to secure his territory and protect the people of Oregon. What happens when he discovers an unwrapped package in the form of a woman with red locks, who looks exactly like someone from his past? What will be his next line of action? What will the council have to say about this new discovery? And the question everyone is curious about... who is this mystery woman? Find out in S.A.M **********

Nancy_Ugwu · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs



"__Two bodies, two souls. As you go down the way of nirvana, may Selene be your guide, and Lycaon your shield. Pass on through the eternal light of peace to your final resting place. Sail like__" Maxwell stood in front of the pack as he recited the funeral prayer.

Howling and wailing could be heard across the mountains, as Dark Moon Pack mourned their losses.

The family of the deceased were allowed to drop their farewell messages as Maxwell finished the recitation.

Then, they began the rites in full swing.

The elders chanted ancient rhymes as the bodies were laid on ceremonial twigs whorled with seaweeds and placed on the shores of the lake. Maxwell lit torches from the little branches gotten from the sacred oak tree, and dropped each one of them in the water as the boat was made to row across to the other end of the lake.

Fresh wave of howling sprang from the crowd of mourners as Craig was told to lead them down the hill.

"Alpha, I need to talk to you." Layla said, coming closer to Maxwell.

"What did you find out?" Maxwell whispered, signaling for her to follow suit as he made his way to the rear.

"Nothing." She said, tilting her head downwards.

"Nothing?" He scoffed in disbelief, failing to hide his disappointment.

"You spent the whole night with the bodies, and you found nothing?!"

"I haven't seen anything like it before. My gran never took me on any of her expeditions, so I'm afraid to say I won't be of much help to you." She said, hurt evident in her voice as she lifted her head.

"But, can you maybe give a clue on who the perpetrator could be?" He asked a bit hopeful.

"The gashes on their bodies were too deep and brutal that an Omega who hasn't gone rogue cannot stomach such brutality. I also share your belief in thinking it's not the work of a common rogue. But one thing I know for sure is this. Whoever or whatever did it wanted to pass a message to someone." She shivered, with traces of fear clearly visible in her large amber eyes.

Layla is a beautiful female. she's seen as the most beautiful female in Dark Moon Pack. With high cheekbones, long silky raven hair, caramel skin tone and full lips that always seem to be set in a pout. She could easily pass for any female demigod. Some even believe she's the reincarnation of Selene in human form.

She has lived with her Gran in a little cottage behind the pack house, but later moved to the pack house after her death. Probably so she could be closer to the rest of the pack, and easily visit the infirmary where she tends to sick werewolves.

"I just knew it, damn!" he groaned in frustration.

"Do you suspect someone?" she looked at him quizzically.

"Not really__" he said, scratching the back of his head. "I just have a hunch, that's all."

"Okay…" she said, twitching her fingers as she shifted from one foot to the other.

"Although I didn't get all the information I was looking for. I'm still grateful for your help so far. Thanks Layla, the pack is lucky to have you." He praised as she blushed crimson.

"I will go see off the elders before they start getting antsy." He said, while she nodded. Before he could take a step backward, she called out.


He halted in his tracks, slightly raising his brows in question.

"Um…um…when are you going to come over for dinner? I mean…to the pack house." She laughed nervously, flushing beet red.

"Louise misses you. We all do. I miss the good old days, I just wish things would return to how it used to be."

He gave her a sad smile. "Then Isa would still be alive."

"I didn't mean that…like I do…I didn't mean to remind you of her…I just…um…" she stuttered.

"I also missed the good old days." He said, cutting her off.

"I will find time to come around when this is all over. Tell Louise to start learning new recipes, because pudding alone can't sustain this grown a** man. He joked, lightening the mood and she smiled.

"Don't forget to call me when you find something new. Always keep me informed." He said as all traces of humor leaves his face.

"See you later, Layla."

"See...you...soon, Alpha."

And he's already gone. she watched him sprinting down the hill, completely disappearing from sight.


"I'm sorry for coming late. I got delayed." Maxwell said apologetically.

"It's okay, we understand." Gregory, one of the oldest elder in Oregon, and a one time alpha said on behalf of the others as they hummed in agreement.

"Where's Elder Kyle?" He asked the group, looking from person to person.

"I thought we all agreed that you all would see me for a brief meeting after the final rites?" He asked, puzzled.

The retired Alpha and the rest of his group wore a somber look that made Maxwell ask.

"Is everything okay?" he asked no one in particular, trying to get a hold of Craig's eyes. Which he tactically succeeded in keeping away from him, since he made it a point of duty of searching for something that can't be found, on the ground.

"Nothing is, not anymore." Another elder said.

"He just received a devastating news." Gregory said, shaking his frail old head.

"About?" Maxwell further inquired.

"He didn't say. He just left in a haste." Gregory supplied.

"He should have informed me before leaving." Maxwell frowned.

"So also should you when you held a meeting without first consulting us." Philip, an elder he detested so much spat. And Craig took a menacing step forward.

"I owe you no explanation." Maxwell said dryly, which provoked the elder as he growled lowly.

"Enough!" Gregory took charge of the situation before things could get out of control.

"I've had enough of the killings, and everything!" Gregory shouted to the surprise of the others since he's always been the calm and level headed elder.

"I have decided to leave Oregon for good." He said without any ounce of humor in his voice.

"What are you say…" Maxwell was asking, when he chipped in."

"I don't want to witness another war." He said with a faraway look in his eyes. Turning fully to look at Maxwell, he said. "If not for the fact that I can't shift nor fight. Then, for the sake of my little Gemma." He said getting teary.

"Since the death of her parents she's been alone, that's why I offered to take her under my wings." They watched wordlessly as he continued.

"Innocents like her are going to be at the crossroad, Incase of another war. And I already smell the impending doom of Oregon. I see war! Bloodshed!"

"My frail heart won't survive it anymore if I were to lose her like I lost her parents in the last war." He moaned.

With all the fight leaving Maxwell, he struggled to say. "Do what you must."

He began to leave when he paused. "To the rest of you, I'll consult you when a date has been decided for the next meeting." He called over his shoulder.

"Your informant should have told you so." He smirked at Philip who sneered, before leaving the clearing with Craig fast at his heel.

"You think he meant what he said." Craig asked with concern.

"I don't care." He said.

But Craig could see the aggressive movement of his jaw muscles, which shows he has been refraining himself. 'From what exactly?' he wondered.

Stopping in his tracks, Maxwell turned to Craig who was also forced to stop moving.

"You said nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday?"

"Yes, Alpha." Craig answered. "Besides the six claw marks found on the back door, nothing. No one was hurt__"

"The only thing I found strange aside the claw markings was that, no sound was heard from the inside. The parole guards also didn't see anyone."

"Now, that's a new one." He glared at Craig who quickly said.

"Sorry Alpha, I forgot to add that detail."

"Have you found that Oliver?" he asked.

"No. We're still searching for him. Seems like he left the pack since yesterday."

"I want you to search for him within and outside our territory. I just need to get a permit from the other Alphas."

"I'll do as you say."

"I won't let Jax get away with this, this time around." He swore.

"You think he may be the one behind it all?" Craig asked curiously.

"The constant attacks on the packs, Kyle's absence, Oliver's sudden disappearance and then, this. Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence already?"

"Sure you have a point there. But what does he stand to achieve by that?"

"The council's lack of trust in me. Don't you see? Gregory is turning his back on me by leaving." He shook his head in dismay.

"A one time strong ally. He doesn't believe I can get the situation under control…"

"It's all part of that bastard's plan. To turn the people's heart against me, and become the laughing stock of the whole Oregon." He snarled.

"I won't stop thinking he's behind it all, until it's proven otherwise." He said with conviction.


A/N. Thanks for reading

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