
Chapter Fifty-five

" Look from now, the new Sofia. " Sofia said to them all. 

" What do you intend to do Ma'am? " Sarah asked her. She was still astonished by Sofia's appearance.

Sofia smiled a little and said to them, " Watch from now. " 

She went to the table in the room, where Eva dropped her food earlier that day and began to dig in. Eva and Sarah exchanged glances. None of them understood what Sofia meant or was trying to do. They shoved off the idea with the fact that Sofia has told them to watch. They stayed in the room discussing and playing.



Valerie returned to the dining room. She already lost her appetite but didn't want to be unnecessarily questioned by Smith and Albert, so she sat down and continued eating. 

" Are you ok? " Smith asked her when she returned.

" Yes Daddy. " She replied. She put down her face and continued eating as she didn't want to meet Smith's gaze.



After eating, Valerie and Albert decided to prepare a mini party for Clifford's return. Albert went to meet the guards in other to prepare for it. While, Valerie went to meet the maids.

" Where did she go to? " Valerie asked the maids in the kitchen. All of them kept quiet because they didn't know where she went. The  silence irritated Valerie that she hit the cupboard with a basin, scaring everyone present in the kitchen.

" Ma'am, she left a while ago. " One of them said in a shaky tone.

" That fool. " Valerie cursed. " Just because i allow her some freedom, doesn't give her the audacity to misuse it as she likes. "

Valerie sat in the kitchen as she watched the maids wash the utensils. She also told them about the preparation.

" So who will cook?  Because I wouldn't want that fool to do that. " The maids remain quiet. Valerie pointed at one of them and ordered her to work as the chief maid of the day, more especially during the mini party.

She also instructed them on what to cook and tasked the maid to resume duty immediately.

" Ma'am. " She bowed. " Ma'am Eva, is with the key to the store. " 

Valerie flashed her an angry look. " Come forward. " She said to the maid and she did. The maid bowed and continued looking down.

" Raise up your face. " The maid did as she was told and before she realized what was about to happen, a heavy slap landed on her cheeks. The maid fell to Valerie's feet and began crying. 

" The next time you address her as ' Ma'am ' You'll have me to contend with.  Now go and look for her or wait for more punishment now! " The maid ran out of the room immediately, while the other maids remained in the kitchen each fidgeting. 

" Same goes to all of you. " Valerie said and stormed out of the room. The other maids in the room breathed out a sigh of relief when Valerie left.



Eva decided to leave Sarah and the rest ( Sarah, Sofia Lady Lily and Mira) in the room, in other to check up on the maids in the kitchen. When she got into the kitchen, she noticed the absence of one of the maids. She enquired from the other maids about her. Eva got so upset when she found out about Valerie's actions. She instructed one of the maids to go in search of the other maid. Eva left the kitchen again and headed towards Lady Lily and Mira's room.

It was Mira that opened the door when she knocked. Eva wanted to complain immediately she entered the room but she kept quiet when she noticed that Sofia was making a call.

" Thank you, Aunty. " Sofia said to her Aunt. Aunt Mary called to check on her after a while of not hearing from Sofia. Sofia told her all the good things she could think of and omitted the negative experiences she had in the Smiths residence as she didn't want to cause her so much worry. She swept Eva a quizzical look immediately she dropped her phone.  Eva began narrate all that happened in the kitchen leaving out nothing. 

" That lady is indeed crazy. " Mira said.

" I agree totally with you. From the last experience she had with Eva. " Sarah added. Everyone looked at her in askance and Eva began to narrate how she saw Valerie in a devastated mood and with the room dirty (and other details).

Everyone sighed when Eva had finish telling them the story.

" I want to cook for the mini party. " Sofia said to Eva. Everyone looked at her with eyes bugged out.

" You want to cook? " Lady Lily asked.

" Yes, Ma'am. " Sofia answered her. " Go and prepare the maids, I'll join you in a jiffy. " 

Eva left for the kitchen. The maids were already waiting for her to return. When she did,  she saw the maid Valerie slapped. Her cheeks were slightly swollen and reddened. Eva consoled her and took her to her own room. She gave her some herb drinks to take and asked her to lie down on her bed. She locked the maid inside the room and went back to the kitchen.

Sofia also joined them almost immediately after Eva returned to the kitchen.

The maids in the kitchen bowed when they saw Sofia. 

" Eva get everything necessary for cooking fried rice, chicken and Salad. " Sofia ordered. Eva organized the maid and they brought everything, Sofia told them to bring. Sarah, Lady Lily and Mira also came to assist them in the kitchen. Sofia took over the cooking aspect.

" Wow. " Mira exclaimed when she had a taste of Sofia's food. " This is awesome Ma'am. " 

Sofia smiled and thanked her for ths compliments. Every other person marveled at the first drop of the food in their mouths.

" Aunt Mary taught me well. " She revealed.



Valerie was busy in the sitting room with Albert. She was handling the aspect of decoration. She was well groomed in that area and achieved a great design at the end of the day.

" This is great. " Albert commented. Smith was also happy with what he saw in the sitting room, he commended Valerie for a work well done. 

Albert went off to the nearest supermarket and got some snacks that will be eaten with the main meal during the party. Everyone waited earnestly for Clifford's return.

Valerie left for the kitchen she finished the decoration in the sitting room. The kitchen was locked when she arrived. " Where did they go to? " She wondered. 

She headed straight to Eva's room. Sarah was the one that opened the door when she heard a knock. She was marveled to see Valerie.

" Why is she here? " Sarah thought inwardly.

" Is Eva in here? " Valerie asked her.

She nodded in response. Valerie flashed her an angry look and before Valerie said anything else, Sarah spoke, " Yes Ma'am. "

Valerie walked into the room and Sarah shifted to a corner. She got so upset when she saw Eva sitting comfortably, playing with a toy.

" What are you doing? " Valerie asked her.

Eva stood to her feet and said nothing. Valerie walked to where she was, grabbed the toy and hit it on the mirror in the room and then a crash sound which made everyone's heart skip.

" What have you to show for the party! " Valerie screamed at her.

Anger and hatred for the woman standing before her, grew in Eva's mind. She eyed Valerie furiously and Valerie grabbed a book on the table beside her and immediately flung to Eva's direction. Eva dodged the attack.

" Now, go to that kitchen and show me what you've done! " Valerie stormed out after that and Eva followed suit.

Valerie waited for Eva to unlock the door. She personally supervised all that was prepared in the kitchen. " I need to have a thirst of the chicken. "

Eva got a plate and put a very big part of the chicken for Valerie to taste.

" Puwaa... " Valerie spat on Eva's face when she had, had a taste of the kitchen. " Is this what you have to offer? " She asked angrily. She scoffed and then said, " Let's see what happens at the party. " Valerie left the kitchen while Eva broke into tears. She washed off the dirts from her face and left the kitchen.

While she headed towards Lady Lily and Mira's room, she met John on her way. John saw Eva while he was returning to his room and walked to meet her. However, he was at loss when he saw her face soaked in tears.

" Eva . " He called her.

Eva stopped when she heard her name. She turned around to see John coming towards her. She broke into tears immediately. John became confused on what to do. He hugged her and consoled her for a while before they both walked into Lady Lily and Mira's room.

Everyone in there looked at Eva in askance when they saw her that way. John greeted the occupants in the room and settled down with Eva. It was then that Eva narrated all that happened to her. It became a matter of discussion and they talked about what they'll do each time Valerie hurts any of them. 



Clifford arrived that evening with two of his friends, Harry and Freddie. They went straight to Smith's room when they came. They bowed in respect when they saw Smith and he welcomed them.

" You didn't tell me, you will bring your friends along. " Smith said to Clifford.

" They'll return to their houses this night. " Clifford replied him.

" Oh no. You'll stay here for the next three days. I'm not sending you out. " 

" Thank you Sir. " Freddie and Harry said in unison. 

" Let's go over to the sitting room and dine to our fill. " Smith told them.

While they were with Smith, a maid ran and told Valerie about their return. Immediately Clifford stepped into the sitting room, Valerie rushed and hugged him. She also exchanged pleasantries with his friends and Albert did same. Everyone walked to the dinning table and the maids began serving them. Eva was there to direct them on what to do. While, Sarah was in the kitchen supervising the bringing in and out of foods.

They began eating and talking over the meals as well. They nodded to the sweet taste of the dishes.

" Mmmmm. Who made this delicious meal? " Clifford asked. He licked his lips while looking at the meals. Eva didn't know whether to tell him that it was Sofia. She decided to claim to be the person who cooked it, in other not to implicate Sofia. But before she could say anything, a voice said from behind, " I did. "

" Sofia? "

" Smith "...

" Albert "...

" Valerie "...