

They met when they never should have. Pushed together and then pulled apart by the world. Catrina and Alex's worlds collide. Her dark, tortured soul was born in secrets and lies. His ruthless, eccentric personality protects what he forged with lies and deception. After losing everyone she has ever loved at the hands of a manipulative, ruthless psychopath Cameron 'El Demonio' Navarr, it becomes Catrina 'Cat' Banning's mission as an Undercover CIA Agent to seek revenge against him. At all costs. Her life takes an unexpected turn when, eight years later she comes face to face with her past. Alexander Michael James Knight has had a tough upbringing. His story may read like the typical 'rags-to-riches'. But he has had to sacrifice his dreams and true self to raise his family legacy - Knight Inc to new heights. A new device made by the company catches the attention of 'El Demonio' that has the power to destroy the world in the wrong hands. He has to protect all that he has built. At all costs. Even if he has to stand up against his past. Will they ever be able to uncover the secrets and lies between them? Will they ever find out about the other's deception? Can they overcome their past to reunite?

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150 Chs


Cat turned around to see goon number two holding Luke at gunpoint. Her blood ran cold and her mind focused on the man trying to harm her son. She absently noted that Mia was not with them so that meant she hadn't been caught.

She refused to look into Luke's eyes lest she lost it and just attacked the man. She didn't want to make any rash moves that might prove fatal.

"Help me up," Came the pathetic voice from the ground.

Mucahit threatened her with his dark eyes revealing certain death and pain he wanted to gift her with. She stared back at him impassively.

"Now, slowly step away from the boss and make no sudden moves or I'll blow his brains out," The creepy guy taunted as he pointed his gun at Luke. She chose to listen to the warning underneath his words as she was currently out of plays.

Now, Luke mouthed when she happened to glance at him and backed away from the villain.