
Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight

Ghostface ends up in the SCP universe as an SCP, not remembering anything before waking up in a hallway. Ghostface must recover his lost memories, of course causing some chaos along the way, and maybe find out what exactly he’ll do once he does have his memories. If he can even do anything, the life of an SCP is difficult, but also unbelievably easy! (Warning! This is a M/M Ghostmyers fic! If you do not like then DONT. READ. If you do, then proceed as you were!)

DakotaInExile · Derivados de juegos
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11 Chs


"Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill, Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang, Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice."

The voice whispered incessantly, it moved him forward as he slashed and stabbed his prey. Hanging them on hooks and relishing in their screams.

'For the Entity, For the Entity, For the Entity, For the Entity, For the Entity, For the Entity, For the Entity.'

The words repeated in his mind like a mantra, a rule of life, a reason for living, a reason for killing, his world revolves around it. His everything…

His vision shook violently as the darkness retreated from his mind, the surroundings were cracking, everything was collapsing into an endless void. His heart pounded in his ears, feet guiding him before his mind could process everything.


He heard himself call out, but why? Why did it matter? Only the Entity matters, wait…Why? No….Michael, he needs to find him.


He stumbled over rubble, falling into the darkness, trying to desperately grasp at something…Someone, fading away in the darkness. He was fading…No, everything…Everything was fading, what…What was he doing? What's going on?


Danny awoke to bright lights and a cold tile floor. Quickly standing up, he looked around the unfamiliar room, there was a desk and computer, along with filing cabinets. The furniture suggested it was someone's office, Danny's fog molded his mask back onto his face as he left the room. Swinging his head side to side down the hallway, he felt dizzy and uneasy. Panic kept his heart alive against his chest as his mind continued to backtrack to the fading dream.

He fell into the darkness of his fog, moving to find…Something…Someone?….

….Michael! He exited the fog, appearing beside his bed which Michael was sitting on. The other man immediately stood up and walked over, grabbing Danny to inspect him.

"Hey, hey. I'm fine big guy, just…I don't know, I had a strange dream though. All I could think about was this Entity, then everything was falling apart. And, and—I was looking for you."

His brows creased as he buried his face into Michael's chest, focusing on calming his pounding heart. The unease he had felt since waking up had entirely disappeared as did his dizziness.

Lifting his head to look at the other, he spoke again. "I think we knew each other, in, whatever that place was. I'd say we might be able to get some answers if we could get back there, but I think everything collapsed." His voice took a sombre tone as his words tapered off.

Michael nodded in response as the two separated, Danny assumed it was still some time early morning. So in light of the fact that they had privacy, he offered Michael the opportunity to take a shower. He even went to the others' cell and retrieved some clothes, the other was a bit reluctant, but with some convincing and nitpicking. Danny managed to convince him, truth be told, there's more than one reason he wanted the other to take a shower.

The first was simply that the other man really needed it, the second was that he could possibly sneak a peek at the others face—and body—the third, he just liked the idea of Michael using his things and acting like "roommates".

He gave Michael enough privacy, but didn't shy away from a "few" glances. What can he say, the other was attractive. And very muscular, anyway. He actually didn't manage to see his face, not that he entirely minded. Michael eventually finished and unfortunately had to return to his cell, Danny made the trip easier and simply traveled through his fog.

Giving the other another hug, he said goodbye and returned to his chamber. Having to go through more tests.


"You and 6177 seem to be getting along, would you mind telling me about the relationship between you two?" The doctor questioned.

"That's a difficult question, Doctor. Also quite privy, so I'll ask a question instead. Is today's "testing" simply a ruse for interrogation, or will actual testing take place?"

The other hummed, forcing a smile as he nodded and stood up. "If you would follow me."

There were a lot more guards on duty today than normal, they weren't entirely watching Danny, all focus seemed to be on what or whomever he was going to meet. Which only served to excite him, what interesting character was he to meet next?

His question was answered as soon as he entered the containment cell, eyes taking in the large partially decomposed reptilian laying directly center of the room.

"What's this now? Are they sending D class in costumes? What an idiotic test, what is this even for? Hey! You have to be joking, is the costume supposed to be scary?" The reptile spoke at the doctors watching from behind the glass.

"Oh my, you are beautiful! Handsome? My apologies, I don't know what you prefer. I also take offense to your words, the costume is actually wonderfully helpful in scaring the intended target." Danny stepped closer to the other, inspecting their hair and exposed ribs.

"What—? I, ugh. Are you alright?" The reptile's voice held a tone of confusion.

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm wonderful. Thanks for asking! How are you? You don't seem bothered by your decomposition."

"Hm, yes. I'm fine, you—What are you?"

Danny's brows furrowed, "Pardon? I can tell you my name, but unfortunately the topic of what I am is a bit…complicated. I could say I'm human, because biologically I am. But that's really a gray area to be discovered." He tilted his head at the other, choosing to sit down, he made sure to keep a distance just in case.

"No, sorry. I meant that I can't tell if you're alive or not." The reptile corrected.

"Hm, well. I have a heartbeat, at least. I think so, I'm definitely not mechanical, but being alive or dead are really just states of being. You could be one or the other at any time, alive one moment, dead the next. Vice versa, I don't know if being one or the other affects much, but think of me as you will."

The reptile hummed, "You're amusing, what's your name?"

"Ah, which would you like?" Danny guessed that the other would've raised an eyebrow if it could.

"Tell me all of them then."

"Hah, now that's a large request. For the sake of things I'll just tell you three. You could call me Ghostface, or 6176 that the doctors love so much. Or simply, Danny."

"Hm, alright. Danny, you can refer to me as 682 or Atanti-ql-Paneu."

It was Danny's turn to hum, "Do you mind If I simply call you Paneu?"

Paneu nodded, "Why did they send you in here?"

"I am unsure, unfortunately. All I was told was "testing" although that's how it has been before meeting many of the other's."

"Other's? Who else?" Paneu's voice took an intrigued tone.

"Well, I had the pleasure of meeting 035 first, then I think it was 173. 049 was interesting, then I met 096, and now you."

"You've been around, then. Why are they using you to test other SCPs?"

"I'd say it has something to do with my abilities, but I'm not confident that's all it is."

"Your…abilities, what are they?"

Danny giggled happily as fog danced in his lap, covering the floor underneath him. He sunk into the fog, keeping his head out for a moment before disappearing. Paneu moved closer to the fog in interest, only to move back when Danny jumped out of the darkness.

"I didn't know what you preferred, so I just grabbed a variety." He set the multitude of soda cans onto the floor between them. Taking a cola for himself, he enjoyed the crisp snap as he opened it.

"Where did you get these?"

"Huh? The vending machine in the cafeteria, why?"

Paneu shook their head, "I was just curious, so you can freely travel through this fog of yours?"


"What about traveling with other's?"

Danny raised an eyebrow and smiled, opening his mouth to speak when the speakers turned on. "6176, testing is over, make your way to the chamber doors."

He rolled his eyes, "No fun, oh well, as much as I would love to explore that idea if yours. I have my own matters at the moment, although. We can always explore that possibility at another date~"

Paneu hummed, teeth baring just slightly more than before. Danny didn't bother dealing with the doors, simply passing through them with his fog. Standing in front of the doctor, he handed him the opened can of cola and smiled.

"What's next doc?"

Idk how I feel about this chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it, I need sleep, so I’ll do that and get back to this chapter if it needs any fixing. Let me know your thoughts, I can’t think of anything else to say so….

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